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Everything posted by Renai

  1. Ah! I forgot to mention that Shakeology is just protein powder. I don't buy it because it's way too expensive (it's Beachbody's brand). I just use vegan protein powder from Walmart. The recipe calls for vanilla protein and I have some in the pantry. I still haven't made them yet!
  2. We always have bouts of EdPos. We haven't done a graduation EdPo yet, have we? (I mean, some of us have graduated kids, but I don't remember the discussions). Dancer and I had planned to do the graduation with the homeschool conference. The family sends in a presentation that is played on the big screen while they (family) talk about their graduate and gives them their diploma. Each family gets a turn, so the graduates are really spotlighted. It's done on the Thursday night before the main conference events happen. It is very tastefully done. In the end, Dancer decided she didn't want to do it. 😞
  3. It's from Beachbody. I'm a little skeptical (pumpkin puree???), but am going to try it anyway. It took me a while to find the recipe on the website because I got it out of my private group initially. Here's the link: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/shakeology-copycat-peanut-butter-cups
  4. The texts for Destinos can be purchased cheaply on Amazon. There was also a website with the audio exercises posted free, but I'd have to find it (may take a while).
  5. I'm going to try my hand at making some copycat peanut butter cups made from protein powder, powdered peanut butter, semi sweet chocolate chips, and stuff.
  6. What revival? Ooohhh, so that's what that piece is called! Little Dancer has a big vocabulary; we just don't understand most of it... I do understand, "I no wan it!" She has that down packed.
  7. We go to the laundromat, so everything is folded before we put them in the bags. WHEN they get from the bag to a closet or drawer....
  8. I see it hasn't been made any easier to use since it was the talk of the town back in ... the day 😅. A wealth of information though, and free workbooks. I was asking a friend about it a couple of months ago because I couldn't remember the name and wanted to get back to it. It's a great find; thanks for sharing.
  9. Moral: Don't be the parent of X+1 baby. Get to church on time.
  10. Snow last night. Schools here went from a 2-hour delay to being closed. Over 100 closings or delays around the state. Which isn't surprising. Where Dancer and her boyfriend work, a little further north, their jobs are still open! They had to drive here to drop off the baby (usually a 50 minute drive, took longer due to treacherous roads) first, then drive through our area, and the other areas where they are most likely closed, to get to their jobs that are still business as usual. Dumb businesses! But, daycares and LANL don't care. It takes a LOT for LANL to close.
  11. SOAP! BOX! SOAP! BOX! SOAP! BOX! It's an issue when you can't get enough volunteers. No one wants to be in a classroom with high ratios, not even regular teachers. So, you won't get volunteers if they think they'll be stuck with a lot of kids with little help, which exacerbates the problem of not having enough volunteers in the first place. It IS an issue.
  12. Yeah, there are rules for adult v children ratios (can vary by state). I think here, it is 1v3 for infants. If there aren't enough volunteers, there is no nursery. Close the nursery a few times, more people may step up to volunteer. It is a safety AND liability issue. Period.
  13. My husband always drives. I drive very little at night. And my car has been dysfunctional since the beginning of December.
  14. At the skating rink. We go almost every Friday (we've known the owners for years), but I kept forgetting to ask. When I did last Friday, mine were the only keys in a huge jar, lol!
  15. Oh! I forgot to mention: I FOUND MY KEYS!!!! It's been a month that they were missing (car is not running, so there was no rush).
  16. I've been trying to move my exercise time to the mornings. Mid-mornings, to be exact. For me to be consistent, it needs to be a consistent time (thus, my current 10pm-11:30pm range). I can't do afternoons, because Gymnast has activities 4 afternoons/early evenings per week. It can't be when I get up to work, because I get up early enough already, and my dear Lord knows I am not going to get up earlier to exercise. So, it leaves mid-mornings, which are free, except, you know, homeschooling. I can do a math lesson and have her do the independent work while I exercise, though (we're using Saxon now). I'm working on it... as for now, it is 10:39pm and it is time to exercise before bed.
  17. Yes, we usually get snow. It's actually been a pretty dry winter though; we're still in a drought. The latest snow I remember was a few years ago, the day before Mother's Day. 😁 I remember being in Dallas during one ice storm...it was in 1998. Not pleasant.
  18. You should have seen all the texts about veggie smoothies. I was on a roll on Saturday!
  19. Is there an animal shelter that will do it? When one of our dogs was passing (breathing fast, etc.), we sat next to him and petted him and told him he could go. He passed shortly after. If you don't have homemade pintos and want refried, can I suggest using whole pintos in a can instead of refried beans in a can? When the beans are already mashed, it takes on a strong canned flavor. Just have some extra whole beans in a can for the times you don't have homemade, rinse them, then mash them yourself. I try to have one or two cans of whole pintos on hand just in case we run out of the homemade. No. Is there another name for this dish?
  20. Oh! I forgot spinach. He adds spinach to his smoothies, about a handful. I'm pretty sure all together it's about a pound. He'll drink it all within an hour. For me, it would be a couple of meals (along with real food 🤪.
  21. I didn't know this! I thought tutors were paid for trials. We also use it for Chinese, and have also used it for trumpet and violin tutors. One tutor we found taught Suzuki violin in Spanish, so that was cool (we are a bilingual English/Spanish family). We've had pretty good success with the platform, and the tutors overall are cheaper than the ones on italki. As with getting any tutor in a different time zone, it can be difficult to line up schedules sometimes.
  22. A pound of veggies is actually easy. Dh drinks 1-2 green smoothies a day, mixing beets, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, ginger (my idea), tangerine, half an apple, and a bit of lemon juice. The veggies alone are easily a pound. Since he works construction, I told him he needed to add more protein to his diet (he was also cutting back on meat at the same time), so I started him adding veggie and coconut protein to the smoothies. Since doing this, and a few other changes, the inflammation(?) from the arthritis in his hand practically disappeared. But, someone saying any diet is curing anything is dumb. I mean, I'm sure there are great health benefits, but so are cooked veggies. Some benefits of tomatoes, for example, are only obtained after cooking them. Now that dh has had success with what he's doing, he thinks to be the expert of everything diet-health related. He has the backing of a couple of YouTube doctors, so he must be right. 🙄 Maybe he'll write a book too...
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