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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. Sorry we have no rights...the 100+ dollars that we spend to buy a plane ticket means we spend 100+ dollars to give up all rights to anything. The biggest problem is there is no policy in place that is consistent of even mildly consistent. I want to do if I have a babe in arms and can't do scanner due to holding said babe am I patted down. If a small child is unable to do the scanner and they then patted down. What about insulin pumps or pacemakers? Or how about the time I sprained my ankle the day before getting on a plane flight to get back home...I could barely put any pressure on it what then pat down. What would said pat down require a visual search of my underwear. Touching of sensitive parts. A request to remove a menstrual pad. There is no policy thus not even a knowledge of what is or is not right.

  2. I don't know if you read the latest news, but thay have eliminated the pat downs for children under 12. I read that last night, I have to find the article.


    I find it absolutely disgusting that you were forced to cancel your plans.:grouphug:




    Found it: Article


    Yes they have "said" that children under 12 will not get the pat down but what is not know is what part of the pat down or are they required to go through the scanner...I have a 3 year old who cannot stand still for the scanner...and will not handle others touching her. I have a babe in arms and will not be able to go through the scanner so then I will have to be touched in a manner that is extremely intimate. I am a very modest person (in my opinion) and am scared to death of someone touching my vulva...I even try to avoid the GYN and only go after I have talked myself up and down for days to prepare.


    Video of a young boy being strip searched by TSA in the middle of an airport. My ds would have freaked and I probably would have gotten myself arrested.


    We had plans to go to Hawaii this summer. Our first real family vacation but, unless things change we will not be flying.




    Sadly this video shows a young child being patted down...the reason the shirt is off (according to what I read) is the boy couldn't stand still and the father took it off in hopes of having the TSA guy let them go. Watch carefully and there is a moment that looks like the TSA is touching the boys zipper area possibly lower...the other video of screaming 3 year old girl is what scares me because I have a dd who could respond at or above that level.


    ETA: this would have been at the airport that we would have flown home from...I just can't subject my children to that or anything like that...or myself. That is why we will drive 4 days cross country to spend christmas with Grandma...then in Feb...we will drive from coast to coast for my sister's baby shower (1st and possibly only baby). The good news is I will get to visit friends on the way home.

  3. I'm a reasonable person, I've flown to England the week after Lockerbie, flew to Orlando 8 days after 9/11 (on first flights that reopened..we were scheduled to fly out on 9/12)...I'm not a fearful flyer,


    But!! When flying through Amsterdam this past May, I had 'THE PATDOWN'...it is WRONG!! You know when all those red flags hit you like a brick when you see a suspicious character lurking in a park or fair? I felt as though I was trapped and literally was being molested..I had to pretened to laugh it off so my kids would not see my fear, but if they tried for one second to pull that on my daughters or even my son, I would have vehemently REFUSED!

    Their hands pushed into my private parts, they put their hands all over my breasts, under on top on side, several times!!!

    Mine was a lady, but the expression on her face and her demeanor gave me NO comfort..I think she actually liked making others feel uncomfortable..that was a hard realization...it added to the whole molestation feel....we fly in March to LA and if they pull that, I will refuse.




    Please please please if this happens to you and you feel it was over the top and inappropriate let them know with a comment card or on their website! There is a place for this. One of the lines TSA is using right now is that they are not getting a lot of complaints...probably because most people are too scared to tell or don't have enough time before their flight but complaints need to be done when it is this inappropriate.

  4. My dd has Sensory Processing Disorder! She is a sensory seeker along with what was hinted as ODD, and other behavior disorders. But the the OT knew right away that she was a classic sensory seeker! I was right and everything I have done to research and get her evaluated was right, I am not a bad mother! So the OT is going to work on some behavior and modulation issues. She is going to give us ideas of ways to keep her in check regarding her behavior (hallelujah!) and we now have something official to tell people about why she does what she does!


    I know for many this would not be so exciting but I have been searching for what is going on for a year now so to have an answer other than I suck as a mom and to know that there are things we can do to help makes me so happy and excited.


    Thanks to everyone on this board that has been able to help and answer my questions!

  5. Well my dh just cancelled our christmas plane tickets....we are driving cross country now in order to spend time with Grandma...there is just not a lot of information or policy regarding who, how, and what is going on. I can't seem to get an answer to what happens when a person is UNABLE to do the naked body scanner due to holding an infant in arms...or a small child who is incapable of standing still. Although they say under 12 will not have the "enhanced" patdown there is nothing about if I as mama will have to have my personal parts touched while my children are right there. Also everything I see of mama's who have had to be patted down has them having to let go of their children (most are put into strollers) but I don't have a stroller for my baby because I wear him yet no one will tell me what would happen if I was unable to put the baby down...so no more flying until things are changed, communicated and appropriate for ALL (not just the the over 12's).

