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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. Actually, the dig will come to us. There's this retired archeologist who does them for ps and hs groups, mostly in NY, NJ, and eastern PA. I think DD has done ten digs so far.


    The artifacts are real (if not quite museum grade), the tools and techniques are real, using grids and brushes, and they go down about 3 feet, so by day four, all the kids are lying on the ground to reach the bottom of the dig.


    It's pretty neat.

  2. Not wanting to start a dh bash, but I'm curious...


    Here, and on that other thread with the dh not wanting dd to study nursing. Is this a thing? I mean is there a trend of husbands asserting, IDK, more conservative boundaries on their kids, or maybe on their daughters?


    If so, why is that? A heightened sense of protection that dads have about kids, and esp daughters? If not, then I'm just picking up on coincidental threads.

  3. Siding might be possible, but...


    Since siding expands and contracts, they leave little expansion gaps under the trim. I'm not sure how they'd estimate that gap when the siding is already cold and in its "shrunken" state. Not saying it can't be done, but you'd need a contractor who has done it before in the cold. Things like air lines for their nailers will be affected by cold.

  4. Even the Vatican astronomers don't buy ID. The Vatican...the one in Rome...not exactly a lefty hotbed by any measure. Well, there is the caveat that Pope B. up and fired the guy in 2005 for buckinv the party line, but it says something when a guy who is near the top of his chosen profession, working at the Vatican itself, which for a priest must be a seriously plum gig, THAT guy says ID is on the wrong track, and that faith and science can coexist:


    The Rev. George Coyne, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said placing intelligent design theory alongside that of evolution in school programs was "wrong" and was akin to mixing apples with oranges.


    "Intelligent design isn't science even though it pretends to be," the ANSA news agency quoted Coyne as saying on the sidelines of a conference in Florence. "If you want to teach it in schools, intelligent design should be taught when religion or cultural history is taught, not science."



  5. Bill Nye does not hold an extreme position.

    But he does accept a major theory supported by decades of imperical evidence from multiple disciplines, and accepts that, like all theories, it may one day be revised or disproven by new evidence. On the other side, we have a belief supported by divine infallibility, which I'm guessing could never be altered or disproven.


    This is my fundamental beef with the framing of the question. One does not "believe in" evolution any more that one "believes in" particle physics. Science is based on accepted theories that can, and are often disproved. Belief systems gain and lose followers over centuries, but I'm not sure those are evidence based trends. Believe, or don't, in the god of your choosing, but don't mix up theology and science.

  6. Check with your local or regional orchestra.  Many run concerts for kids (one hour, no intermission works well), and some may even have teacher material.   Leonard Bernstein did an acclaimed young person's guide that might be on DVD at your library, and there are similar newer versions if you poke around.

  7. This is exactly why all the threads on how to get the food budget cheaper bother me. We spend less than ever before on food.


    I've found statistics rarely move discussions, because it's too easy to assume one's own situation is typical, and therefore the graph must be off, plus there's a general trend to misinterpret stats, which someone dubbed innumeracy.  We, as the superpower, also tend not to compare ourselves globally, so it's less-than-comprehensible to grasp just how different any given situation/priorities/thinking might be on another continent.

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