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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. I hate this kind of thing...grrr...I don't understand how people can't look at a calendar and know, its like they are waiting for a better offer.


    I have an adoption event I have been planning since Aug. The date has been known since Aug. Emails have been sent...since Aug and monthly. It is on our organization blog, since Aug. It involves food so I have asked people to RSVP. I have had 1 family tell me they are coming...1. I have to drive over 2 hours to get there plus purchase food...for 1 family. If that 1 family actually shows up which is iffy too...Over 30 people were invited and no one could respond to whether or not they could make it...grrrr.


    I really think it is the way society has evolved that basic respect and responsibility no longer matter and everyone is just waiting for the 1 better.

  2. You've gotten a lot of really good advice...I will add that you may want to encourage her to think about if the word she just said made sense...once she realizes that is does not make sense at all have her go back and look at it phonetically again.

    It looks like she is using phonics but not looking carefully enough but she has no strategy for noticing it was a mistake so she needs a way to notice what she said was wrong. The way to encourage the independently is to focus on if it made sense (because it doesn't).

  3. Take him in...get a Pulminologist or Allergists referral...my dd was diagnosed at 2 with Allergy induced asthma...I still spent the day with her at the hospital 4 weeks ago and it was terrifying.


    My ds has always been a respritory kid...every cold make him have a hard time breathing...I have spent 16 months trying to convince the doctors that he was not "normal" in his cold reactions...they didn't believe me until I brought him in 2 weeks ago with major breathing distress...he now has an asthma action plan and while not techniquelly diagnosed with asthma it means that I will be taken seriously when I call because he is reacting during a cold.


    So take him in and start the process...I recommend making an appt close the time he usually has a problem then maybe they can see what is happening or video tape it (another strategy I have be using to help drs see what is going on)

  4. Well the teacher can't be the nurse anymore because of regulations. And we have to have cafeterias (and lunch ladies) because some students are provided free lunches and breakfasts. And there has to be a human resources person (and a lawyer on call, if the HR person isn't one) because the union will sue if the teacher is reprimanded. And there must be a lawyer on staff anyway, because parents will sue over all sorts of things. There must be a counselor or two because some kiddos don't have anyone to talk to outside of school. There needs to be special eduation, because we don't just institutionalize special needs kiddos all anymore, but instead actually educate them. I could go on and on... Trust me, though, schools aren't spending money on anything not mandated somehow (and the mandates and expense have increased with "Race to the Top.")


    Schools aren't failing because of the extra services they have to provide, though. Money has little to do with it (imho, you will find research that says yes and no.) Schools are failing because the teacher training system is a miserable failure, the unions don't let bad teachers get fired, every special interest group has shoved their agenda in front of the 3Rs, our culture doesn't value education, and many parents aren't involved in either raising or educating their dc.


    Money is not the save all for public education but I do think that if more money was spent on teacher salary and made it comparable to the starting salary of an undergrad scientist position or basic accountant position it would encourage some more intelligent people to be willing to teach. I sometimes feel like there are 2 types of teacher...the ones who love to teach and the ones who could do nothing else but teach. I wish we could get master's in their professions to teach things like Physics, Literature, Math and not just someone who wasn't smart enough to get into med, buisness, graduate school....of course if they did this route then secondary teacher ed as a major would have to disappear because a simple student teaching experience with the knowledge base of a very specific major should work.

  5. I agree with most of what the PP's said...my dd was similar although her signing vocab was very high...but at 2 she was not connecting words and had a low vocab...we did an eval and everything was fine...we suspect her milk allergy caused so much constant congestion everything was murky that she heard...that said I feel so much better having gotten the eval and finding out she was fine than to wait it out. The early the intervention the more successful at discontinuing the intervention. Our eval was free, the state Infant toddler program did it for us.

  6. Totally agree...NCLB and high stakes testing has eliminated the ability to teach anything but what was to be tested on at the end of the year...It will get worse if teacher pay is tied directly to testing results...The biggest word missing or used incorrectly in education is Balance.

  7. My 16 month old had homemade applesauce with cinnamon, sugar, lemon juice and water. Within 15 minutes of eating/smearing it on himself, he broke out in some hives...there were 4 on his face and 1 on his arm. I think that is where he smeared the applesauce. We immediately gave him benadryl and now I am wondering if I should take him to the dr tomorrow to document that it happened or just wait until the next time it happens? We do have an epi-pen that is my dd's so I know that we could deal with problems if they arrive just not sure if I need to worry about it right now.

