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Everything posted by Negin

  1. You're not pot-stirring. To me, if anyone thinks that you are, they can skip reading this thread. We all have a choice whether we wish to read further or not. Did you see The Atlantic this month? I thought it was very good - lengthy, but well worth reading. I had to print it out in order to read it, since I honestly can't sit behind the screen for that long. You may have heard of this book. I don't know much about it at all.
  2. Stretching and yoga moves. Hope your feet feel better soon. I like your approach and would do the same :), although I'm definitely not a gardener (too many insects here that bite like crazy), plus 87 F and up is the norm here.
  3. Got some rebounding done this morning before having to start making our early breakfast.
  4. 1 Mile of Leslie - my workouts are either non-existent or very short during the fast. Thank you, Slache, You're always so sweet. :grouphug: And yes, we have Cadbury's Eggs now. Ds bought a whole bunch of them. We put them in our egg container :lol: and they look ever so cute.
  5. Me too. Love Paula's Choice. I don't wear make up (tinted moisturizer, very rarely & lip balm), but I love her skin care stuff. I also love her books and recommend them highly to anyone who's interested in skin care. Her site looks interesting. Off to look into it more.
  6. This has been on my wish list. I loved her two memoirs - "The Man Who Left" and "The Orchard" - painful in many parts, love her writing style.
  7. Thank you all so much :). You've given me lots to think about. I go through phases where I love to plan and re-plan my workouts, etc. It's the bit of the OCD in me. Overly stringent dieting is not a possibility for me at this point in my life. Pretty much any dieting, actually. It's frustrating. Dh reminds me to just be happy and enjoy life. I know that he's right. Just hard to follow at times. Neither do I. I seldom eat junk. Don't get me wrong, I love food and sweet things, but don't over-indulge and seldom buy rubbish. Thank you so much. I have his book and read it a few years ago. I tried to follow his approach, if you can call it that - closest approach would be Atkins, I think. I can't do it now. I wish I could. Thank you all so much for understanding. Keep the helpful posts coming.
  8. Just started a thread and would love to hear any thoughts, etc. if you have anything to share. :)
  9. I started a spin-off to this thread and would greatly appreciate any thoughts, comments,. etc.
  10. I would prefer to not hijack that thread any more than I've already done :blush:. I've been doing some reading and would love any feedback, thoughts, comments, etc. from all. I would particularly like to hear if anyone has experienced weight loss from this approach and if they're over the age of 40. :) I'm in my late 40s and am at a point where emotional eating has become my middle name and any diet is a recipe for failure. I'm under tons of stress and the "d" word just makes me want to take a very long nap, if you KWIM. I wish it wasn't so, but that's where I am. Diets depress me. Exercise makes me happy and lifts my mood. :D Thank you. ---- I've been told that there was an article in Health Magazine several years ago that I wish I had access to. It said that to lose fat without dieting, a minimum of 90 minutes of cardio exercise every day was necessary. I'm sure that gender and age make a huge difference when it comes to results. It seems that the older we get, the harder it becomes to lose weight through exercise alone. I've included some links below, basically here's the gist of some of them: Moderate-intensity cardio exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling on a relatively flat route, is appropriate if you sustain a 90-minute session aimed at weight loss. This intensity gets your heart beating faster, but is still easy enough that you can speak a complete sentence. Then I remembered reading about the Amish: The average American takes 2,300 to 3,000 steps per day. This is a dismal rate compared to the Old Order Amish community, who take an average of 14,000-19,000 steps per day (maximum 10 miles per day). They have the lowest percentage of obese adults compared with the American population at large. The men have an obesity rate of 0% and the women's obesity rate is at 4%. Their diets are not extremely stringent, more like healthy. They eat carbs, etc. I'm sure they don't eat to excess, but they don't deprive themselves either. 90 Minutes of Cardio a Day to Lose Weight How Much Exercise Do You Really Need to Lose Weight How Many Steps Per Day to Lose Weight 90 Minutes of Cardio a Day to Lose Weight The Amish Diet Walk Like the Amish
  11. Thank you so much, Rieshy. No sleep this morning, but I'll be taking a nap this afternoon for sure. Thanks, Snickerdoodle. How exciting to be teaching a class! Wish I was one of your students. :)
  12. Nothing. First day of our fast and I feel a bit overwhelmed. Need to make breakfast soon. The only way that I can get any form of exercise during this time is either to wake up even earlier than usual or to do something gentle later in the day, right before breaking the fast. I've done that before and have felt fine - swimming/stretching/even a mile of Leslie. It really depends on my hydration level, energy, and the heat.
  13. I've since changed my mind on the like posts and feel like going back and hitting like to all the replies here. You get my drift, I'm sure. Thanks for bearing with me :lol:.
  14. In my experience, cutting out things like that - soda, HFCS, sugar, whatever is a culprit, - works incredibly well at first. After a while however, and this is my experience only, my weight loss tends to plateau and I have to keep cutting more and more, in order to lose, and often, even to maintain. I once read that Jennifer Aniston was eating 3 jars of baby food a day in order to lose. Can you imagine? If she felt the need to do that in her early 40s, what will it come down to in her 50s and up? A stick of celery? I've been rethinking all this (never a good sign :lol:) and may start a new thread. Don't want to hijack this one any further.
  15. Nothing today. The next few weeks will be very little in the way of working out, if at all. Our fasting begins from tomorrow until March 20th. I need to be up early and get breakfast ready for all. It's hard to workout later in the day.
  16. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  17. Lots of sleep again, nothing yet. I'm having a pedicure this morning, so no time to workout. Hope to either swim this afternoon or to do a Classical Stretch or two. I'm going through one of those crazy workout planning phases again. I may be posting here with questions. Bear with me! :lol: :grouphug:
  18. Rebounding and about to do 1 Mile of Leslie.
  19. I think that many do lie. Sort of reminds me of high school and college when some of the top classmates swore that they rarely studied, and we all knew they did. For me weight loss and more recently, weight gain, has been all about my age. Before my mid-late 30s, I could lose and maintain by exercise and eating pretty much whatever I wanted. I’m now in my mid-late 40s and have found that weight has become harder to lose with each passing year :(. I have reluctantly come to the realization that only diet will get it off. I hate dieting. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I'm an emotional eater, so you can see where I'm going with this. Who doesn't have stress in their lives? I have no problems with exercise, but dieting makes me want to :cursing:. Obviously there are always exceptions, but I have read and found that weight loss is usually 80% diet & 20% exercise - possibly even 90/10. I recently read: Before age 40, it's the exercise. After 40, the food. And after 50, it’s both!
  20. I'm simply delighted that Multi-Quote is working again! :D I was "this" close to heading back to sleep, since I'm absolutely exhausted. Decided that it's not worth it, since the sleep won't be quality this late in the morning. Going to soon do Joyce Vedral's Just Thighs & Arms workout. :grouphug: I wish some of you were here and could enjoy the warmth and heat, any and all of you that are tired of the cold, Winter Mom included. I used to get so tired of winter also. Now that I've here for so many years, I miss having four seasons, not too much cold, however. It had been a long time for me also. I'd missed her. This wasn't her best and not one that I'll be bookmarking/downloading, but good to do her workout nonetheless.
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