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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Hey, Slashaboo. Book recommendation for your self-education quest. I'm reading The Cave and the Light by Arthur Herman. It's a look at the views of Aristotle and Plato and how they impacted thinking throughout Western history. :thumbup1: (Portland Public Library has it.)
  2. Oooooo, essential oils!! They cure EVERYTHING. Has anyone suggested them to Jean? I hear that she has health challenges.
  3. Well, of course it is being rewritten. And then shall be modified, tweaked, revised, and rewritten again ad infinitum. You don't expect the bureaucrats who write that stuff to, you know, get jobs, do you? Like in a classroom or something. :rolleyes:
  4. Jean, if your hot dog eaters are ever in Kennewick, there's this. The route back and forth to California went through Kennewick. This place was a favorite for DH when he was still living/working there and we were all moved to our happy place.
  5. I liked the sharing of the hot dog place (truly, one of God's gifts to humankind), not the whole ER thing. Now I want to go to Seattle. (BTW, Tech Support has given me back the controls to the computer. I shall now go back several pages to Susan's Crayon song [Which is what sent Hey, Stupid! into the tailspin in the first place. I probably should work, but I am very careful about maintaining priorities which reflect my values.]))
  6. Yeah, whatever. I've heard bad things about The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox, too, and my kid has read each one about a bazillion times and still guffaws. And she's pretty good at spotting fallacies and weak arguments, too. (Darn it.) It's possible that my child is easy to please. She really is an easy kid in most respects. (And she's cute, too.)
  7. Did I booya on a boring educational post? (On my phone and can't tell. BTW, pray for my computer. It is ill.)
  8. DD really enjoyed it. It is recommended for grade 7 and up, but I think it is very approachable and would have been good for 6th. For you, it's a bit young, but it might be worth looking for a cheap, Used Teacher's Edition as an easy read-and-then-keep. We're going to pivot a bit and do Philosophy for Kids next semester. DD wants to do Discovery of Deduction, but next year is a bit up in the air. ETA: How sad. I booya, but only on an educational post. That's wrong. Nonetheless: Booya bells, booya bells, Ringing in my head. Oh, what fun it is To write A silly song like this! This is the thread that never ends... (for Renai, who started this top o'the page tradition!)
  9. I have resolved to not worry about writing. Even though my child turns every written assignment into a humor piece. Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer (who is awesome sauce) has told me that it is better to delay academic writing (BW is sort of Charlotte Mason-ish) and that my short person will be fine. Since that is absolutely what I want to hear, I'm going with Susanne. And we finished Art of Argument today. I am done.
  10. This. (I'm on my phone and just erased a poor attempt to convey the above. Thank you, Lynn. I'm glad someone around here has a brain!)
  11. :seeya: AMJ and Professormom! Susan, please don't make Slash barf. She just stopped. And the baby is a girl named Molly. (Jeez. What does Slash know?)
  12. I don't know. Maybe some of our statisticians will chime in. I suspect that they can adjust the curve somehow, but there's a reason why we've outsourced math here. ;)
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