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Everything posted by Renai

  1. Well, I won't need the shower cap as my hair is really short, but I love me some lavender. Mmmmmm.... Thanks!
  2. We see her performance on Friday, and bring her home on Saturday. Although the place is only 2 hours away, it looks like we'll be spending the night up there. We'll watch it when I see her again. She actually likes you random strangers on the internet. "you" as in the ITT folks. Not just any random stranger, k? She gets a kick out of all of us and asks me what is going on in the ITT.
  3. It's about the job. I'd like to say no, and just stay home, but the decision isn't easy. I'm supposed to tell her something tomorrow. Oldest dd says to take the job, but that means homeschooling is 97% off the table. I could do it, but I don't know if she could handle it. Friends, you know? (or at least the semblance of having friends...)
  4. Just got off the phone with oldest dd. She was crying because she was so disappointed she didn't get a solo. :( She was apologizing to me for not getting it. I was like, she's not there to get a solo, she's there to learn. Poor gal.
  5. Hmm, I know many dvds can be switched to Spanish, so getting dvds at the library are your best bet. Amazon Prime just is not good for Spanish language shows like Netflix has. I have our Netflix on with a Spanish default. I'll go through my Netflix list and see which are kid shows in Spanish, or might be available in Spanish. It'll be a bit later though as I'm supposed to be doing homework, lol!
  6. Oops, wrong links. Picture frame http://prezi.com/eafwifs_mvxn/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Blocks http://prezi.com/bd6dvv7kslqd/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Random http://prezi.com/sbvjnh_6ckwy/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
  7. And on top of that, I'm still trying to figure out which template to use for my presentation tomorrow. I'm having a decision crisis. I can't even really start with deciding on info to put into the presentation until I know the template (I have an outline, no details). I'm so visual. Help! Picture frame http://prezi.com/eafwifs_mvxn/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Blocks http://prezi.com/bd6dvv7kslqd/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Random http://prezi.com/sbvjnh_6ckwy/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy (background color can be changed) ETA: changed the links
  8. Welcome! This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they'll continue posting forever just because... It is the thread that never ends... I can't remember the second verse. :D
  9. . . . . . . (desperately searching for junk food...)
  10. He may not be able to get help through the district, but they are required by law to identify students that may need assistance through the evaluation process of Child Find. Here's info on the law: The portion that covers up to age 3 is Part C of IDEA. That part of the law only states that those children that have been identified already by age 2 should be receiving services by age 3. If states choose, they can use a certain percentage of the Part C funds to to extend coverage to ages 3-5 (depends on funding). This does not mean they can refuse to evaluate your son now. They are obligated to identify and evaluate all children from birth to age 21. http://www.wrightslaw.com/info/child.find.index.htm http://www2.ed.gov/programs/osepeip/index.html
  11. Yep. Glory until tomorrow. I still have to make a decision...
  12. I say I'm doing homework, then get distracted with something else. Out of every 3 hours, maybe an hour of that is actually dong homework. :huh:
  13. I'm okay working full time, but I know the rest of the house will suffer. Unless I get going with Konmari real quick! I know she cannot attend the other session because it is a state prek program. It is what I've done before and know the rules, and a child can only be enrolled in one program I've never been wanted before.
  14. I wish I could actually sweat. I seem to just get icky.
  15. So, I did take the call even though it was near the end of dd4's dance class. She told me that she's been thinking about it and doing interviews and she just thinks I'm the one for the job. It seems we've both been thinking about it, both reluctant to call the other about options, but she said she decided that by golly she'd call me. She asked what could she/they do to help me, as she knew there were difficulties with my daughter. I explained little's anxiety and I could not put her in full time daycare as it has been progressively getting worse, not better over the last 2 years. When she figured dd is prek age, she said they could put her in my class.. Now the classes are two half day sessions, so what about the other half? She said she'll figure something out, but she wanted me to work there. She said a bunch of other things that would've made me blush had I been white. :D So, there it is. She wants me there. Little one can be in my class (or the one next door), and she can work something out for her for the other half day. I told her I'll talk to my dh tonight and call her tomorrow.
  16. So, that was a nice workout. I'm glad I've done zumba at dd's dance studio for a few weeks each semester for the last 4 years or I'd have been lost.
  17. Phew, that felt good. I even almost sweated a little bit.
  18. I decided to zumba instead and try out one of my new dvds.
  19. that's what my google docs is for. and memo on the phone. Because I can never find a pen anymore, although I do have a notebook. And checklists. I'm a list person.
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