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Mommy to monkeys

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Posts posted by Mommy to monkeys

  1. I hope they can get you in for your u/s soon, you must be dying to find out! Did you have a feeling you were having twins before this? For some reason I knew I was having twins before I even had a + HPT. I told my dh and he didn't believe me. Well you can bet he believed me at my u/s when the dr said "here's the baby.......and here's the other one" :eek:!


    Good luck and I hope you get the results you want!




    I actually mentioned early on to dh that I thought there MUST be two because I was sooo sick and sooo tired. . .he then reminded me I'm always so sick and tired. I think you forget about that part of being pregnant.


    I'm just excited to find out either way. . .then I know if we need a girl name or a boy name. Or one of each, or 2 boys, or 2 girls.:lol:

  2. I think my biggest issue with science is I want more "living" books geared for older ages. We had a great time with science when the kids were younger. It was so easy to find library books on a wide variety of science topics for the lower elementary age. Now it feels like we are stuck in textbook land and I'm always wishfully hunting for a library book that will make it all more interesting..


    :iagree:Yep. What she said.

    Also, finding religiously "neutral" living books is not easy.

  3. Ok. . .I'm reminded myself. It might not be twins. It might not be twins. My husband is convinced that it is, so he's not helping.;)


    It's so nice to know that so many other people have survived having twins. . .and homeschooling. Um. . .Anyone else have two toddlers and twins???? I know it can be done.


    I'll be sure and give an update when we find out one way or the other. I should have an ultrasound in the next week or two.:lol:

  4. oh my..... with the ages of your kids, you will have your hands FULL!!! BUT, I'm so excited for you just thinking of it!!!


    Yes indeed! My only concern is trying to nurse two at the same time. I'm sure that would be something to see.:lol:


    Let us pause for a moment while I do my traditional laugh and point dance...


    I was measuring large for dates after a molar pregnancy (measuring large for dates is a sign of molar pregnancy) so we went for an early ultrasound. And the tech said "oh, did they send you early because they heard both heartbeats?" yeah, we're still not over that and the boys just turned 7. :lol:


    Congratulations! (and, likely, welcome to the nuthouse!)


    When I told my mom in law about our visit and the "possibility", she laughed hysterically. We have always been terrified of twins. My brother and sister are twins. . .and I have twin nephews. But now that I think there might be 2. . .I want 2. :)


    I can't WAIT till my ultrasound. I'm certainly not doing a good job of not getting my hopes up.

  5. I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Today was my first visit with my midwife. We did the weight, blood pressure, urine, iron yada yada. I love her. She's so friendly.


    So I lay down and she measures me. Twice. She says, "Hmm, you're measuring at 28 weeks. Your dates must be off"

    I of course say, that I really don't think so. . .I had been meticulously charting.


    Then she listens for the heart beat on one side. Then the other. I ask what it is and she says, "It was 132 on this side and 156 on the other."

    I of course say, "huh". . .She told it was possible to have that kind of variance but that it was strange for her to be able to get a heartbeat on both sides if the baby is only 19 weeks. She also said that the "head" she felt feels small. . .so she wants an ultrasound just to see, and that there's a possibility that there might be more than one in there.


    Now I'm not the kind of gal who has ever wanted twins, but since she's mentioned it. . .I've really gotten my hopes up.


    What do you think? What have ya'll s experiences with multiple babies been? (ok. . I admit it. . .my hopes are up;))

  6. We've lived here 3 1/2 weeks and already seen 3 snakes. We have 3 acres and one of the snakes was out in the woods, which is fine because that's where they belong. One was in our backyard, and the other was in our driveway today. :001_huh: The two around the house were 2' garter snakes. I know they help keep mice away, but I just need them to stay down in the woods. DH used his 12 gauge on the last one and I used a shovel on the one I saw today. What bothers me the most is that they won't slither away when we get close, which means we could very easily step on them. That FREAKS me out!


    I don't know if I'll ever adjust to country life. Any advice on how to handle it when we see them?


    Well don't kill them. Just be thankful they will keep your mice population down.:tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

  7. My DS would so love to just have open play and no seat work, last year was much easier for him because our lesson schedule was such that he really never had seat work beyond an hour a day. This year the material is much more challenging and we have a lot more to get done each day, so seat time is about double what it was last year.


    I tried breaking it up into two sessions. That just made the second in the afternoon much more difficult to get started. So I blocked two hours in the morning to do the seat lessons and if he's done his work, and done it well earlier, he's done. If he's dilly-dallied and not gotten much done by the end of our two hours, he owes me time now.


    What I've done is remind him it's his job to do his school work, and that job requires two hours a day at the table with me, doing his lessons that require seat time. If he wastes time, he's wasting his time; but he still has to do the work - I just move any unfinished work to Saturday, his day off from any seat work school work (Sunday he has religion class to go to, but that's about it other than some reading).


    Took just two Saturdays of having to sit and catch up with what he'd gotten himself behind with for that to stop. Does he still complain? Sometimes, but a quick reminder about our Saturday make-up time seems to work to get him to buckle under and do the lessons with me during the week.


    We HAVE to do two sessions. When my little ones have afternoon nap is our most productive time, but there's no way I want to just save afternoon to get it all done. We do well with an 1 1/2 in the morning and then the rest later.;)


    I have had some serious stalling before, but never so much that it runs over to another day.

  8. That much difference just from some more challenging reading? Sounds like it's not just the age difference, but he's also a faster learner, & moving him to more independent work would be better entirely.



