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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. :hurray: for Kit Cat! Boo for storms closing down the Y. :hurray: for caramels! Boo for puking. :confused1: for high school grading. But do please post how you handle it because...Next Year. :svengo:
  2. More :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: ! Thank you so much for sharing this, OP. What an inspirational post for those of us in the trenches and, perhaps more importantly, for people lurking here wondering whether they can homeschool and whether it's worth it. Thank you!
  3. Sounds good to me. Jo has a shirt: Come over to the dork side. We have Pi.
  4. It's separate. It is published/controlled by Veritas Press from when he was with them; I think the Roman Roads series is Mr. Callihan's current version that he controls. But I really wanted a hard copy guide, because I am very attached to the written word. I also have the DVDs and have BEGUN watching the Greeks. So far it's awesome. Jo was leaning Omnibus, but I'm hoping to tempt her over to Old Western Culture. I'll keep you posted. :001_smile:
  5. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Congratulations to your DD and to you!
  6. Wes Callihan's Guide to the Great Books arrived today. :001_wub:
  7. It looks just like the picture. A wide zone of mowed down nothing inside a sea of trees. With the occasional concrete monument-thingy. And it may go through "the middle of nowhere" which may seem lonely and isolated, but there are motion sensors all along it. (Just ask the genius who decided to smuggle a sledful of prescription meds over the border in winter. Nice try, guy, but, yeah, they already thought of that.)
  8. Good morning. I survived shopping with Nana. :blink:
  9. And I still miss Slash. Le sigh. I hope little Isaac Taylor Thomas is cooking along well.
  10. Essential oils. You all need essential oils. I read all about it on the Internet.
  11. No fair! Everyone KNOWS that all Jean REALLY needs is essential oils...
  12. Well, thanks so much for sharing, Tex. But what about MY feelings? Why are you not asking how I feel? 😢
  13. :seeya: It's take Nana to Not-Quite-So-Big-City-For-Her-Hair-Appointment Day. Keeping my fingers crossed that the short person stays on task while I'm gone. (Algebra started back up on Tuesday. We've not yet readjusted; she's got 3 challenge problems and the writing problem to complete. Today. :glare: ) Have a great day, everyone! (Except Susan. That'd be too much pressure. Harm no one, Susan! And keep your brain alive!)
  14. Shoot. I missed you, Dawn. You can come to the mushroom and w(h)ine party, too!
  15. Your husband is weird, Critter. Bring the mushrooms over here; you and me and Lynn can have a party!
  16. Hmph. You should come over and hang out with me. I would appreciate you!
  17. Looks good to me. But, for me, the main consideration is to look like dirt. Because it's gonna get covered with it. Oh, and it should be hairy. Very, very hairy. :glare: So I may not be the one to ask.
  18. Here, all the animals love me best. It has nothing to do with the fact that it is I who feed them, I'm sure. For reals. It's my charming personality and stunning good lucks. I'm certain of it.
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