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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. My dd is/was very very very similar. I had EI in the home at 2 based on how little she was talking and they also said they didn't have anything that fell into the area of disability. We waited out the year and where still having issues and did not like the way we were basically ignored by our ped regarding our concerns...so we turned to the school district to have her tested...they determined that she had SPD and ADHD which was causing a developmental delay.


    Moral of our story if you are concerned please keep pushing and talking to different people until you feel like you have an answer that you feel is appropriate!

  2. This is what I did with my 1st graders who had this problem:

    Get 2 dice, 1 with numbers written on them and 1 with just the dots.

    Tell her you are going to race to the number 10, 20 whatever start low though and see who gets their first.

    Then roll both dice.

    Say the number on the first dice and model "putting it in your head" (this usually meant I put my hand on my forehead and said the number).

    Then say the number again and count up using the dot dice.

    Write down the total and switch...keep playing till you get to your target number.

  3. My nephew (3 years old) just got admitted to the hospital yesterday. He will probably be there for a while and then continue to have treatments for while after that. What would you make him to help him while there? It needs to be somewhat easy although I will have a sewing machine and if it could include something that his siblings (3 and 1 year old) and my children could "help" with that would be awesome. Any thoughts?

  4. I've never liked how tampons feels, even using the 'teenager' ones. I'm not sure if it's how I'm built, but I've never been able to successfully use them and not be irritated by how they feel..and sometimes hurt. Thus I've always been a pad -user. I'm not a big fan of going back on BC at my age. Besides, when I first was on it when we first got married, I gained 30 lbs in that six months..and got off it immediately and haven't used it since.


    That was me! So I am now a proud Diva cup user. I will say that I can still feel my cup, which most people say you shouldn't, but I must just be super sensitive to it. As for heavy period I would say use a pad as a back up and then just empty it more often. I love the freedom the Diva has given me to do things and feel secure.

  5. Mostly this is just me complaining about having to deal with the life of normals, as if dealing with my special needs children wasn't enough.


    Everyone is always telling us since we homeschool that it's important for our children to do outside the home group activities. (You know, so they can be "socialized".)


    My children all have gross motor delays, sensory issues, and some attention issues (not related to ADHD), but my 9 year old has the most pronounced in our family. He is probably my most friendly, most awkward, and most sensitive one too. So we decided to try our local art center to fill the 'need' to socialize.


    My 9 year old decided he'd like to be in a play. He did great in the audition. And has continued to do well according to "my" standards. He hasn't had any melt-downs the whole time. Though the director has had to redirect his attention at times. He has been doing great with other's personal space. And has worked hard to remember our personal safety rules. He's memorized all the songs and lines he's supposed to memorize. So I am, of course, proud of my son....


    And in walk the 'normal' moms. Ugg.


    "Your son needs to stop running." "Your son is crawling under the curtains" (it was the first day on stage and he was rubbing his face against the curtains not crawling under them). "Your son..." "You need to 'control' your child."


    Meanwhile, all the 'normal' kids are yelling, running all over the place, giving each other piggy back rides and wrestling in a very small space. Forty-two children all misbehaving in my view and mine gets all the attention. And no I'm not exaggerating here. The helper moms seem to be noticing my son's misbehavior (yes, running in the hall, rubbing his face against the curtains do need to be addressed), but so do the kids who are literally climbing on each others backs.


    Is it worth all this hassle? Do we really need to go though all this just to help my son to learn to socialize with 'normal' kids? Why can't I just keep my children locked up at home where they are safe and won't be judged by all the 'normal' moms of the world and where I don't have to 'control' my child?


    Okay, back to your previously scheduled program.


    I totally get that. My dd is very active in the water (scary at times) so we have her in swimming lessons. Well at one lesson my dd was swimming around not listening (common) and then another kid let go of the wall and started to drown so my dd was blamed. Because she was the kid with special needs. GRRRR. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that.

  6. I am sorry that I don't have a lot to add. My 3.5 yr old was just diagnosed 4 weeks ago. We have not started meds although they have been highy recommended. We have started SpEd. and I think they have been amazing. I LOVE the OT and the information that she has given us. I can already see some little bits of progress (very little but it is there, you know a fit that use to go an hour is down to 55 mins type stuff). I would really recommend looking into OT. Good luck!

  7. Getting back to the original question, I am not an adoptee but my daughter's birthmother was adopted and at the time of our dd's birth she was exploring her own adoption. She kept saying she was not sure she wanted to find her birthmother because she was worried her birthmother did not want to be found and basically that she would be rejected in her attempts. It really worried her and I don't know what she ended up choosing to do. As for establishing contact find out if your state has a registry where you can register and if your birthfamily registers then they will let you know and decided at that time if you want contact but it is mutual so you know the birthfamily was looking too because they signed the registry.

