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Mommy to monkeys

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Posts posted by Mommy to monkeys

  1. I used Phonics Pathways with my daughter when she was a little over 3 yo. If working from the book itself is too much, you can use magnetic letters or a dry erase marker board.


    I just checked the library site and am putting phonics pathways and 100 easy lessons on hold. Sometimes you just have to try to see if it will work.

  2. if you allow media, my kids loved electric company and the leapfrog videos (letter factory and talking word factory). honestly. that's how they learned their letters, sounds, and basic reading.


    oh, and starfall and pbskids.org were big hits too!


    :lol:IF I allow media. . .I do indeed. We're all about the letter factory movies. Starfall she's not ready for. . .just because she can't really work a mouse.

  3. I wouldn't skip it. The first lu in math is all review, but the language arts is NOT set up the same way.


    Table of Contents for 401 is as follows

    Section 1

    1. Language

    Following Instructions

    2. Using an Index

    Sentences and Phrases

    3. Dates and Time

    Person, Place, Things, Idea

    4. Our English Language

    5.Review and Quiz

    Section 2

    6. The Dictionary - a useful reference

    7. Action Verbs

    Dictionary Pronunciations

    8. Writing Plural Nouns

    9. Written Communication


    10. Review and Quiz

    Section 3

    11. Dictionary-word definitions

    12. More Plural nouns

    13. Tests

    14. self check

    15. review for test



    Hope this helps. . .I have the lu sitting next to me if you have a specific question.

  4. :bigear:

    I'm very INTERESTED in Comprehensive Composition. I feel as though we have Grammar covered thoroughly this year but would love a non-consumable resource to use with my kids together for composition. Would love to hear from people who've used it.

  5. I would love to hear from those who have taught a VERY young child to read (3 or so). What did you use etc.?


    The backstory on this is that I've been doing Explode the Code with my 4 year old ds on the couch and my 2 year old dd (she'll be 3 next month) sits with us and does just as well as her big brother (minus the writing)! And she says "I want to read." So I'm thinking of giving it a go. I had looked at 100 easy lessons before and thought it looked too "young", so I wonder if maybe it would be good for her.



  6. Many thanks! I'm going to sit with my coffee and peruse all of this stuff. Ah the joys of curriculum.


    Some of these things I hadn't even heard of! Funnix? Reading Eggs? We do love our starfall, and he's gone through the pre-ETC books minus writing the letters with no trouble. My other kids just used a page a day of Abeka's handbook for reading. I'd say "If there are two vowels, the first one says its name". . .they'd say "ok" and read the words no problems. . .then on to the next day. DS 4 obviously needs more than that. Probably because he's FOUR.:D

  7. I taught my 2 oldest kids to read when they were 5, but my 4 year old ds is begging to learn to read. I'm sure this has been discussed AD NAUSEUM. What does the hive recommend?:bigear:


    Nothing too writing intensive.


    Not The Reading Lesson. (or anything like it) I tried that with my dd who is now 7 and couldn't stand it. I like "the rules". . .atleast to start with.;)


    Is Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons comparable to the Reading Lesson? I have the OPGTR but the print is a deterrant for this particular child.

  8. terror toddler? I definitely know about those.;)


    If you really want to COMBINE for science, you could pick up another apologia book to do together or something like the outdoor secrets guide from Simply Charlotte Mason. I have not been able to combine ANYTHING without using naptime.


    My oldest 2 are less than two years apart and I've found it much easier to just separate them while they take turns playing with my younger set. We're using science selections from Ambleside at the moment which is CM.

  9. We currently use CLE math but I had always figured we would switch over to Saxon at SOME point. . .probably at level 5/4 or 6/5. DS started his 402 LU today, so I figured it was a good time to take a look at it and. . . .



    I. don't. like. it. After a few years of CLE, I just really prefer their layout and everything MUCH better.


    So. . .we won't be switching to Saxon anytime soon. We'll have to switch to it or something else at some point though as CLE isn't planning on writing math past Alg 2. :confused: I'm going to try and not drive myself crazy about thinking about that though.;)

  10. There is a book called All Through the Ages that has lists of books divided by time period and also by geographical region. It is a handy reference.


    Yes! Something just like this! I was kind of hoping somebody has blogged about what they used for geography living books. (historical fiction)



    I can ask at the library, although I'm trying to avoid that place till after flu season.

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