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Mommy to monkeys

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Posts posted by Mommy to monkeys

  1. I think we're going to take next year and do world geography.

    Does anyone know a site with books listed by geographical region/continent/country?

    I've seen ones for picture books and younger children, but I'm looking for lengthier books to read aloud to a 4th and 2nd grader?


  2. You're kidding?!:confused:


    We had that as a read aloud and (I hate to admit this) we couldn't make it past chapter 2! Sooooo boring. I couldn't get into it. . .and the kids were asking for something else instead. First read aloud EVER that we haven't finished.


    Oy. Maybe I'll have to check it out again sometime and read it for myself?

  3. WELL.. . .that depends.

    I feel like English, Math, and Reading MUST be done 4 days a week. If they can do no schoolwork on a field trip day and still get the work in other days then GREAT.


    If I know it's going to be a busy week with errands, appointments etc. ..I do the ogre thing too and make them get the work done first. (even if I have to wake them up early)

  4. I think you're referring to the first light unit for a grade? like 201, 301, or 401etc?


    We just skip that unit now, as it's just review and a different layout than all the other lu's.


    When we DID use it, we just followed the instructions:

    -did the practice set if the pretest wasn't passed

    -skipped the practice set if it was passed and then picked a "fun activity" from the back



  5. My neighbor has triplets, and she says she gets the best deals in diapers through Babies R Us. Not sure how she swings it (uh, maybe they have specials for parents of multiples?).


    She and her husband have a beautiful system worked out. They tag-team the care of their triplets (their only children--the kids are about 20 months old now). One parent is always on the watch, and sometimes both, and if one has to leave for a moment (to chase down one of the kids or something), they always signal the other to keep track of the kids until they get back. It's really amazing to see this family. It's exhausting to see them!


    Heavenly Father, bless that this is just ONE baby I'm carrying! (I've had only twin dreams so far this pregnancy.)


    Holy MOOSE! Triplets! I can't even imagine. How do I say this?

    I'm just not "equipped" to feed them. I can't imagine how it's done??

    And man. . .that's a lot of diapers!

  6. Yikes! I already have two of quite a few things just from having two "sets" of kids. My youngest is 2 now. . .so I really should update my siggy. I already have a double stroller but would love one where the seats snap in easily.


    I'm so going to look into the mothering multiples book.


    And food? ACK! I know I should start now, but um well, I already feel so uncomfortable. . .I need to get motivated!


    My mom who had said before she didn't want to come till summer, offered to fly out and stay for the month of February! My big brother and sister were twins so I think she has some sympathy for how hard this is going to be. My mom-in-law is coming in January to cook for my freezer and then coming back in March. I feel so spoiled.:001_smile:


    I use cloth diapers, so I should probably get another dozen or so to supplement my stash. . .but I'm so thinking I should have a good amount of disposables on hand just in case.


    You guys really think the swings are necessary? I have one and none of my kids really loved it all that much. They were bigger fans of the vibrating bouncy seat. . .or me carrying them around.


    I will need another crib at some point. I have just one. . .and my daughter is still sleeping in it. She's very "busy", so I'd like to keep her contained a while longer.;) But I do have 2 pack and plays with the upper bassinet part. I'm hopeful to use those for awhile.


    I've got a super awesome breastpump, but I'm pretty sure I have no bottles.:confused: I really hate those things. . .even though I know they're good to have as a back up.

  7. So. . .I'm sitting at my desk and I should be writing our planner pages for this week, but I'm "window shopping" instead!


    I'm 24 weeks pregnant with twins and everyone keeps asking me what I need/want?

    I actually have no idea!:confused:


    I know I need another carseat, and probably some newborn clothes (which I don't have ANY of), probably another bouncy seat.


    What do you consider must haves?

    A super awesome nursing pillow for twins?

    A magical book that will teach me how to schedule them?;)



    -Have I mentioned how annoying it is that there is almost NO selection in gender neutral baby clothes?:banghead:

  8. We JUST started The Wheel on the School .


    I have a feeling it is going to take awhile. I'm not doing so great on the read aloud front for the big kids. . .but I'm trying to focus on the fact that we are staying on task in other subjects.


    (pout alert)

    I'm just so tired and HUGE already. . .and I'm only 23 weeks. I get overwhelmed when I think about how huge and uncomfortable I'm going to be in a couple more months. I can hardly get dressed as it is!:glare:

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