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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. So I just found out that my sister who has a dod job is at risk with all of this...the worst part is that she is pregnant and due yesterday...but anyone who takes leave at her job next week will be furloughed indefinitely so if she goes into labor this next week and her husband takes time off to help the first week then they may not have income for an indefinite period. Even after the shutdown gets resolved...at least that's what she was told.

  2. So mine is on 3.5 but I have found that if I say something along the lines of "I hear you you want xyz I am sorry that you cannot have/do xyz. When you calm down you can abc or def but xyz is no longer an option." This is recognizing my child's feeling and let her know I understand but that is not an option. Then I give the choices when she calms down such as helping her find her own pad of paper or letting her do something else. There is usually still more crying ect but then I walk away and ignore until she is calm.

  3. Not overly helpful but I just kept talking to people until someone took us seriously. I didn't let people say no and if they did I had the next step figured out...in our situation I went to under 3 county testing they noticed things but nothing that "fit" the numbers they needed. So then I talked to her ped who basically just said wait it out...so I turned to the school district as soon as she turned 3 and they finally took us seriously. So keep at it and don't let them say no and be ready with the next step.

  4. I taught ESL in urban poor school districts and this was a huge issue with standardized testing. There is a big difference with being ESL language proficient in one area (i.e. verbal) versus true language proficiency in another (i.e. reading comprehension). I taught in Southern CA and my ESL students usually fell at the 30-40% percentile. It was depressing. And unfair.


    I'll be honest with you - many times on the standardized test there are questions that I know I never covered. Those questions were not part of the textbook I used. It was a question simply conjured up by whoever was paid to design the test. (This was before No Child Left Behind -- nowadays schools have pre-tests BEFORE the real standardized test on a quarterly basis. :glare: Ironically covering questions that will appear on the test. Which goes against the principle that the standardized test is meant to be taken "cold".) Many times, I'd freak out when standardized testing time came and realized we were not even 3/4 into the math textbook. A lot of my fellow teachers felt the same way.


    But the state wants numbers. Data. Got to get those test scores up. Regardless of the fact some of these new immigrants can barely write or read at a level to take the test. In my 3rd grade class, the majority of the students were at a 1st grade level. It is so frustrating. ESL should be in essence over a period of years (when I taught in the stone age - early 90's) to develop fluency and exit the system to be mainstreamed in a regular ed class. But the test only tests them as if they are regular ed. students. So unfair. (And yes to the other poster on Special Day Class special ed. students having to take the same test. Crazy, huh?)


    I finally quit when I realized I was so bitter and disillusioned with the system. It is impossible to change it, IMO. Sorry you had to witness that.



    This is the same for Special Ed kids too. Everyone is treated as if regular ed but may get a few accommodations that some random person saw as appropriate for that diagnosis. Then when a population ie ESL or SpEd "fail" the whole school fails because they didn't do enough. Its a sad, sad situation. Tests should be 1 piece of a puzzle.

  5. Sorry too many pages to get through during lunch so I just wanted to add my thoughts and hopefully they haven't been stated already...

    I would love to see the website link to major contributors to major thoughts on Homeschool methodolagy. IE link to montessori, waldorf, charlotte mason, the well-trained mind, the core, unschooling ect (those are just the ones I can think of). This way people can research about homeschooling and the variety of methods. It can also show inclusiveness of homeschool thought.

  6. I know that one of the things that was asked a number of times while we were getting dd diagnosed was about potty training. We have come to believe that my dd does not necessarily feel the urge to urinate or defecate. I know she does not feel pain the way a "typical" person would...a raging ear infections comes across as out of control wild child who comments 1 time that her ear hurt. So it is not hard to realize that the sensations involved in potty training are hard for her to notice especially when she is seeking sensory input. I would talk to your OT or whomever you work with for his SPD and see what they say.

  7. The label helps to reframe our daughter...knowing she has ADHD has helped me be a better parent because I can differentiate between naughty behavior and ADHD/SPD caused actions. It has also helped reframe other's thoughts about our child...until we got a diagnosis people just avoided our dd because she was a "bad" kid. Now when I say she has a disability called ADHD people are more likely to expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when she is not completely out of control for them. We have also had problems with things like sports/art classes and find that saying she has ADHD helps them to be more willing to work with us.

  8. That would be the question!

    ADHD is often diagnosed comorbid with ASDs, so there's that. ADD and ASDs often run together in families (like ours), so there's that. Ds and I probably share more traits that dd and I do, yet he doesn't qualify as ADD and I don't qualify as ASD.

    It's a subject I'd love to get into, professionally. I've become obsessed with the brain and mind. Maybe one day I'll get over my fear of the prerequisite blood and guts classes. :tongue_smilie:


    Oh my goodness...my dh and I were just talking about this in the car today...our dd is diagnosed ADHD combined...she is 3 1/2 and out of control. There are things about her that SCREAM austim spectrum like funny speech patterns that should have been grown out of over a year ago, melt downs just like our cousin with ASD, diagnosed SPD, and ticks like rubbing bony body parts. If it wasn't for the fact that her social skills are one step up from ASD I would think she had HF Asbergers. I do wonder if they go hand in hand/along the same spectrum.


    All that said on the the OP question:

    I am researching homeschooling because of my daughter's ADHD...as of right now even the SpEd's agree she is not in any way able to function in a classroom, she is too out of control. I want to homeschool because school work can get done even if jumping jacks, running around the table and talking the whole time are what gets it done. In a normal school that would not even be an option because it would disruptive.


    As for meds, we just started them and honestly I love them. The meds she is on are not stimulant but work to slow her down and decrease impulsivity. It has been AMAZING and I never thought that meds could do that but it did. If we were to be med free there would have to be a lot of behavior modification and basically white washed nothing in it house. Right now she is not ready for that.


    I do wish that people understood ADHD a little better. We get so many looks from people that really don't get it. They don't understand that dragging my screaming child out of a building is a normal occurrence for us and that their nasty looks are not going to get the job accomplished sooner or get her to stop screaming...it would be better if they just held the door open so we can get out.

  9. Oddly I have found that my dd will do better at art when she is on her ADHD meds....and is more scribbler/mixer when she is off...so I think it may be partially the special needs....actually one of the things that our sped's are working on is the idea of completion which includes the idea of completing a piece of art as opposed to enjoying the process.

  10. I just want to add that I would love to have literature ideas to go along with the study...I don't know any titles off the top of my head but I read a great book (well written didn't feel like science) about evolution that was not Darwin (although I read him too). This would go along with certain parts of the curriculum to use as read alouds or extra reading.

  11. I am on bookmooch...I think the same username...I don't have a lot in my inventory because I have so many points and haven't really had anything I want come through in quite a while...I have decided that I will do both sites because they each have something to offer...I love sending my books overseas to people who want them and like that I might be able to get not offered in the US.


    ETA: I just added the people so far to my friends list.

  12. There are so many options, nuances, differences and situations that to say HS is good for all, most or even many is hard. There are families that just can't homeschool for a many reasons. There are families that truly are being served best by the public school in their area. There are families that need the support of a public school for special needs. There are families that have found public school/private school options that mean they don't have to homeschool...and there are those that would never want to be home with their children or have the responsibility to teach them.

    I am an options person so I love that there are options such as homeschooling so that I don't have to put my child into public school if I feel it is not the best choice for my children.

  13. Well I have had some things in life that have made reading hard but during today's 3 hour long marathon time out session I finished a fluff novel on my phone called The Accidental Demon Slayer. So I am up to 7 books so far...I am still working on Inkdeath (its killing me, so slow and I am getting to the point of not caring what happens but its the last of a trilogy).

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