  6. Yeah...I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to shake somebody and say, "No, you idiot, the sensory issues, poor social skills, and difficulty with emotional regulation are the REASON I homeschool him, they are not caused by it." I wish somehow they could see the difference between his "progress" (if you could call it that) with that sort of thing when he was "in school" and the progress he has made since taking him out. It's night and day.


    I was thinking this same thing as my dd was at her swimming lesson. She was being very herself, jumping in the water, kicking, splashing ect. The other student's mama was next to me saying oh she's active...ect and I was thinking That is why she is in these lessons because she needs physical output and sensory experiences and mama can't do it all...as I watch and worry that they are going to kick her out or never let her do swimming lessons again because she is "unsafe".


    I tried to explain at her make up lesson that she has behaviors...and the teacher turned around and yelled at her that she was not to get off the wall...she started screaming and refused to go near the water again...so that was a massive failure...hopefully we will have the answer soon and then I can give everyone the label.

  7. http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/14/video-tsa-body-searches-a-three-year-old-girl/


    I haven't flown lately but this article was on my home page this morning. It has a video by a father as a tsa agent did a body search of his 3 yo.


    That made me cry...I am terrified that this is going to happen when I fly with my 2 kids in Dec...except I am going to have the baby and the 3 year old....I guess this is the last plane flight we will be having unless something changes.

  8. Does anyone know what they do with babies? Or small children who are not able to stand alone by themselves? I am flying in Dec (bought tickets before all this junk came out) and am worried because I will have my 3 year old with sensory issues...who cannot stand still and will not let someone touch her "gina". And I will have my 17 month old baby in my arms which means I can't stand spread eagle and I will not be able to let go of either (dd took off last year at the airport thank goodness I was through the metal detector already). Anyone know if they have a policy for this?

  9. It still takes me back to the question of lawsuits? What if you really have a problem, and it gets worse because you have to wait so long for an appt?


    I see the ER waiting rooms PACKED. I wonder why? Probably because nobody can see a Dr or they have no insurance.


    Oh, and about the LASIK surgery? Oh yes. I can bet if I wanted to schedule a consult they could have me in the very next day. Sad but true.


    My daughter was having allergic reactions to milk...the earliest we could get in to verify she was allergic to milk was 6 months later...I do wonder what would have happened if we hadn't had a friend tell us to take her off milk would we have figured it out before she had a deadly reaction in the 6 month interim? Interesting when the blood test came back we were in the office that afternoon to learn how to use an epi-pen. Seemed they had time then.

  10. Thanks for all the thoughts, hugs and advice. We do not as yet have a label for my dd...we are in the evaluation process and it is getting there but right now it is just a mama says thing (although the poor evaluator saw it all today). So for now I just have to explain and hope that people understand and are willing to work with her and give her the chance. Some days I wish that she was typical but then I remember that if she was typical she wouldn't be who she is and she is an amazing little girl once we get through the junk in the way.

  11. I hate having to explain my child to every one. Today I had to switch her out of her level of swimming lessons to a lower level because she was too dangerous with 5 children and the other class only had 1 so it would be safer. Now we have to look at doing make ups and I feel like I have to explain to the person in charge (who has never met my child) that I need a class with the fewest number of children at or below the level my child is in so that the teacher doesn't get freaked out and kick her out.


    Sadly this is not the first time, any time we are doing something were someone else outside of the family is involved I feel like I have to warn them about my daughter. Its kind of frustrating. Sometimes I wish that everything was typical just so I wouldn't have to explain her to everyone I meet.


    How do you deal with all the explaining?

  12. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's Plan.



    I believe that my husband and I will be together in heaven. I also believe that my children (though not born of me) will be with me forever. As for the details that is what they are and we will have eternity to figure them out. I personally believe that my childrens' birthmothers will get to be with us too because they are now part of my family through their precious babies. But this is one of those details that will be figured out in heaven and that I don't worry about to much on earth.

  13. I would not want them to stay home until marriage.

    I want my daughters to move far far away for college and really get that experience. Ok maybe not cross country but where ever they truly want to go to college is fine with me.

    My religion really really really stresses marriage and family for young women. Even still they realize that not every woman will have the opportunity to be married. So I do not believe it is God's plan for every woman to be married.

  14. Just another thought regarding mild reactions...one of the problems I have is that when they were shooting my dd up with 4 shots at a time and she had a mild reaction there was no way of knowing what immu caused it or if it was 2 or more interacting. I have since split my ds's immus such that he gets no more than 2 at a time (yes I went every month from the time he was 2 months so that he would be up to date). When he did have a mild reaction (slight fever of 101) I was able to identify what 2 were suspect and have now divided those up so he only gets 1 or the other. It takes more mommy work and more visits (just got him the DTapP one at an asthma appt because his next well baby is his second flu shot and I would NOT get them both at the same time...dr thought I was insane (not my dr just one in the practice) but its done and he will be up to date. I like knowing what is going into my child and have control over what is causing even mild reactions. Who knows when a mild reaction can turn into severe...we know it happens with allergies why couldn't it with vaccines.

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