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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. I buy the Panko bread crumbs in a box at the grocery store right next to the other bread crumbs. Panko bread crumbs are not as finely ground as the regular kind and I don't think they are already seasoned. I have used homemade breadcrumbs as well. I don't think it matters that much.



    AKA "chunky" breadcrumbs.  They seem to be all the rage in recipes, but....meh.

  2. This is simple and very good:


    Cut yams or sweet pots into chunks, about 1/2" thick

    Same for 1-2 tart apples (like Grannysmith)

    Same for 3-4 parsnips (peel first)

    Section 1 large sweet onion


    Mix 1 part honey, 1 part soy sauce, 2 parts canola oil -- microwave briefly to allow honey to loosen a bit.


    Toss everything in a bowl to coat.  Soy sauce is salty to begin with, but you can add salt and pepper to taste.


    Place in shallow baking pan and bake at 400 F, stirring often.  Check thicker veggies with fork for done-ness.  Let onions brown to your preference.


    You'll never look at root veggies the same.





  3. That is not a lack of hobbies or interests. That sounds like he is depressed.


    He needs to talk to someone. He is unhappy and there is help. It doesn't have to be like this.





    You beat me.  I re-read the same snippets you quoted and yes, this is all describing textbook depression.  It can be hard to get the squishy 3-lb organ upstairs to agree to seek treatment, but it is a treatable organ.


    I'll reiterate that letting a GP dash off a Prozac script is not the best route.  Old Doc Smith might be a swell guy, but he had one semester (maybe) of psychopharmacology twenty years ago.  A good psychiatrist will tailor and tinker with dosages and combinations to get the right fit over time.  Talk therapy can also take on a wide variety of formats, and it isn't necessarily all about your childhood.  That's mostly media myth, and it's definitely not helping.

  4. Slice grilled cheese small enough, jam it on a toothpick, and it's a "canape.". The food truck idea sounds pretty nifty, IMHO, and there is at least one grilled cheese truck out there that was profiled on tv. There are prob several.


    Ours was all buffet food, small and simple.

  5. Amazon has been outsourcing some, but not all shipping to regional shippers like Laser Ship, instead of UPS/FedEx/USPS.  It's not consistent, and varies by region, so this may or may not apply to your shipment.  I've had a couple sporadic late arrivals with Laser, and there have been other complaints online.  You might be able to tell which carrier Amazon is using on the tracking page four your order.

  6. You mean all those amazing musicians pay to be there and perform, while the football players are essentially paid to be there and play? It's a messed up world. I'd MUCH rather watch the band!

    LOL. Yup. Although to be fair, drum corps are independent non-profits, and at the world level, their annual budgets can reach a mllion a year, which includes busses and trucks for the summer tours. It ain't a cheap.

  7. LOL about the loan. DH and I actually looked into Phantom Regiment one year, but I was broke and needed to make $2400+ that summer, not spend it. I had several friends who marched Boston Crusaders, and they had to either pay out the nose or find business sponsors.

    Yeah, not a cheap activity, especially whith kids flying in for camps.

  8. The Seattle Imperials performed and I think placed 11th, in DCI in 1980, but ran short of funds a few years later when I joined. I actually think we were better the year we won regionals than their performance in 1980, the 1980 DCI performance is on YouTube. I recognized a few people that were still there when I joined, including the drum major and the soloist, he had some amazing chops. The drum major was even better by the time I joined, and she was nice, too.


    I joined with a friend who played trumpet with me in middle school, we were like everyone's little sister, most of the members were in high school or college. They made sure we were protected from any crazy goings on when we travelled in the region, we did have enough funds to travel within the region, just not enough to travel to DCI, sadly.


    What corps was your wife in? We traveled around the Pacific Northwest and to close competitions in Canada, and some of the California corps came up at times.

    She marched PAL, the inventive name for the corps sponsored by the Philadelphia Police Athletic League, but her first year was '81, when finals were in Montreal. I joined in '84, and we tooled around the Garden State Circuit, then went to finals in Atlanta, placing somewhere mid-pack in the smallest division. PAL folded half way through the '85 season, so I marched Garfield in '86-87, and took out a loan to send DW to Phantom Regiment in '87 - the year they did Nutcracker and Swan Lake.


    DW saya she remembers Seattle Imperials. Didn't they also have a winter guard?

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