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Mommy to monkeys

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Posts posted by Mommy to monkeys

  1. I think there's silliness and SILLINESS. :)

    :iagree: I tend to be pretty no nonsense myself. My 2 oldest are constantly at it with the sillies. I get it. But the time for it is not during school time. The only way I've been able to handle it is by splitting them up. . .and then give them sentences to write. . .school time is the ONLY time they really get in trouble for the silliness (even though it does drive me nuts most of the time). If there's some magical way to have kids get their silliness out BEFORE school time, somebody please share.

  2. :lurk5:


    I was about to post a thread very similar to this one. We are using CLE LA 200 this year as well and I can't tell if it is thorough or overkill. It feels like it takes forever if we do all the oral review, too. The phonics work has been very good for my dd and I like that it isn't as heavily focused on the dictionary markings this year as in 100 last year. Also, I'm not sure if everyone knows that CLE is updating the LA every year, so this is the first year for the new 200. The next level will be revised each year, so we are in line for that. I like the CLE LA format, the good use of white space, the coverage, etc., but it just feels so long and tedious and it's really hard to figure out what to cut out. I can't figure out if I piece-mealed the LA components together separately on my own if I would save us any time or not. It's nice not having all those transitions. I also wonder if the phonics work is what makes it feel so tedious. We use the new phonics cards and those feel tedious to work with. I just don't know if we should continue long-term or if this is a recipe for burnout. I really like the increasing independence factor, and with a Ker next year, that would be helpful. I wanted to get other people's thoughts as well.




    My dd is lu 206 and we ALWAYS done in 30 minutes or less. . .the math is what seems to take awhile.

  3. So with two kids. . .that would be about 20 minutes each for grammar and then 45 minutes for the writing. That's well over an hour for essentially one subject. I just know I wouldn't be able to stay consistent with that long term. I can do an hour for English, but not sitting down hand holding every second. KWIM? That's kind of why I figured either one or the other. {{sigh}}

  4. CLE100...OVERKILL! We dropped it after about a month or so.


    This I totally get. I won't be reusing CLE 100 when my next in line is ready. We'll probably go with FLL 1&2, BUT my current 2nd grader and 4th grader are doing well with theirs even though I don't really care for the spelling. . .or the phonics and handwriting sections (which we skip). I do go round and round over whether I should be using an all in one LA program in which we cross out the phonics (at early levels), handwriting, and spelling.

  5. We're using levels 400 and 200 right now. . .when we used level 100, I thought some of the activities were a bit overkill, but those types of activities seem to decrease the higher up we go.


    For the record, I mentioned going back to Rod and Staff next year to my kids (8&9), and they were really upset. Seriously. . .my dd cried. They both want "light units".

  6. I'm thinking through next year and where I want to go long term for writing/english/composition.


    So what do you think:

    Rod and Staff English only

    Climbing to Good English with IEW


    the token "other"


    I like Rod and Staff but think it would be too much for me with IEW. . .but I don't want to completely drop Grammar. . .and I do like CTGE? So what should I choose and WHY?:bigear:


    It would be for a 3rd grader and a 5th grader.

  7. The only thing my dd asked for her b-day last year was Marie-Grace (a new AG doll). . .I'd never been sold on the price and dd doesn't play with most of her other dolls. She LOVES her. She changes her clothes and does her hair. . .Gramma always know what to buy.


    She just had another b-day this month. . .she saved all of her b-day money from last year and this year to buy Josephina. . .and she loves her too.

  8. I think you could get by without it. I do use it for the spelling quizzes and tests, but you could make those up yourself off the lists. I also occasionally need to see how they answer something. Mostly with the dictionary markings. I never can remember what one dot over an o sounds like. You could probably look that stuff up online, though.


    So, I think it's definitely not a waste of money and will make life slightly easier. However, you can get by without it.


    :iagree:My sentiments exactly. We have it and use it. Could I get by without it? Yes. . .but it's so inexpensive and does simplify the lessons as well as grading.