    Obviously this depends greatly on learning styles and doesn't work for every kid. Sounds like his sister, for example, needs (or at least wants) much more of your attention.


    I think it's a combo of better readings. . .and the checklist.

    He's been able to get a big chunk done first thing in the morning before his younger siblings are even awake.

    I want to let him move toward being more independent BUT I want good narrations and to be able to move toward some written ones.


    He actually has his own kindle and has many of the Robinson books on there. It's kind of hard to keep up with him though. He reads them faster than I can find more. His current assigned literature (where I make him narrate) is Hans Brinker; he chose it and seems to like it.

    Next up is Swallowdale (He already did Swallows and Amazons and LOVED it, so he's looking forward to this one)


    His sister isn't slow by any means, but she sure like attention, so having MAKING more 1 on 1 time with her is good I think.;)

  9. The past couple of days have been sooo much better.

    I had "the chat" with him about having to do what's required with a GOOD attitude. . .then I listened to him.

    He said he doesn't like when he has to wait for me and he doesn't like all the "easy books." Fair enough


    I HAD been doing a modified version of AO with him and his younger sister which had gone ok for him, but completely LOST her.

    So I'm sticking with FIAR for her, but bumped him back up to some more challenging readings. I put those on his checklist along with his written work. He has to do 2 written things before completing a reading. We're still doing an afternoon read aloud and the evening one, but I'm letting him do more on his own than I have before.


    Oh my word! His narrations are so much better. They are thorough and so well conveyed and his little eyes are so much happier. I've also been having him find the places he reads about on the map and then calling me over to show me instead of pointing everything out for him. I'm a little shocked at how much he has actually absorbed.


    Side note--I still really love looking at new things. Moving Beyond the Page is intriguing.

    What is WT2? VP is Veritas Press, yes?

    Anyway. . .I'm much less stressed today.:)

  10. I do think at the very least a checklist is in order. And I KNOW he's bored. I had this discussion with my father in law and husband this afternoon. I'm not challenging him. I've tried doing my 6 and 8 year old together many different ways, and I just don't think there's a way to make it work.:glare:


    And yes he is reading well, but I'm not particularly fond of the idea of making him be COMPLETELY independent(and I'm definitely not locking him in his room till he's done:lol:). I want him to be somewhat independent at this age, but I still think the "together time" is good for him. It feels a bit like a break for him. . .I just have to find something to CHALLENGE him.


    I can't do anything super duper teacher intensive, but we need to do more than just read.:confused: I'm at a loss. Tomorrow is another day. . .I'll have a checklist for him.;)


    I had re read my post and realized that I made him sound awful! He really is a great kid. He's very sweet and loving and HELPFUL in other areas. . .we're just struggling at schooltime. {insert big sigh here}

  11. He's pretty darn passive. . .so by complaining I mean: big giant sigh, immediate drop in countenance when he's asked to do ANYTHING.

    This morning there were tears. No audible crying. Just tears. He has this victim mentality. "Oh woe is me. . .mom makes me work" and then, "oh woe is me, I have extra chores to do because I didn't work". These aren't things he says. . .just his demeanor.


    This morning his consequences were. . .by the time he was done having his pity party, all the other kids were playing with Grampa and he's was just starting. That seemed like enough at the time.


    I've thought about both the physical repercussions like uncomfortable excercise, and additional writing. . .like writing sentences. I've done this some but obviously not been consistent enough.


    As for him being too old for FIAR. . .yeah I'm getting that, but I just don't know what to do with him. :confused: When I read books aloud that interested HIM, my 6 year old was completely lost. With FIAR, my 6 year old is engaged but my son is bored. And I don't want to just READ to him anymore. This kid needs to learn to work. Ugh

  12. My 8 year old complains and pouts when I ask him to do anything. He's very bright, and I think I've made the mistake of just reading to him and letting him read and learn yada yada. . .this has led to him resisting when I ask him to actually put forth an EFFORT.


    He complained for an hour before starting this morning(this is not abnormal), after which he completed his CLE 307 lesson, his CTGE, Italic handwriting, and Daily grams in less than 40 minutes. . with no mistakes. So it's not that he's incapable. He's just so lazy. Then we sat down to do FIAR this afternoon. This works so great with my 6 year old dd, but he just complained that he all ready knew everything, and he'd rather just read. I even let him dictate his "first person point of view" lesson from FIAR TO me, and he still complained . . .I got twice as much from his little sister than I did from him.


    I could just revert to letting him do "interest led" reading; it's really tempting. I'm pregnant with my 5th kiddo, and I don't have the energy for a daily test of wills. But I really feel like this is selling this kid short. I know he's capable of so much more. I don't want him to turn into one of those really smart. . .but proud and lazy people.:glare:


    Words of wisdom please.

  13. I encourage you to allow yourself to bask in self-pity every so often as a sort of vaccine against full-on episodes of sobbing in the fetal position in your closet (don't ask me how I know about that :tongue_smilie:)




    :iagree:Big hugs:grouphug:

    I have no idea why but things always go wrong when they're gone. The last time my husband was gone it felt like everything went wrong.

    Car broke down

    No power for a week in freezing weather

    I have 4 kids:

    -one had his stomach pumped with liquid charcoal

    -one was diagnosed with trichotillomania (it's a compulsion to pull your hair out)

    -one daughter knocked two teeth out on the driveway and had stitches

    -and my youngest fractured her femur and was in a spica (full body cast)


    swine flu, regular flu, rotavirus yada yada

    Again biggest hugs:grouphug:

    And feel free to go outside and scream whenever necessary:tongue_smilie:

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