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Posts posted by ThatHomeschoolDad

  1. Gobstopper is a real sweety - it's the 'everlasting' that might be harder to find.



    Oh... Jawbreakers. Very 1970's of my childhood. The big ones were a thrill when you passed by that, this-will-now-exactly-fit-in-my-windpipe moment.


    There's a youtube time lapse of a couple with way too much free time slowly devouring a huge homebuilt gobstopper over many days. Yikes.

  2. I agree, as DD's cls is awesome. It also makes working with mental health pros less unusual or scary, or....


    Which is something the adult population really needs to learn.


    Edit - if you find the acronym RPT after a name - registered play therapist, that's good, as I've found DD needs a connection from, as she puts it, her little girl self to her teen self.

  3. It sounds developmental, and normal. DD will be 13 this month and has had an uptick in anxiety. My onco sw, dd's child life spec, and dw, the middle school teacher all confirm it's pretty normal.


    DD is aware of it and has taken a keen interest in understanding. We got one book - Care and Feeding of Your Adolescent Self (i think) that she likes, and there seem to be similar amazon titles.

  4. It depends on whether the Constitution specifically contained language protecting the rights on round earth believers. Which, if I'm reading your snarky insinuations correctly, ours does.

    As belief protection yes. It becomes a wider concern if it affects policy, which could be local (see Dover, PA pushback), and/or funding decisions of, say, the NSF, which affects our national standing, ability, and common good.

  5. It does not only *some* of the religious do, which isn't the same thing.


    There are many people of faith who have a passion for science.

    Agree 100%. Saw an interview with the priests that run the Vatican observatory - impressive, enlightened, and seem to have no problem integrating veiry high levels of faith and science. A model for lay people on all sides.

  6. If an omnipotent God wanted to, He could create a light that merely appears "old". His motivation for doing so is what I have trouble wrapping my brain around. I don't disagree with the YEC's that it COULD have happened that way. God can do anything. But just because He *CAN* do something, doesn't necessarily mean that He did.

    I'm glad you brought up divine motivation, as I think it applies across the faith/science conversation, whether it be evolution, physics, etc.


    As literature, the "character" of God radically changes from wrathful to benevolent. If God is all-loving for the children created in his image, why fool us? Why gift some with the brains, passion, and drive to devote a life to study only to pull the rug out? Haha. Fooled all you paleontolgists. Physicists! Suckers! Your life's work was a sham of MY doing.


    Beside all the evidence arguments, beside the faith arguments, it would seem to in part come down to loving or spiteful divene motivation, which are two very different Gods, indeed, which don't seem to fit with the texts on which the belief is based.


    Not bashing religion, but wishing it didn't see science as apart from the same valuable human experience.

  7. Not tooooo off topic, but I caught a great RadioLab last nite about coral fossil rings showing earth years used to have over 400 days becausr the moon was closer, and, like a figure skater with her arms pulled in, we spun faster (your winter olympic hs tie in for the day). The moon is also getting farther away from us by a few inches each year, and Usain Bolt could confuse a rooster on Venus:



  8. I stopped when my cancer mets'd and I A) decided the money wasn't worth it, and B) started getting so many blood draws and surgeries that had I not cut out the fiah oil, I'd bleed out like a fountain.


    Edit, well, now I know bee parentheses gives me sunglasses on my phone. Spiffy.


    And btw, since I saw, rather than read Hitchiker's guide, I had no idea there was an R in SlaRtibaRtfast beacuse the Brit actor said it Slahteebaharfahst.

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