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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Survival sounds like a good goal. I will adopt that as my own.
  2. Count me in with the sleepers. Lights were out by 9:30 pm. I slept in until 7 am. I did not get up last night. At all. :huh: I've been getting up with the dog, so I think I may have been tired. Lynn: I am convinced that breakfast cereal is of the devil. It is very carb heavy; what you are describing sounds like a carb crash. Try adding more protein to your breakfast. I second the "almonds as snack" idea.
  3. Work is done and now I shall sleep. Goodnight, all.
  4. Oh, wow. This is great information; thanks for posting!
  5. I :001_wub: Guest Hollow. Science is super not my thing. If we don't outsource/charter school science, then GH will be my choice. :thumbup1:
  6. Awww! Here’s a story you might like, Slash. I had a GSD before my current one. He was my bestest friend before I got married and 6 when I had DD. I was SO worried about how he’d adjust-I even had a back-up home arranged for him. During my month-long, post-partum nap, the poor dog was so upset that he stopped eating and drinking, and started losing his hair in enormous clumps. They had to put him on major doggy tranquilizers to stabilize him. Needless to say, he was REALLY glad to see me when I got home. That night he slept rightnexttomybed. The next night he slept under the baby’s crib. He never left her side after that. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:
  7. Hmm. I could give you my stock answer, duct tape, but I don't suppose that's much help.
  8. :seeya: Go, Pack, Go! Star Wars: We found it to be meh here. Long on special effects, short on story and character development. With the exception of Rey. She's BA. Renai: Congrats on the new fur baby. Happy Birthday, Susan's Baby. :party: I now will go back to dealing with sick dog. (Our GSD has periodic episodes when he cannot pee. This is year 3, although the episodes are now highly infrequent. We do not know why this happens. Two Christmases ago [yes, Christmas] I rushed him to WSU. A boatload of cash later, they rendered their diagnosis: Sometimes the dog cannot pee. But they put it in Latin, so it was very profound and very expensive. Sigh. So, as soon as the vet's office opens, I shall plead for an early non-scheduled appointment with the catheter. Sigh again.)
  9. :grouphug: , Krissi. I'm glad there's been some improvement. Hopefully, they will soon figure out why it's happening. Will continue to pray.
  10. Good morning, all! We are playing hooky here so DD can get caught up with her friend (our neighbor's granddaughter.) The neighbors are fab, as is the child. Child's mother, however, drags her children along to follow in the chaos and catastrophe of her life. :glare: Poor neighbors. They have 3 kids, two of whom are well-grounded, high-functioning humans. And they are doing their best to pass on those skills to the grandchildren of the third child. God bless them.
  11. :seeya: I employ bribery across the parenting spectrum, in home education and other matters. And duct tape. Well, not really duct tape. But bribery, yes. I believe the scientific term is conditioning.
  12. That bunny looks like Donkey from Shrek in that picture!
  13. I'm sorry, Renai. All that ridiculous talk of Satan, and everyone missed the important stuff. SMH.
  14. and on and on and on (for headache elimination purposes!)
  15. No one pre-sentient in the 80's can possibly appreciate the terror of the Number Page of the Beast.
  16. Whatever you do: DO NOT READ THIS PAGE BACKWARDS!!!
  17. Hmm, I wonder who today's top posters will be? :laugh:
  18. Maybe we can use the Force? "This is not the page we are looking for..."
  19. (BTW, the initial suggested philosophical question was a joke. Besides, the prospect of the question even being remembered by the next page, I figured, was slim. I guess my tongue was imbedded too firmly in my cheek this morning! Perhaps I needed another cup of coffee before posting!)
  20. Wow. Now that situation will require some powerful pondering. Thank you for sharing, Queen of All the Magical Things.
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