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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. See, now this is a neurology experiment going on right here, because reading sawdust and sunscreen (Coppertone, yes, but first we used Sea & Ski) brings up more hidden olfactory memories.   Sawdust from my dad's ancient, most likely dangerous ShopSmith table saw.  Piles and piles of sawdust, mostly pine.

  2. Some old books are now the only place to get that certain paper-y smell that I once associated with the wooden drawers and and yellowing card stock in a good old card catalog.  Kinda sour, but not really.  There's an accompanying sound, too.


    That does it for me more than crayons and Elmer's glue.

  3. I wonder if that show falls under "Arts" or "Entertainment."  Remember when A&E was the cultured channel, and TLC had educational stuff, and the History Channel was all about history?  Now it's all side show all the time.   Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



  4. DCI? Which corps?


    Trumpet player here too. I haven't played outside the house since college (or inside the house until a few weeks ago). When I get my chops back and the kids are a bit older, I might get back into performing.


    Garfield (which dates me right there, because it was the last year they were called that), 1986-87




    DW marched Regiment's guard that year ('87), though we met in 1984 in a dinky little class A-60 corps in Philly.  First date was at DCI finals in Atlanta.  (Awwwwwww....)


    EMBED not allowed for this one.


    So yeah, I married a color guard girl. :blush:

  5. So...You're going to do something with that now and link to it so all the homeschool wives can buy a stuff with that on it for their husbands, right?:D

    I suppose I could, but I'd have to change the text to read homeschool husbands, because, while I know from asking that "homeschool dad" is typically used to describe the working spouse of a hsing mom, as an actual dad-who-homeschools, I'm unwilling to water down the distinction. Now that you mention it, tho, maybe I should put all those other hs graphics and fleece the whole board for $29.99 a pop.


    See, now I'll be up late plotting. Thanks.

  6. I started trumpet late, in 7th grade, but still managed to win a world championship when I was 21, and haven't formally played since.


    During the dotcom boom, I was a self taught animator/coder for a start-up in NYC, and did comedy work for corporate humor writers (CEO's are not naturally funny).  Sometimes I miss those gigs.

  7. I just bought chocolate. Well, "chocolate," as it is white "chocolate," for the kids' stockings. I've set aside a major prejudice to accommodate their wishes. :)


    I will buy that too.  And I will eat it in a box with a fox, sir.  However, I will also stoop to snatching thrice-daily handfuls of 70% chocolate chips I ostensibly bought to make cookies and/or pancakes.  If enough survive to the weekend, well....there's natural selection for ya right there.

  8. I'm not SKL so I could be entirely mistaken, but I think she was just pointing out that there are certain hot-button issues and topics that get the same response from the same people, over and over again.



    This, I will buy.

  9. I guess if I'd said Darwinist evolution it would have been closer to the religion discussion... either one gets the same reaction from certain people....



    Mixing up evolution and theology is like going to the podiatrist for a brain tumor -- you're even farther off target.

  10. But dare say you don't believe in global warming ....  :leaving:


    Now, mixing up your science and theology is a bit like seeing a proctologist for a brain tumor.  You can do it, but don't expect stellar results.

  11. And of course, then there's the whole nasty practice of balance-billing, which partly relies on consumers not knowing their state statutes.  I've quoted legislation paragraph and line numbers to phone reps and that is a really quick way to end a call!

  12. They high-ball because they'll get a little less than half from insurance.  You're also paying a percentage for every uninsured ER case.  You're also paying for docs not on salary, but who work on fee-for-service.  Prob a list of other things endemic to the current system.

  13. DD uses it a lot, and for a time I called her out on it, but then decided there were more important issues in the world, so, like, no big deal.  I found myself sounding a bit too 1950's, yelling at all those ruffians to get off my lawn with their crazy rock and roll and evil, swiveling hips and whatnot.

  14. Just want to clarify that, as a pagan, I am not "worshiping" the tree. We bring evergreens and holly into the house this time of year as a reminder of those things that stay green and alive through the darkest, coldest days of winter. It's a celebration of the fact that the winter solstice means warmer, sunny days ahead. FTR we don't "worship" anything-- we're just celebrating the change of seasons and cyclical nature of life. (Obviously I don't speak for all pagans.)


    /end hijack :)

    That, IMHO, is very cool.

  15. I did take a moment to look at some local properties for sale with large enough land lots to interest me. It was actually quite amusing for one to see some rather impressive lots available right now in our rural-ish county and to also realize that I'm still only turned on by 100+ year old houses. Clearly I have learned nothing in the past 6 years -- though with a winning ticket, I could actually solve the multitude of problems an old house brings.


    But I'm guessing I'll just have to settle for what is and I'm perfectly good with that too.



    I always have a running list of favs picked out, you know, just in case....


    Historic Home listings


    and another


    and another.


    With enough cash to do a thorough gut-job, anything is possible - even a full blown house move.  I haven't calculated exactly how much to ship a castle or villa over stone by stone, but it's only money.

  16. Can't you see that my chosen font is subtlety tinged with gold?  I got one number, so that must count for something, as I sit here inside a sleeping bag, waiting for the woodstove to edge the inside temp above 60.


    The work I had planned -- the foundations....the minions....

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