  8. Hannah,

    Are you HannahW? I think you ordered one of mine. :) So fun!


    So, if 100 people from WTM all join and post all of theirs, we'd have an awesome trade going on and would all find books we want! We just need to get it to grow! It was easier than PBS!


    The have a reserve function so you can friend each other and then if you post something you can make it only available to friends so that WTM members would get first dibs before it can go to anyone. I think I have the same user name on there as on here.

  9. I actually prefer bookmooch but I feel like it takes more me time on the computer to keep it all going with the 1st to mooch and keeping all my books available current and mailing quickly. I have a ton of point through it though which is nice...now I am just waiting for some of the books I want to become available.

  10. Anytime you send money as good a fee is taken credit card or not. Technically using the personal tab is against paypal rules but more importantly if you use personal then you have no recourse with paypal if there is a problem with your purchase. That means if you do not get what you purchased then you will not be able to get a refund via paypal dispute. It is safer for the buyer and the seller to use send money goods and just deal with the small amount of fees.

  11. Ummmmm..........I have to say I don't agree. If a child is well enough to want to do their activity, then in my book they're usually well enough to attend. There are a few obvious exceptions (chicken pox, gastroenteritis come to mind), but a low grade fever in the night, a runny nose, a bit of a cough - these things don't keep us at home generally.


    Before you all get cross with me (!) - I didn't realise I was causing so much offense to people and maybe I might have to think twice in future.


    See this is the hard part I am/was like this too....but now I have 2 kids that when they get sick it usually means a trip to the dr. if not the hospital. My dd only had a cold the next day it was a major asthma attack.

    My ds got RSV that landed him in the hospital from friends who went to church and we sat next to them. They just had a "cold" and we ended up in the hospital, they had no way to know that their cold was so dangerous to us.

    When I hear others cough ect around my kids I start thinking could they get it, what can I start now so it doesn't end up dangerous. It's no one's fault but it could be really bad especially around immune compromised people. And yet I am the mom that takes my kids out if they are coughing but still running/jumping/playing all over the house. :(

  12. Because sick is relative...My children have runny noses and coughs almost all year long, some is allergies and some is probably a cold but if I tried to keep them home they would cause disaster of epic proportions because they are not sick enough to rest in any sense of the word (Movies and she still wouldn't sit down to watch them and this was after a major asthma attack from a killer cold).

    On the other hand it is scary to have sick kids around mine because your (general) cold is a potential ER visit for my asthmatic/major respiratory kid. So I get both sides basically it is a parenting call as to what is too sick of course hopefully they would get the idea that strep, high fevers, chills, ect would equal leave them home.

    I will also say that I have had doctors that tell me not to limit my children when they have been seen for a cold. The day before my dd's major asthma attack she was at the doctor who said she was fine except for an ear infection and then the next day we are getting steriods...she basically went from fine to not overnight. And my son was released from the hospital with RSV and given permission to go right back to daycare (hello still contagious) I was shocked to see that. So its all relative.

  13. There is a lot of information available now about sperm donors. Almost all offer medial histories and many have pictures or other information about their families. Part of the fees include staff that are informed of any conception from a sperm donor and many clinics will only let a sperm donor have so many off spring before they stop having that sperm available. HTH.

  14. Sadly it is more complicated than a simple stupid buyers with bad lenders. We are one of the lucky ones right now, dh has a solid job but we currently have 2 mortgages because we could not sell our last home in order to move cross country to a job that we knew was a solid bet...until we moved dh was part-time and I was a full time teacher we would have faced major issues had we stayed with the way the economy has become. I am grateful that we have a renter in our other house that we trust and helps us with that mortgage but even still we currently own 2 house which was never part of the plan. I do get mad sometimes that some people are getting help when they made stupid choices but we are stuck with 2 mortgages because of how bad the economy is. But that is the price of being middle class in America. I know that the help has helped some of the people who really did need it and some who didn't.

  15. Independent means it is material they can read and have basic comprehension for without help which these books sound like. They are great books to read especially for fluency and voice. But I would read another harder book with her that is more instructional. As you pick out a new book consider what phonics skills she has learned and is ready to see in print such as multisyllabic words or more complex vowel combinations. Also the jump from picture to chapter books may be scary because there is more words and a longer book. I love to make chapter book mini books to fill in as we finish a chapter just so they remember but if you have been doing a lot of chapter books for reading to your children it may not be such a big problem.

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