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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. Cheap drawstring bags are a snap to sew with ripstop nylon if you want to spend more, or taffeta-like liner material if you want to spend less.  Either way, a slippery material will make for easier stuffing than would a cotton.  In a pinch, try big pillow cases and just roll the bags without folding them in half first.   There are also those vacu-seal space bags.

  2. Trumpet. I played for 10 years in band (started in 3rd grade after getting kicked out of choir, LOL) and was in the Seattle Imperials drum and bugle corps for 2 years in Middle School. We won our regionals my 2nd year, which included a portion of Canada, but we didn't have enough money to go to DCI.


    I had to Google that corps, but it rang a bell.  Looks like a little before I marched, but DW marched drum corps and winter guard in the early 80's and may have run into you guys!

  3. I always assumed it was like the sock monster in the dryer that eats just one sock from each pair.  Food just appeared in one or two bite servings on a huge plate.  Same with the 1/2 inch of milk in the carton.


    Yes!  Do the Research!  And see if my blue sock turns up!



    Actually, I think the Large Hadron Collider was built on the premise of delving into the one-sock problem.  They got part of the way into it before realizing the utter futility of it all and decided to look for the Higgs-Boson instead.  Even scientists know when they're beaten.

  4. I love Learned Optimism.  The beginning can be a bit of a drag, as it is indeed written by a clinical psychologist (no offense to PhDs), but you can skip right to the pages that talk about actual actions to take.   Not a cure all (nothing is), but I really like the author's approach.

  5. I've done it the other way around -- bake then freeze, and I always boil the noodles.  Moisture is an enemy in the freezer, however, so to avoid ice crystals, you really have to make the container as airtight as possible, maybe plastic wrap AND foil.


    Edit -- small protions go right from freezer to micro, but for a full pan, yes, I think you'd need to defrost a bit, but prob not completely, before oven.

  6. You haven't even gotten to the "Hoda and Kathie Lee get drunk hour." That's when the real fun begins!


    We were outside Rock Center a few years ago for another event and saw them both in that glass-walled studio.  I've heard the old camera adds ten pounds thing, but yikes.  Skeletal, both of them.  Um....ick.

  7. I doubt it. Being female and white I can't change. I choose my religion and who I have sex with.

    Well, that does make sense, and as the father of a white female, I'm intrigued as to when the choice of hetero or homosexual takes place, age-wise. I don't remember it as an event from my own childhood, but I'll admit to far less experience with female adolescence, so far, I mean.

  8. Well, to be fair, empty bottles in the fridge could be an ongoing cloud chamber experiment.  I mean, we are talking HSers here, right?  Mummified chickens and what not?  That part seems legit.  I think the math/computer model has merit.

  9. Does this rule apply to all celebrities? If a celebrity movie actor states an opinion, are people stupid enough to think that means the studio that produced a movie starring the actor must share the views of everyone on their staff?


    I would say that, historically, it applies to celebs based on their continued bankability to the studio or entertainment complex for which they generate revenue.


    Mel Gibson's repeated antisemitic rants don't seem to have hurt him long term.


    Gilbert Gottfried was fired from his job voicing the Aflac duck for tweeting "I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, ‘There’ll be another one floating by any minute now.'" and â€œJapan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. They beach comes to them.


    Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder was fired from CBS in 1988, for this on-air pearl of wisdom:  "The black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs and he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trade … the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid."


    IN 1973, Howard Cosell said "Look at that monkey run" on air while announcing a football game, but his career went on for some time.


    Inconsistency is something we tend to do very well, thank you.


    Edit -- I take no responsibility for what seem to be random changes in font size here....  odd.

  10. Is the 'powerful gay lobby' manufactured in the same place the 'war on Christmas' comes from ?


    As a matter of fact, yes.  Perhaps you've heard of Research Triangle, the designation for a region of North Carolina that contains some well known universities.


    Well, this would be the Pink Triangle.  Same idea, but very secret.  It's like the Manhattan Project, but for a gay bomb, and when it's finally detonated...well, honey, things are gonna be just fabulous!

