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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Thank you all. I'm going to have to wait until our next trip in order to get the right shade. Cosmetics & make up are very limited where we live. I love the concealer that I have YSL Touche Eclat and it is the right shade. My problem is that I seldom wear make up. I guess that I'll have to now. The very most I usually wear is tinted moisturizer and lip balm. I've been hoping that tinted moisturizer would do the trick. It helps, but it's not great. Do I apply concealer before or after tinted moisturizer? Do I have to apply powder after concealer? I used to know all this stuff, but after almost 18 years of not wearing make up, I'm truly out of touch. Thanks again.
  2. One would think that by now, in 2015, cosmetic companies would take the time to make something that actually works. Does anyone have any suggestions for dark circles? The natural supposed remedies take too long and I don't even believe that they work. I wish there was a cream/gel out there that one could just apply and have the shadows lighten or disappear over time. Suggestions and tips? Thanks so much.
  3. About to soon do Leslie's 3 Fast Miles.
  4. Nothing today. I tried to get as much sleep as possible, since I'll be traveling all day and won't be back home until very late tonight. Heading to the airport in an hour. Have a great day everyone.
  5. About to do 2 Miles of Leslie. Hope you're feeling better today.
  6. Robin, I noticed that the Atlantic article was giving problems earlier. Hopefully it will work now. The article (excellent, yet lengthy, as most of their cover stories usually are) is called "Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?" Just one of the many things I highlighted and thought to share: Last year, the president of Turkey made this stupid remark, “Those who condemn Hitler day and night have surpassed Hitler in barbarism.†Excuse me? Sir, do you even have a brain :huh:?
  7. Robin, I love that poem and this time of year. Although we don't have spring here, the days start to get slightly longer and there are some differences. I didn't get as much reading done as I would have liked, not books anyway, but lots of articles. I read Why Israel is the Victim - 4 Stars - This was a very well-written and short read. For those who are interested, this month’s cover story of The Atlantic is riveting and I recommend it highly. It's lengthy and since I cannot sit at a computer for that long, I printed it out. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  8. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  9. I'm back :D! About to start by doing 1 Mile of Leslie. Not much I know, but I have to start slowly. It's our New Year (first day of spring) and it feels good to get a second chance at the whole New Year resolution type of thing.
  10. Nothing. Probably nothing until Saturday when the fast is over and I can hopefully get healthy once again.
  11. Nothing today, but I got more sleep than usual. Just a few more days of the fast. Then I'll slowly start building up my exercise again. My period is due very soon also and I feel like rubbish. I hope it arrives before Tuesday, since I have a flight to Barbados on that day. I always seem to get my period, or at least the absolute heaviest day, on flight days. I'll be 47 tomorrow, so I hear you on the age thing also :grouphug: . It seems to keep getting harder.
  12. Unrelated, yet thought to share a link to the most recent Atlantic cover story. Sad, so very sad.
  13. Thanks :). I figured it out after my post, but wasn't close enough to a computer to edit. I wasn't fully alert when I first read and posted.
  14. What's ME? Umsami, I wanted to add that on a personal level, many of my relatives are Muslim (living in Iran & elsewhere). Like most Iranians, however, they're not particularly religious. Iranians oftentimes have a bit of a complicated relationship with Islam. It's very much connected to class and education levels. The higher one is on either of these categories, the less they tend to observe and practice Islam (for the most part & not always). Many are resentful of the extremism in Islam which they've experienced due to political reasons & missing the days of the Shah and greater freedom for women, etc. Many are resentful and consider Islam to be an Arab invasion. Lots of complicated history. Regardless, although the government of Iran is Muslim, most of the individuals that I have met live quite secular lifestyles. They identify themselves as Muslims, but that's about as far as most of the ones that I have met go. I know a handful that pray daily and observe Ramadan. I only distantly knew one that went on Pilgrimage to Mecca. Just interesting stuff that I thought to share.
  15. Nothing really. Only have time for a little bit of stretching.
  16. I read A House in the Sky: A Memoir - 3 Stars? - I’m quite torn as to what rating to give this – really not sure whether to give it 2, 3, or 4 Stars – or even something in between. For much of the book, I felt that the author and her ex-boyfriend were extremely naive and stupid. How could someone lack basic common-sense and be so dumb and naïve as to keep going from war zone to war zone :confused1: ? As the book progressed, I put those feelings aside and felt pain and anger for what they went through. I was surprised that she felt some misplaced compassion towards her captors. That was weird and quite disturbing (Stockholm Syndrome perhaps). All in all, I’m happy that I read it. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad. My Good Reads page - if anyone is interested in adding me as a friend.
  17. Stretching - up super-early, not feeling up to doing more until the fast is over. I'll sound like a broken record until then - stretching, stretching, stretching ...
  18. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
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