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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. I think constructivism math is a component of conceptual math. Constructivism is the developing of math ideas based on discovering for ones self the process and answer. Where it falls short is if the child is only constructing and never eventually conceptuallizing the math. IE I can have my child construct the number 5 out of a number of objects but until she is able to transfer that knowledge that the 5 objects is the same as the number 5 that she says when counting she has merely constructed 5 and not conceptualized it.

    That is where many of the issues arise with the "new math" of the last 10 years. Child are creating and constructing and discovering but they are never making the jump to conceptualizing. A good math teacher would use the constructivist techniques to guide and push students to make the jump to conceptualizing the math concepts they are discovering instead of just letting the kids "play" math. But many teachers did not go into teaching because they particularly like math or were good at it (In teacher school I was the only student out of 20 that enjoyed my math classes and too calculus, in my teaching career reading masters degrees beat out math masters degrees 20 to 1).

  2. I recommend finding someone who is willing to work with you both to help you organize life for your child. The medications are incredible and they can change your son's life but they really need to be in conjunction with learning coping mechanisms, behavior modifications, and organizational skills. My dd is 3 with ADHD and while I love her on her meds I am so grateful for the special education help I am receiving because the hospital basically handed me meds and to come back in 6 months whereas the special educators are helping us make our life better for our daughter.. (I hope this makes sense). I don't know where you would go so as not to have to deal with the school district but maybe an OT or physcologist?

  3. Drive...really with having to get to the airport 2 hours early deal with security (which I personally find scary and outside of my comfort zone regarding physical pat down or electronic strip search), dealing with children on the plane, flight time, deplaning, getting bags, and thing getting a rental car/hotel shuttle. Its just way more hassle than its worth. Not to mention I can pack more stuff in my car and it doesn't cost me extra money.

  4. I had a mom that was on a similar program and she would come help in my classroom (where her daughter was). But I didn't always need her in the room for the 20 hours she needed so I would send stuff home with her like cutting and pasting/coloring stuff (welcome to teaching 1st grade). Perhaps you could find a situation like that you could volunteer for but do the work mostly at home.

  5. I find it offensive, I am a white mama with black children. I think the hard part to understand is that there is a racial history with many things. So while the ad may have been innocent in pitch meetings there is an undertone that is cultural that may cause black people to be offended by the comparision of chocolate to a black model regardless of the actually intention. It has to do with historical context and past hurts...its like when someone breaks my trust and then we forgive but I am quicker to read into actions done as breaking trust because it has happened once. There is a history of racial prejudice/stereotypes/discrimination that only started to fade 30-40 years ago and is not yet completely gone and therefore there are many inadvertant (and purposeful) hurts being done to that community that as a white person I may not understand.

  6. Anxiety, yep got that...the other night we had a tornado watch and I was so scared I stayed up until it was over and even let my dd stay up (she fell asleep in my arms downstairs) because I didn't want to have to go upstairs and get her if something did happen...Oh and I live on the east coast where tornados are not as common although we seem to have 1 a year at least. Normally I wouldn't worry so much but I knew the storm we were getting is the one that caused Joplin and Piedmont twisters so I figured I should take it seriously. My dh think I am crazy but he grew up in tornado alley and is relaxed about severe weather.

    I do think this is a good time to make a plan and teach it to our children so that if something did happen they know what to do.

  7. It was time to leave the local playgroup...well that set dd off crying, hitting me, screaming running fit...I told her she needed to put on her shoes while I put on ds shoes...I tried to keep her restrained behind me while using my hands to do ds shoes (cause he needed shoes since I figured he could walk while I carried dd out the door)...she got away from me ran up to a random kid and hit him in the face with her shoe...needless to say I grabbed her threw her over my shoulder grabbed ds and dragged them both from the room...we made it out door 1 (with baby gate) almost to door 2 when dd started wiggling and attacking me again... so we sat out in the patio till I was able to drag her and ds through the mud and rain to the car...where she thus commenced to unbuckle the top strap of her car seat...so we sat in the car while she raged in her 1/2 buckled car seat for an hour...finally she calmed and we were able to leave...


    thank goodness 2 weeks later she was diagnosed with ADHD and we have been able to build effective strategies to help her so this type of thing doesn't happen as much

  8. A photo ID should not be required because this is not a papers please country. People should not have to PROVE that they are who they are with a *required* photo ID. The only reason we have Driver's licenses is to show that a person is able to drive..sadly that has been taken as a give in that a person will have a driver's license and therefore a photo id which can be used for other things such as getting liquor or getting on an airplane. It could make it hard for those that do not need a driver's license because they do not drive and may not be able to afford the cost of a driver's license...especially the poor which is largely made up of minorities. That is why requiring a photo ID to vote would be unfairly limiting groups of people from voting just as reading tests and poll taxes did.

  9. Also does anyone know if there really are snakes here like the boys keep reading about?


    I know that there were a bunch of big green garter snakes at the house we owned in Utah as of last summer.

    Are those the kind they are looking forward to?

  10. So I have a 3.5 year old with ADHD and Oppositional Defiance...the special educators have put together a variety of lists with very specific consequences IE we are going to disney world so we have a laminated piece of paper that has pictures of line = fun ride no line = no ride fit in line = going to the car...We also have listen to teacher = token, no listen = no token, throw toys, hit teacher = teacher leaves. We have just started a token economy to reward any behavior we desire so at Disney she will be getting tokens for holding hands or sitting in the stroller when she has 5 she gets a prize/treat.

    Time out is not sucessful for her (basically she attacks and viciously) so we have a system where if she hits after being taken to time out she goes to her room to calm down...once calm she must come downstairs and complete her time out. That is the only way we have had a successful time out experience.

    I will say the discipline parenting piece is a step more than every parenting book I have read.

  11. We get no channels even with antenea...I kinda miss cbs but we got playon so we at least get big bang and survivor but they don't put mentalist up online. Honestly though I realized that I don't miss anything...we have Netflix and I am enjoying watching older seasons of a number of shows and don't feel the loss of the "current" stuff. Its almost a chore to watch the shows that are current on Hulu.

  12. For my 3 year old going to the dollar store and buy some of their plastic junk that didn't matter if it got ruined or lost and giving a new toy out every hour worked. I also love these little playpacks...dh got them at walmart they have a little coloring book, crayons, and stickers based on cartoon. We also got some crayola color magic paper and markers so they can color without me having to worry about where the color will end up.

  13. Also have mom do lots of reading to her...coming from school where reading is another task for teachers to check off I would make sure that the home had a lot of reading out loud happening. Might help her get interested just by seeing the awesome books mom is reading...cause honestly the readers can sometimes be rather dry and not so interesting.

  14. I LOVE Cozi...and I added to all our andriod phones too.


    I also love HomeRoutines it helps organize my days and gives me a cleaning checklist

    MenuPlanner is what I use to menu plan and create my grocery list. It lets me plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks a day. It also stores all my recipes and creates the grocery list from my plan.

  15. I recommend upgrading too....last time we went we had the quick service only meal plan and by about the 5th day we were sick of the quick burger type foods...and we did try a lot of different places but most of it was similar. This time we upgraded just to get a variety of foods into our diets and for the rest...we are also using it to do most of our character stuff because dd would not be able to wait in line for characters.

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