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Everything posted by ByGrace3

  1. Anyone have any feedback on these? Which to choose and why? Specifically looking for high school biology and maybe a composition class.
  2. I did order from HMH but I was only able to do so because I was working at a small Christian school...I am no longer teaching there next year but need to do Avancemos 2 with my ds next year. I will check out Kolbe as the student access is really what I mostly need I think.
  3. oh man, that would be a bummer! I also need to figure out online access for next year.
  4. Between my two older kids, they have taken 5 Mr. D math classes. All of them have been live classes. Everyone I know who hasn't liked Mr. D tried the self paced. It is not an advanced curriculum-- it is pretty standard. We decided a standard curriculum that my kids understood and could master was best for our family. That said, my dd will be doing precalculus self paced because we wanted her to start it early and accelerate to finish by December. I think it will be fine for her but we shall see. I don't think the self paced courses would work for ds. Either option, the help sessions are invaluable.
  5. I was all set to sign ds up for a different class but the schedule is not working. Big River Academy teaches the same class with the same text. (Biology with Science Shepherd). Anyone have experience with Big River Academy, specifically with Biology or their writing courses? I am also looking at signing him up for their intermediate composition. Thanks! ETA: Looks like the Potter's School also has Biology with that text at a time that would work...
  6. ok, this was helpful. I don't know why I thought their website said 4 courses was a credit . . . my dd did do grammar also . . . I am not sure what more a credit in "composition" would include, as I know that is a class offered for public schools. It was a lot writing. I guess I can put "American Literature and Composition" or just English 10, but I didn't do that for 9th-- we did Ancient World lit and composition (but the writing last year was integrated into that class so it made sense). . .
  7. I think I was looking at the idea of adding "2.0" for a 0.5 credit course and in my mind I was seeing C=2.0 and thinking I must be not understanding. lol
  8. Thank you so much! That makes complete sense, I am not sure why I was overcomplicating it in my head.
  9. For English, American Lit seemed like a decent workload. I wasn't very involved. For composition, she wrote a 5ish page paper every 2 weeks, so about 20 or more pages every 8 week course...That seems like a lot of composition. I am inclined to give the full to credits if it won't be frowned upon. She won't ultimately need the English credit as she will be taking comp 1 and comp 2 at the local CC. Weighted GPA-- it appears a .5 credit course would bring a gpa down? am I doing something wrong? I must be, right? Anyone have an easy way to calculate weighted gpa? This is my last thing before I send it in. Almost!
  10. Ok, I apologize but I have another question . . . This year dd took American Literature with Schole Academy and took 4- 8 week courses with Lantern English (which is a composition credit). Last year I designated Ancient World Literature and composition as 1 credit, but it wasn't as much writing as this year. Would you give 2 credits for this year or just one? I currently have it as American Literature -1 and Composition-1.
  11. Ok, so maybe on the right top part where it has "school info," I should put "Homeschool information" and put parent/guardian info there with phone and email?
  12. Another question for you awesome ladies, do you fill out the same address for "Student information" and "school information"? It seems redundant but I don't know if I should put something else there or if "school info" is standard and expected at the top of the transcript?
  13. Trying to decide if this information should be included-- in 9th and 10th grade dd has taken classes with Mr D math, College Prep Science, Berean Builders, and Schole Academy, and next year she will do DE at two different schools. I know I will need to include DE info, but what about the high school classes? Does this help? muddy up the transcript?
  14. Yes, the teaching lesson is sent in a weekly email. The rough draft is graded and edited by the teacher with feedback very quickly and they use that to edit for their final draft. Yes, that is the order we took them in.
  15. We just started using Lantern this year. My ds took Essay Basics, Growing the Essay 1, Growing the Essay 2, and is now finishing up the Research Paper. My dd took The Advanced Writer, The Expository Essay 1, The Expository Essay 2, and now finishing up with Choosing and Using Sources. It has been just what we needed this year. Previously I had signed my ds up for another writing course at another online provider and it was a horrible fit for us -- very formulaic, too many rules, etc. Lantern has been just the write amount of structure without stifling for us. My kids definitely needed some time with feedback other than mom. They take my critiques so personally. It hasn't been blow my socks off but it has been steady and good. Well worth the money.
  16. My dd is set on dual enrollment next year. She missed the required Accuplacer reading score by 2 points (easily passed the writing and math) and cannot retake the test until September ... so we can try again for spring semester. Now I am scrambling a bit to make plans for Fall. Liberty is looking like a potential option so she can still dual enroll in the fall. Thinking a few classes like government and psychology ... maybe a Bible class. Then for fall she can take biology, precalculus, comp 1 and maybe one other at the CC... Any experiences?
  17. Well, this may or may not matter but I thought I would add it. My dd took the college placement test today-- she scored into advanced algebra/precalculus. She is currently in Mr. D's Algebra 2. So it looks like she is right on track. She has done Algebra 1, Geometry and now Algebra 2 with Mr. D. She went into it with a very solid conceptual understanding of math having used Math Mammoth 1-7. I am not a math person, but for my purposes in our homeschool -- Mr. D is working for us. She is getting the math scores she needs, they enjoy math. My dd said the math placement test was easy and fun. lol
  18. We have used Mr. D for years. I have average kids interested in STEM fields. Mr. D is working. Both of my older kids do the Honors option live classes. My ds makes use of the help sessions and it seems to be working for both of my kids. They both hated math and now even like it. I do think the lack of word problems is a weakness and I should supplement that. I don't think it is rigorous, but I do think it is standard level for the classes. Also, Mr. D is NCAA approved but only the live courses-- not the self paced. As for middle school classes being NCAA approved -- you only have to have the core classes approved so if you plan to use a middle school course to meet that core requirement then yes it must be approved. If you don't use an NCAA approved course, you can fill out a document --CCW I think it is with course descriptions and get it approved via NCAA. It is a pretty common process.
  19. No. At Schole it is a full credit course-- they add papers and projects, etc.
  20. My kids have done logic through Schole Academy. My older dd took Art of Argument and Discovery of Deduction. My ds is currently taking Art of Argument and is signed up for Discovery of Deduction for next school year. They have been excellent and engaging classes. Both took/will have taken Discovery of Deduction in 9th grade so I list it as Formal Logic on the transcript.
  21. Do you happen to know which lesson this is in? My kids are doing this program this year, and I suppose I need to go watch this lesson.... I have been rather hands off this year.
  22. My dd took drivers ed through the local virtual school. It was painless. However, she is a horrible test taker and CRIED through the imho very difficult test. She passed....somehow. Honestly I was really surprised -- she had no problems with the drivers ed class, no problems with all practice tests...so I was a bi shocked to see her struggle so much on the test. I suppose that could have just been her test anxiety.... She is about to take the road test next month. While I am a bit nervous, I am SO ready to have another driver!
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