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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. This. ETA: It's a Homeschool BA, public school-bashing, Educational BOOYA!
  2. :grouphug: and well-wishes to everyone who is sick, grumpy, or dealing with issues. We're fine here. I may just sneak away now before an asteroid takes out our house.
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: times a million.
  4. Good Night, Dawn. May the Great Snapping Turtle whisk you away to Dreamland, where Orcas play in pristine lakes of blue. And cabana boys are on-hand to fulfill your every whim!
  5. I figured it was in order of neediness, but it still tickled my funny bone.
  6. (BTW, I looooove the order in which these were written. :laugh: )
  7. Does "Hey, Jean! Will you help me find the dessert table?" count as an inappropriate question?
  8. Can I come too? Or does that somehow conflict with the premise?
  9. I'm sure that duct tape is the answer, but I'm not quite sure how. :huh:
  10. Holy Cow! That's what I did earlier when I started to do my work. Do you think it might be a virus that's going around?
  11. I should just get a paycheck. I shouldn't actually have to DO anything. Poor me.
  12. :laugh: Confused, perhaps, but delighted as well! I almost never remember my dreams now that I am old, but I just love how odd they can be. Now I want the Big Snapping Turtle to come to me in my sleep and explain my quest!
  13. One cannot simply post the short version of this, Miss Jean! :toetap05:
  14. Stacy: I have heard that there are disadvantages to beet pulp. You may want to discuss it with your vet. Here is the link to the product that I mentioned yesterday. As for oil, there is a product called Coca-Soya that we used during a rehab after my quarter horse injured her back at the vet's recommendation. It's pricey, though, and it was really hard to get her to eat it. (And messy. And hard to store. And did I mention expensive? ;) ) (ETA: The two horses that we have in addition to the old guy are mares, one the QH mentioned above and the other a Fjord. Both have metabolic issues. I have both on half the quantity of senior weight accelerator as the gelding. All three wintered beautifully; no colds, no coughs, good movement. Their feet are FANTASTIC and their coats are BEAUTIFUL. I have been really surprised by how much benefit they derive from such a small amount of a supplement.)
  15. I'm scared to admit that I only read the first Harry Potter. Aloud to DD. It made her nuts, because I read too slowly. :glare: In the last week, I've read Day of Atonement and The Martian, and I'm halfway through All the Light We Cannot See. Does that buy me back any points? (BTW, can you tell who OD'd on non-fiction and is now binging on the opposite?)
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