  8. I have the 32gb and have already filled it up...but with fiddling when I sync it I have been able to store most of it on my itunes and just add things when I want and now find I have space again. I don't have all my photos just the last 6 months...I only pick a few apps to have on it at a time mostly the ones I have been using recently. I have only 2 audiobooks at a time and only 5 ibooks at a time. I am also planning someday organizing my itunes enough to only have a couple of playlists and not all my songs on there. Mostly this is because my ipad is not my main music source (I have a 1st gen ipod for that) and not my main computer.

  9. I think that a lot of people have worked hard to have the right to collective bargain using unions. Just as other groups have fought for their civil rights so did those seeking unions and collective bargaining. That said I don't think it is an all inclusive right, basically because there is collective bargaining as a right that doesn't mean everyone must listen or be involved. I have the right to drink alcohol, I choose not to and support places that also support non alcohol imbibing, I have chosen not to indulge in my right...but I also don't have the right to walk into a bar and tell people there that they shouldn't be drinking and take away their alcohol. Rights have limits.

  10. I posted the poll because I'm currently in a Facebook argument with my BIL as to whether collective bargaining is a right or a privilege. :tongue_smilie:


    Whether or not I agree that unions have too much power and control over politicians and over their own members, or whether or not I agree that state employees benefits as demanded by unions are bankrupting the state coffers, etc., I get a frisson of fear down my spine when I hear the phrase "taking away their right of collective bargaining". I don't know politics well, I never had good civics or history classes in school, and I don't like bad news, so I avoid TV and newspapers, but I do know that we as states and individuals have rights that are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. We have laws governing those rights. So, if someone decides that a right that is currently held by a group of people (e.g. state employees and the right of collective bargaining) should be taken away from that group of people, what is to stop someone from taking away other rights, such as homeschooling?


    Exactly, it becomes a slippery slope.

  11. So I just finished 321 Money Plan...interesting easy money ideas for saving, spending ect. I enjoyed it.

    Now I am working on InkDeath but it is so slow and hard to get into even though I really enjoyed the first book in the series. Also just started The Accidental Demon Slayer, a free kindle book that looks like interesting fluff. It's my dd is throwing a fit can't leave but need to ignore her book on the go.

  12. Welcome to the Upper Valley!!!! I don't know about realtors but google upper valley rentals if you are looking for a rental. There is a co-op that I have not attended but it seems pretty big and inclusive, google upper valley homeschool co-op. As for where to live Hanover is probably the nicest but it is also expensive and a college town, Lebanon proper is ok but most people prefer to live in West Lebanon. If you are open to longer drives Grantham/Eastman area is really nice. All the shopping is in West Lebanon for the most part except for the food co-op which is on the main road between Lebanon and Hanover...feel free to pm me with more questions.

  13. The easiest way to teach inference is to model it while you are reading...so while you are reading to your dc and you see a place where you make an inference, and we all do, just say it out loud to your children. After you have done that a few time start letting them do it and they will get it eventually....then just teach them the way the tests ask them to do the same thing.

  14. I think that there is a false assumption being made here of causality.


    Is naughtiness caused by lack of discipline?


    Can lack of discipline (or what looks like that to outsiders) actually be a result of what you are calling a "naughty" child?


    There are all kinds of invisible disabilities and a parent responding differently to behavior than you would may actually be doing a decent job.


    I had no clue as to the child's ability to shape a parent's behavior until we had a foster child with RAD. Charming little devil. We had to become like drill sargeants at a boot camp for him to function. It was not our choice of parenting and we hated it, but it was necessary for him to feel safe. I've seen the opposite need too, in which a child is so challenging that a parent has to choose a few things she will focus on and really go to the mat for, and in which she may need to choose when and where to do that. She may not be able to respond in a grocery store. I respect that parenting choice as well.


    All this is to say that what you are calling a "naughty" child may well have something biological, etc. going on and that may well result in more difficulty as he or she grows older. That doesn't mean there was a bad parent. There might have been inadequate parenting, but it is a hard call to make from the outside--especially based on a scene in the grocery store.


    Thank you, I wanted to say this but I didn't know the best way to put it. My dd could easily be called "naughty" and many times she is but most of the time we are dealing with ADHD/SPD issues. These are invisible to most people and many times they just assume that I am a bad parent. It can be very rough to parent a child with these kinds of invisible disabilities.

  15. So I just read Breaking Dawn...yes I know its Young Adult fiction but I had it on my list for a while. I was actually quite enjoyed it which is saying a lot. I didn't really enjoy Twilight and don't really understand the Twilight fever. But I will say that Stephanie Meyers does a really good job of creating a storyline that causes the reader to want to find out how the series ends, even when the individual book were just fluffy. Breaking Dawn is by far my favorite of the books in the series, I enjoyed the new twists to the vampire literature.


    Now it is on to Inkdeath.

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