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Pat in MI

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Everything posted by Pat in MI

  1. Dh decided we needed to do latin instead of a word root program so since I have Lively Latin, I am trying to decide which to use classical or ecclesiastical pronunciation. The plan right now is to move to First Form Latin after Lively Latin 1. So anyone know which pronunciation Memoria Press uses?? Blessings, Pat
  2. Thanks Floridamama. How much does your child do each day? Blessings, Pat
  3. I'm new to CLE this year so I'm not sure but I thought you needed a bump in your post. My unqualified answer would be no. The two programs do not appear to be dependent on each other. If your child is progressing well in his reading I would just put him in reading 3. Now hopefully someone with more experience will chime in on this. HTH Blessings, Pat
  4. I am looking for vocabulary for my 4th grader. We are going to use CLE for Language Arts, but I would like to add in vocab. Which would you recommend Word Roots or Megawords? I have finally admitted we will never do Latin. I just can not stick with it. Blessings, Pat
  5. I just registered my ds at a small charter school. They took just my card I have carried since he was born (the drs just writes the date on it when he was vaccinated) and made a copy of it. They also told me they can get the information online. They said drs. have to report this information online. I wonder why your school is giving you such a run around?? I'm so sorry you must go through this. :grouphug: Blessings, Pat
  6. Yes, this is very complete and it does cover outlining over a few different years. HTH Blessings, Pat
  7. Thank you everyone for your replies. I do wish ds wanted to stay home through high school, but for various reasons it will be best for him to attend school. We did decide to go with the small charter school. It is hard to beat the smaller class size (about 17 kids in a class) and when I have teachers at this school telling me if my ds has a problem with school work to just give them a call anytime. It is hard to beat that. I feel better about sending him to school after our visit. Thanks again for your opinions. Blessings, Pat
  8. My ds wants to try his hand at school this year. Dh and I are going to let him try. We have a large (900 + students grades 9-12) high school or a small public charter (150 students grades 6-12) in our area. The large school of course will have more opportunities for things like choir, band, clubs and sports. They are an award winning school district (whatever that is). Which would you choose for your child? I am really interested in what others think. I know which way I am leaning, but wondered if some of the hive might have a different view that I haven't thought of????:) Blessings, Pat
  9. Thanks for posting this. I have a big box of books that I had no idea what to do with. Now I know! This is where it needs to go. Blessings, Pat
  10. I combined the names of my children and came up with Beta Academy. I liked that name because every year is a beta year here. Blessings, Pat
  11. Yes, you should keep them because they sell better as a TM/DVD set. Also, you should look at them occasionally. I wasn't doing that and then discovered that there were mental math exercises in the TM that I wasn't doing with my ds because I never looked at the manual either. There isn't alot in there that is different from the DVD, but their are tidbits. HTH Blessings, Pat
  12. This is probably the cheapest meal I make here. A package of Zatarin's Rice (there are various flavors) and slice up a package of smoked sausage into it. Zatarin's $1.39 (some are more) Smoked Sausage $1.67 (it goes on sale a lot by us) I like the chicken or turkey Make the rice as the package directs and add in the sausage. I add a vegetable or salad and bread or rolls. It will feed 4 easily. Another meal not necessarily good for you, but fun every once in a while is pancakes for supper. You can add chocolate chips, fruit, etc. This is always a cheap meal! and the kids love it. Blessings, Pat
  13. Calvert School has a workbook that goes along with CHOW. It isn't like SOTW AG though, it doesn't really have activities and extra reading lists. It is more like an outline that the student fills in. You used to be able to buy it as a separate item. I don't know if they still let you or not. It is part of their 4th grade program. Blessings, Pat
  14. We have not used this, but it looks very fun for a high school geography credit. I am thinking of using this one. http://www.ellenjmchenry.com/id151.html HTH Blessings, Pat
  15. bump! I would be interested in knowing about the 9th grade science. I hope someone responds. Blessings, Pat
  16. We have not used this, but I am looking into it possibly for next year. You don't have to use all CLE products. You can substitute I think 2 or 3 different subjects, but CLE has to approve your choices in order for them to issue the credits. From what I have read the time or two something was mentioned it seems as though they are more than willing to work with you on any substitutions. HTH Blessings, Pat
  17. Writing Skills Book 2 by Diana Hanbury King. You can see it at Rainbow Resource. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Writing+Skills+2/002920/1274460178-178533 Book 2 is for grades 7-9. It starts out with working with sentences and moves into paragraphs then into essays. HTH Blessings, Pat
  18. The Flutophone would be a perfect fit for your children. It is shorter than the recorder and the holes are closer together. It has a pretty good tone for a inexpensive instrument. We have been using Nine-Note Recorder Method by Penny Gardner along with it. HTH Blessings, Pat
  19. This may help some of you looking for a four year plan. Carol Hepburn has begun a four year plan using AO books. Her site is full of information about AO. Here is the link: http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cheps/schedules.html . Scroll down the page and you will see where she has a four year plan. HTH Blessings, Pat
  20. I have the Basics of Diagramming book from CLE and while it is an excellent reference book it will not be effective in teaching diagramming. It would be used more to just look up a certain way to diagram whatever part of speech you need. CLE does offer Diagramming Extra Practice Sheets. This book has exercises from simple diagramming through complex sentences (CLE's grade 8). I am using this with my ds to get him used to diagramming before he begins using CLE LA. I'm not sure it would be effective to teach a student everything they need to know about diagramming, but it would make them familiar with what is going on. I would suggest looking for a program that uses diagramming in it, like Analytical Grammar, R & S, or CLE that would really be the most effective way to learn this skill. HTH Blessings, Pat
  21. I'm a little confused, did your child do Zeta before Epsilon in the MUS series? Epsilon should come first and Zeta would be the last in the elementary series after that your child should be able to jump into any pre-algebra program provided she has done well with the material up to this point. I'm not sure I would backtrack her into another program like Singapore. I would move ahead into a pre-algebra after finishing MUS. Jann in TX always recommends Lials Basic College Math as a good pre-algebra. This text would catch your dd up very well. You can find copies very cheap at Amazon. Blessings, Pat
  22. We do not have Confirmation at our church so I am asking the HIVE this question since I am unfamiliar. My son's good friend (I was his babysitter also) is having his Confirmation in a couple of weeks and we received an invitation to the church service and a reception after the service. So my question is, do we attend the church service as well as the reception? Also, is it customary to bring a gift and if so what is an appropriate gift to bring? Blessings, Pat Oops sorry it should read "Lutheran faith" . I should really have checked spelling better before posting. I apologize for the error.
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