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Posts posted by Murmer

  1. I second talking to the owner. Some of thing my family, friends and myself have done to be involved in gymnastics and dance were: clean the gym on the weekends, offer to be the receptionist, buy used competion leos, have her assist in a preschool class if she is responsible, ask for gymnastics money for holidays and birthdays. Level 4's do NOT have to compete I know many gyms like them to have the experience but to be lvl 5 they just have to able to do the skills, then in order to be level 6 they must have competition scores. So she could potentially not compete if you can afford the classes. Good luck as someone who made gymnastics my life I truly hope you find a way to help your daughter.

  2. Currently I do two 15 min activities. They are after nap time because I work ams but they are skippable activities so if we find something else to entertain ourselves we just do it the next. Then I always have rainy day stuff ready. This summer I plan to do a read aloud plus activity every morning and the two "centers" in the pm.

  3. The big consideration for me is what is in the Childs best interest. Is he not listening being naughty because of the extreme baggage he is carrying? Then ps is not going to help. Get him home and work through the baggage. Is he naughty just to be naughty then he needs to learns how to sit and listen. But honesty I think he needs to be brought home here you can balance his needs with his education nd that can't happen in ps.


    I think he uses work to avoid personal relationships/ intimacy. We cannot go anywhere without his laptop/ stack of some papers he is working on. It is like a security blanket for a kid. He cannot ever just "be" without his laptop or a stack of papers.



    I know my dh as great as he is with the kids is not comfortable with being with them all the time. Weekends are hard for him because if it, just ti much kid time. He really feels like work is a break for him.

  5. We are also very modest. One of the things is that we do is I ALWAYS wear a shirt under my shirts...gives me length so no gapitis and keep my necklines up without wearing turtle necks all the time. I find my favorites are down east outfitter undershirts. I plan to teach my dd first through my example of modesty and through education. I plan to teach her how valuable her body is and as she gets older the effect her clothing choices can have on others.

  6. I had a second family when I was in high school and I lived with them in college, they are still very important in my life as is my mom. My mom was like this woman (and actually said the same thing about mothering girls who needed it) but the girls she took care of have moved on and my mother still thinks of them kindly but is not directly involved in their lives although she still thinks of them.

  7. I don't think she meant that we have to work on his comprehension to match his high reading level . She said in her class the students read a chapter book then they have to answer comprehension questions on a worksheet and that's what I should do also . I have doubts many k-ers read chapter books but who knows maybe that's how it is here in the US



    That evaluator Is so developmentally inappropriate! Do not have him do comprehension worksheets they are a kill joy and time Waster! If you know he is comprehending that is good enough. If this is what a kinder teacher is doing at what would be your neighborhood school it's a good thing your homeschooling because that type of classroom would kill the learning spirit of any child.

  8. The biggest thing for me has been a strict menu planning where I take into account what I have available and what is on sale. Then it's bonus if I have a coupon but not nessessary. We only spend about 250 on food a month this way. The only hard part is that we don't really have a stockpile of food available and so occasionally we find it adventageous to shop a warehouse store and stock up every couple of months and that will blow the budget by about 100 dollars.

  9. I think (hope) the reason she mentioned the comprehension as she did is because in ps most reasding levels are assessed both by accuracy and comprehension with both getting harder as they go up levels. So regardless of age the expectation of a child reading chapter books would be higher than for a child reading kinder picture books. So hopefully she was just saying he is reading so accurately that his comprehension needs to improve for the level of text he is reading not based on his age...which would mean your son is doing extremely well! As for writing many kinders are expected to be able to construct and write their own sentences based on invented spelling and from what I have seen that is not how the classical education approaches writing so I could see the misunderstanding between writing approaches. I am trying to be optimistic that there is a disconnect between her beliefs and what you son did but I really think she was jut being super picky.

  10. I graduated from high school in ca in 1999. Learned next to nothing, biggest waste of 4 years. There where no ap classes honors English was a series of watching movie adaptions of books ( good thing I loved reading and wanted to read the odessy all the way through instead of just watching the movie). Students were tracked starting their freshman year and if you were in band you could not take advanced science courses, they conflicted all four years.

  11. So we are not able to use science to increase our odds (basically the odds are 0 not matter what) but I know that when when we start the paperwork for our next adoption we will be putting a presence for a girl, this is just a preference and we would not turn down a situation that we truly felt was meant for us based on the gender of the child but at the same time we would not be per suing situations that we knew where not for a baby girl. I don't think it is a bad thing to desire a specific child but I would be concerned about the emotional effects of per suing the scientific methods for getting pregnant because it can be hard to deal with the effects if it fails...and the failure rates very based on process so consider how you would feel to not have it happen each month.

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