  9. My oldest two are 8 and 9. We've been through Shalom Alef Bet, and hopefully will finish Shalom Uvrachah this year. (Behrman house publishing)

    I've seen a dozen or so other things, but these are my favorite. They do assume that the adult teaching has a very basic understanding of Hebrew. My FAVORITE resource for this is Aleph Isn't Tough. http://www.amazon.com/Aleph-Isnt-Tough-Introduction-Hebrew/dp/0807407267/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350510067&sr=8-1&keywords=aleph+isn%27t+tough

    It's inexpensive, VERY user friendly, and you'd have no trouble going through a Hebrew primer with your kids after this.


    Next year I hope to start Behrman House's program called "Hineni" which is prayer focused. If you want to focus on the "nuts and bolts" of grammar, I hear the First Hebrew Primer put out by EKS Publishing is very good, but I wouldn't start it with a child younger than 11 or so.


  10. Baby is out cold.


    My 4 year old came down 15 minutes ago, to tell me he can't sleep because his neck feels funny.


    I just rescued my crying 2 year old because her mouth hurts.


    They are now watching the Backyardigans. At almost midnight. Could it possibly be allergy related?

  11. Ugh I hope he settles soon! My boys have both done it to me at various times. Once just a couple weeks ago and we never did figure out what was going on - just inconsolable sobbing for hours. Called the ped at one point and he was not helpful ("well you can go sit for a few hours in the ER if you want, but there's nothing we can do if he doesn't have a fever"). One of mine definitely does it for ear infections (he's only had 2, thankfully) the other sometimes when he's coming down with a cold (sore throat maybe?). I can't wait until they are verbal enough to tell me what is wrong!!!


    You definitely shouldn't feel guilty! We're as anti-CIO as it comes but sometimes you have to walk away. And IME you have to do it a lot more often with twins. He'll be fine, and you need to do what you need to do.


    Yes. . I SOOO wish he could tell me what's wrong! Poor baby. I didn't feel any teeth, but he did get angrier when I tried to touch his gums.

  12. Have you stripped him down and checked for anything out of the ordinary?


    Way back when my kids were that young, I remember the nurse in the hospital telling me to always do that if the usual checking for fever, a full belly & fresh diaper change didn't help. She told me a story of someone who found an open safety pin in the diaper that was stabbing the baby.


    Fast forward to my child at three or so months old. He was fed and clean and wouldn't take a nap. He was crying and carrying on like I had never heard and no amount of rocking would console him. This nurse's words just popped into my heed. So, I stripped him down to his diaper--- even the teeny socks came off. And I found that a tiny loose thread had wound around one of his itty bitty toes and the toe was purple. And grossly swollen. I almost couldn't get the string off, the toe was so swollen. The moment the thread loosened, he calmed down and fell asleep. I am convinced he would have lost his toe had I not found it when I did.


    I hope your baby is OK. The sound of a crying baby just 'gets to me' even all these years later---- and my 'baby' is almost 16!!!


    That's AWFUL. Poor baby. I've checked him and everything seems to be ok.


    He's awake but quiet for now. His crying woke up his wombmate. . .so I held both of them together, and that is actually what calmed him down. I sooo hope it's not an ear infection. Would you believe in 6 kids, I've only dealt with ONE ear infection before on child numero uno. In any case, Gramma is coming to town this week. Hopefully this is a one time deal, but I'll take the reinforcement in any case.


    Thank you for the sounding board everyone.

  13. I don't do crying it out either. . .he is ALWAYS pleasant, so I know something's off.


    I'm about to head back up and check on him. . .I can hear him. He doesn't have any teeth yet, so perhaps teething? None of my others got teeth before 11 months though. . .I would much rather that than an ear infection. Oy vey.

  14. One of my babies has been crying for the past 2 hours. He's 8 months old. His twin is happily sleeping. He's been fed. He's dry. I just layed him down because if I don't take a break I think I'm going to lose my mind. I feel just awful. I guess I just needed a pep talk.

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