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Everything posted by Renai

  1. I got through chapter 4 listening while gardening. I'm going to exercise now with the little one, then start on homework as she does hers. I think her homework will consist of R&S Preschool books, pattern blocks, and puzzles. I'm not sure though because I usually pick something and let her choose whatever she wants. I'll see if she wants to play with the cuisenaire rods today. I haven't pulled those out in a while. Aw look. She found a dinosaur page, colored and cut out one of the dinosaurs, and put it in an envelope. Now she wants to mail it. Got to go!
  2. I got through chapter 4 of Genesis, listening to it while working in the garden. I will read other portions throughout the day - or listen, as today is really full. I had several thoughts while listening earlier, so I need to jot those down now before I forget. Toodles!
  3. Going back to the method vs materials focus. There are already so many sources for getting curriculum reviews - not just online, but real books - that WTM can focus on the method. I would hate to see it get so caught up in what to use, that a person thinks they can't homeschool classically without certain materials. That is what happened to me. I couldn't get certain materials, and I strayed away from the classical method. In the classical method, we should be able to pick up whatever material fits our kids and use it in a classical manner - if we know how. That was what reeled me in in the 1st edition, before getting caught up in the "what to use." If we know how to use materials, the what-to-use isn't so important. The emphasis on how to homeschool classically and adapting whatever one has to do so, should remain the focus. Not a curriculum list. Someone else mentioned the trade books vs texts. I agree with that. Trade books are more flexible and conducive to adaptations.
  4. Booya? ETA: Yeah! This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends...
  5. I think I'm going to listen to the Bible as I garden outside. It is Genesis, and I've read through that enough times to listen to it this morning.
  6. My day today looks like this: Bible Exercise Garden Homework (and remember to feed the youngest kid and acknowledge her existence periodically)
  7. So, I had to look it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzk4l2NYx_Y
  8. Friday. Oldest dd's performance is on Friday, then I bring her home on Saturday. I think we'll be spending the night up there, although it's only a couple of hours away.
  9. I was in the bed by 1:45 this morning and woke around 7:30. Not too bad.
  10. Yeah, I've done a lot of bs. Very convincing bs. Like the adult ESL student that I'm tutoring and writing logs about. Not. I don't have a student. I have a lot of great ideas for tutoring this student though. I just imagine my husband, but a bit more cooperative. I used to have a real student (child), but the parents flaked. So, I had to get another one really fast and catch up on all the tutoring sessions. :willy_nilly:
  11. Well, I do wash clothes by hand as our little portable washer is on the blink, so... :tongue_smilie:
  12. I've decided to do my walking dvd tomorrow, going for 3 miles. I'll probably later do the AM pilates. That is always a good workout (that I keep forgetting I have). I also printed out the Bible reading chart. I'm not sleeping yet because I'm dong homework. yes, it is never-ending. The thing is, I just realized that my daughter's performance isn't next Sunday, it's next Friday. Dh has stated he cannot go, because he has to stay to pick up his check. I still haven't found my glasses. I'm not sure if I should try to get a ride with a friend that might go, or go on my own and spend the night. Her last day is on Saturday. I didn't want to make two trips. I thought we were going to go, help her pack, she perform, then we all go home. It doesn't look like it will be that way. So, that means I have less time than I thought to get homework done. This is the last week for both of my classes. Both have major assignments due - one on Thursday, the other on Sunday. Both have discussion posts due (Monday and Wednesday), both have reflections (one on Saturday, the other on Sunday), and one has a chapter summary and a tutoring log due on Sunday. I'm so done with this.
  13. Doing homework. And lying through my teeth, er, through the keyboard anyway.
  14. Grate it first, let it drain, and measure it out for more zucchini bread. Then freeze it. Dh will thank you with more zucchini bread on a whim because the zucchini part is already done. You're welcome. :D
  15. She is enrolled in the Tues/Thur class. I just need to get the deposit in. Will be doing it this week. If hsing doesn't happen, it's not a lot of money to be out.
  16. Have been in that situation a long time, but do have a spouse to help. I ditto much of what has been said above, including that it sucks. Do you have a Freecycle(.org) in your area? I have been given art supplies, books, texts, an art easel, office supplies like pens, paper, pencils, file folders, 3-ring binders, a computer(!) all kinds of things through that. People have things they want to throw out but are in too good condition, so they give it away. You go to the website and see if there is one in your area. There are various yahoo email groups across the country.
  17. I was scared to look. Hmmm. 41 in the past 6 months, which beats my whole 2014 total of 32. Someone hates to get in the car and go shopping... :leaving: Well, the most recent is because I had shop for oldest dd's camp, and then I've been sending stuff to her there since she's there for a month.
  18. IF oldest homeschools, she'll be doing Jann's online geometry course. I was able to get the book used for a song. I haven;t got the calculater yet because if she goes to school, it's a different calculator than what she'll need there. The one the school wants us to have is well over $100. If VHG sets up my conversation lab, your boys will be able to talk to me every week. :D
  19. Nope, no offense taken. It has been building to this point. It got progressively worse when youngest was born (although he said he'd stop before she was born...)
  20. Go to prezi.com. If you go back to school, you can get a free education account which has more booya than the regular free account. For now, you can play around on the regular free account (which I don't know the difference...). All you're doing is setting up slides, just like you do in powerpoint. The slides just behave differently is all, and you get a good view of the whole before breaking down into parts and back to the whole again. It's way cool. As you get used to setting up regular slides, you learn this other cool stuff you can do too. Last presentation, I learned how to fade things in so they don't show up right away when looking at the overview. Here's the one y'all helped me with last time: http://prezi.com/tq7cb6v918ui/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share
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