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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. I went to law school in San Diego and agree that it is beautiful. Torrey Pines State Park is just lovely. I also spent many summers wandering the southern Sierras with my dad; it's a beautiful place. I also agree that the central coast (Monterey) is gorgeous. Hmm. I don't think I'm helping. Could you narrow it down any? Where are you flying into? Do you know yet? ETA: Just re-read your OP. Disregard the last bit. Long night here-sorry. I think for the specifics that you are looking for, you need someone there now. I hope you have a great trip!
  2. Just so you know, I :001_wub: you. Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard work! What a blessing you are and have been to so many people!
  3. Thank you for posting this. GH is on my short list for next year (9th), and I'd rather know this than not.
  4. I didn't. But, then again, I slept for a month after. I wouldn't necessarily recommend that approach.
  5. I failed at both, but at least I was consistent. :wacko:
  6. No. The original great Big MOLLY BOOYAâ„¢ established that Molly already knows how to properly booYA.
  7. Yay! Road trip! But not when there's ice on the roads, k? No es bueno, mis amigas.
  8. It's not on the diet, but I am currently sipping a glass of red wine. Sorry, Tex, but I drove on treacherous roads. :blink:
  9. Me, too! And green eggs and bacon, and green eggs and bologna and green eggs... (Can you tell who's on a diet?)
  10. There. That's better. ETA: A great Big MOLLY BOOYA!!!
  11. And here I thought it was only for music videos and SWB lectures! (Would you believe I forgot to order this until just today?? )
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