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Everything posted by Negin

  1. About to soon do Bar Method: Designer Sculpting. :grouphug: I hear you. I'm extremely frustrated also. I've had a few crying sessions this week. Nothing is working. I hope you find a solution to all this. I hope that we both do.
  2. I hope to do a Classical Stretch routine. The trip was exhausting and frustrating. I'm still recovering and I just don't feel well. I'm sure that everyone else is doing better. At least I hope so!
  3. Negin

    21 Day Fix?

    Thank you so much. How very frustrating. It's wonderful to get toned and all, but to spend that money, and to invest time and energy to go on a program like that, without cheating, and not lose any weight. Grrrr ... That's the sort of thing that happens to me quite a bit. I read some reviews with similar experiences - people not losing anything. That concerns me, for sure.
  4. About to do 4 Miles of Leslie. Dd and I have an early morning flight to Trinidad (35 minutes away) and will be back late tonight.
  5. Rebounding and about to soon do 5 Miles of Leslie.
  6. Classical Stretch soon - Focusing on Hips.
  7. Negin

    21 Day Fix?

    Thank you all so much. What you said here may be the reason why I'm tempted to order it. I only have a week or so to make a final decision, to get my parents to bring it back down with them. If I order it all here, the customs and duties would be exorbitant.
  8. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  9. About to do a Hamelin D'Abell Cardio Tone workout.
  10. 2 Classical Stretch routines: Calf & Knee Strengthening For Legs & Arms
  11. I hope to get back on track by tomorrow. Crazy, busy morning today.
  12. Negin

    21 Day Fix?

    Thank you for your very helpful feedback. :) I don't have access to either in this part of the world. :(
  13. Negin

    21 Day Fix?

    Slache, PiYo looks great also. Now I want them both! :lol: But I need to be picky & selective. I remembered the main reason that I didn't ever get into it: several on the Video Fitness forums mentioned that it was very wrist-intensive, repetitive, and lots of planks and downward dogs. I love downward dogs, but I don't care for the other stuff at all.
  14. Negin

    21 Day Fix?

    Slache, thank you. PiYo hasn't interested me much, but I will look into it. Yes, I saw the containers, just the containers alone, on amazon, and am considering that possibility. Off to look into PiYo :).
  15. Has anyone here tried the 21 Day Fix? If so, would you care to share your thoughts on it? I'm not too sure about the exercise part. It may be too high-intensity for me. I really can no longer handle any jumping-type moves anymore. The eating part and those adorable containers intrigue me. I'm gimmicky that way. :D Does one have to get the Shake part (Shakeology)? What if I don't want to do the shake?
  16. I read: Neither Here Nor There - 5 Stars - Bill Bryson is, without a doubt, one of my favorites. His writing simply flows off the page. The Daily Telegraph summed this book up perfectly: ‘Hugely funny (not snigger-snigger funny but great-big-belly-laugh-till-you-cry funny)’. Yes, this is what I experienced also. There were a few parts where I honestly could not stop laughing for the life of me and felt pain in my stomach and had tears rolling down my cheeks. Here’s one example of his visit to Istanbul, “The one truly unbearable thing in the city is the Turkish pop music. It is inescapable. It assaults you from every restaurant doorway, from every lemonade stand, from every passing cab. If you can imagine a man having a vasectomy without anaesthetic to a background accompaniment of frantic sitar-playing, you will have some idea of what popular Turkish music is like :lol:.†As with all of Bill Bryson’s travelogues, I’m so sorry that it ended. Some may be offended by his language – not a problem for me. and A Fine Romance - 5 Stars - From time to time, I come across a book that makes me wish I could afford to place a bulk order and send copies to my friends – in this case, to all my friends who love the English countryside and/or British literature. This is one of the most beautiful books that I have ever read. It’s a travel journal of the author and her husband’s two-month trip visiting the homes of authors, artists, and all sorts of fascinating places. The watercolors and photos are an absolute joy – recipes included as well! Reading this makes me look even more forward to our upcoming trip to England. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  17. About to do Bar Method: Designer Sculpting.
  18. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  19. I couldn't log on here for the past day or so. About to soon do Bar Method: Change Your Body.
  20. Woke up late two days in a row. At least I got lots of sleep and feel great, but as a result of waking up late - no time to exercise.
  21. About to soon do Ballet Beautiful: Total Body Workout. Some of you here like her :). I just need to do her workouts more often. Here are some You Tube clips in case anyone's interested. I saw her book when we were in the U.S., but I'm more of a DVD person when it comes to exercise.
  22. Just did this Ballerobica workout - very tough, or maybe it's just me. Tried to embed it, but as is the case most of the time (on these boards only), no luck.
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