  11. As a child, I often left a half-inch or less of juice/milk/etc. in the bottom of a glass which I would place into the refrigerator, much to the chagrin of my mother.  I don't remember my rationale for such actions, but there must have been some unspoken motivation.  Even though I haven't engaged in the practice in at least three and a half decades, it would seem I inadvertently passed this trait on to my daughter.



    Now I, too, am as baffled as my mother must have been, because whatever rationale I had at 12 was not strong enough to have stuck with me as at least a brittle, yellowed memory.  Therefore, it has to be genetic.  I'm thinking mRNA coding, but to be sure, we'll need a large data sample, some blood draws, a good lab, and of course, funding.  Also maybe an fMRI machine...and white mice, although I haven't quite worked out their purpose just yet.


    I'm not sure how much cash would be required, but I suspect it depends on the cohort size, and the black market rate for fMRIs.  Maybe it wouldn't have to involve a really big research university, but then again, there is something to be said for computer power, lab space, and a large pool of grad students willing to work for Top Ramen.


    This surely can't be the only such question worthy of academic study, so I'm open to adding additional theses under one umbrella grant, which might actually improve our chances.


    DW already wants to add an arm investigating why public school 6-8th graders find it necessary to emit piercingly high screech-like noises at random intervals during the day.


    So what data would you find useful?

  12. Replace selected words to make this dude's comments misogynistic, or racist, or antisemitic, and does it change anyone's opinion?  This will all seem so stupidly quaint to our grown kids, like witch dunking and scarlet letters.


    That he was fired for what he said shows how far we've come.


    That he has defenders show how far we have to go.



  13. You're right, of course, about the science, but that's not what Scarlett is saying.  I believe what she is trying to say is that from her perspective simply BEING homosexual is not sinful.  It's ACTING on those homosexual feelings that, the sex act itself, that is the sin.  


    I don't think she's trying to define homosexuality.  She's simply trying to say that if you are homosexual, you should not have sex with someone of the same sex because that act is sinful, according to the Bible.  


    I'm sure she will correct me if I am misinterpreting.


    It would seem much is about the doing rather than the being.  Take Leviticus 19:27 "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard."  I totally use that for no-shave days and/or if I'm short on cash for the barber.

  14. No, he is married to a man.  I am thankful we live in a state where, after years of building a life and family together, they were able to make that legally official.  His station wagon, Costco shopping, coupon clipping, PTA board, SAHD lifestyle doesn't seem, thus far, to have damaged straight people marriage.  


    I still don't like that SAHD spells "sad."  :-(


    Unfortunate acronym.

  15. I know it is cheaper to produce reality TV but if it is cheaper to produce then why isn't it cheaper for the consumer? Cable costs have only gone up and there is less and less quality programming all the time. I am not paying for that I hate those shows. 


    There was actually some press about this regarding Cablevision.  Apparently (and this is prob a simplification), channels are bundled by the content provider, e.g. Viacom, and the cable companies are contracted to take all or nothing.  So if espn is a popular channel that a lot of subscribers want, the provider has to take it with a package of junk channels that only replay the same dozen movies.


    The cable companies are getting heat from consumers who are increasingly using other outlets like Netfilx, rather than accept the bundle.  Their counter argument is that bundling the junk keeps the cost of the good channels down because there are that many more outlets for ads.  So, yeah, IF the content providers allowed de-bundling, you could buy only the five channels you watch, but it would still be a hundred bucks a month to make up for that lost junk channel ad revenue.


    Sounds both legit and shady.

  16. That is why I canceled cable. History channel was showing aliens, bravo was showing women slapping each other, I hadn't seen a video on mtv for years, A&E was too many crazy reality programs, TLC was showing trainwrecks...I really don't know what the names of networks mean anymore. :/


    From what I gather, "reality" tv is super cheap to produce -- no sets, etc.  It's just capitalism.  Honey Boo Boo gets 20 grand per episode.  Warhole was close -- everyone might be famous for 15 minutes, but he couldn't have predicted that they could bill at several thousand a minute.

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