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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Laura, thanks for the warning. I hope that Book Depository will allow me to take that off. I'm not into mentally ill at the moment ... :confused: Especially under such horrible circumstances. Thanks for the other recommendation. BTW, we are HUGE Calvin and Hobbes fans in this household. Been meaning to tell you that for the longest while. :D
  2. Are they easy to understand if you don't live in the U.K? I so want the older DVDs - that are only on amazon UK.
  3. Thanks, Tina. That looks really good also. :) So far, I thought I'd share what I just ordered. Not done yet ... I have to say we do have quite a lot of the picture books and some others that would do great to re-read - The Invention of Hugo Cabret, for instance - as well as others. Here's what I just ordered: London Calling Good Night, Mr. Tom The London Eye Mystery Dh and dc will likely go on it. I won't be going, due to my very intense fear of heights. Just William - no idea what the book will be like, but we grew up LOVING the TV series. Forgot that also got this one - London Through Time Thanks again, everyone. Do please keep any more suggestions coming. Love these! :D
  4. These are perfect. Thank you all so much. Added lots of things to my wish list. I just remembered the Just William series. I grew up watching and loving those on TV. :D
  5. The lady that I go for for my waxings and facials - her very good friend - don't know her stage - was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Everyone thought it was hopeless. She changed her diet RADICALLY and is now cancer free. Again, I don't know her personally. A fabulous book - full of practical advice and lots of hope (which we all need) - is The Anti Cancer Book. If I could, I would give this as a gift to everyone. Solid science. No junk stuff. Couldn't recommend it more. Here's his site with the author is also good. I have lots and lots of tips on cancer overall, and a very few specific ones (really, really short list) for ovarian cancer ... but I realize that most people with cancer really don't want to hear even more advice and tips that they're constantly being flooded with. It's a tough and sensitive time. :grouphug:
  6. COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY I've heard great things about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. http://www.nacbt.org/whatiscbt.htm MINOR DEPRESSION VERSUS MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (MDD) Minor depression is a transient and time-limited condition. Feeling blue from time to time, usually in response to a stressful or traumatic life situation – such as: a painful divorce, a scary medical diagnosis, or the loss of a job But if your blues last longer than a few weeks, or if they occur outside the context of a major life change, you may have MDD. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-weil-md/integrative-mental-health_b_354332.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-weil-md/are-you-depressed-or-just_b_307734.html
  7. EXERCISE is key Do something that you enjoy - even if you don't, once you get into a routine (say after 6 weeks, you'll see amazing benefits). Whatever you choose, it will help. I’m convinced that if my dad didn't exercise, he would never be so upbeat. That and prayer. When my Dad gets frustrated or upset, he goes out for a walk or a swim. I'm not as disciplined as he is. But he's an example to me. Exercise will calm you down, lift your mood and help with depression. People who exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week see mood improvements similar to those who take the antidepressant Zoloft. Many yoga poses and the regular practice of yoga help relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Take a walk for well-being – walking or just being outdoors helps greatly with depression and anxiety OTHER TIPS Vanilla is calming and boosts serotonin levels in the brain. Just like comfort food, vanilla can bring us back to a place of security and peace. Burn a vanilla-scented candle or inhale the aroma of vanilla beans. Lavender contains linalool, a substance that blocks the stress response in the body and relaxes the muscles. Perfect if you have neck and shoulder pains Add 6 drops of lavender essential oil to your moisturizing lotion.
  8. Magnesium is crucial for the synthesis of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Magnesium is usually lacking in those with depression. In fact, one study reported “rapid recovery from major depression” after treatment with magnesium, and found that magnesium helped relieve the anxiety and insomnia often associated with depression. Many women have an undiagnosed magnesium deficiency ,which can contribute to anxiety. Get 400-500 mg daily. Magnesium is found in oat bran, halibut, spinach, barley, pumpkinseeds, beans, and artichokes. Zinc is required by the brain in order to produce GABA, a compound that eases anxiety and irritability. Zinc is found in oysters, crab, turkey, lentils, barley, yogurt, and pumpkinseeds. Look for foods that are high in the amino acid tryptophan. This amino acid may help mitigate insomnia and depression by boosting serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain. Whole grains – Fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, oats, and quinoa Sunflower Seeds Fruit – Bananas, mangoes, figs, and dates Tuna, turkey, whole grain crackers, yogurt
  9. One of the main determinants of “silent” inflammations in our bodies that promote the development of cancer is the balance between omega-6 fatty acids (which favor inflammation) and omega-3 fatty acids (which reduce it). Since World War II, the farm animals that give us meat, butter, milk, cheese, cream and eggs are no longer nourished with grass and leaves; they are fed soy and maize instead. Grass is very rich in omega-3s, but maize contains none at all, and soy products contain very little. The animal products that we eat now are thus highly unbalanced, with far too many omega-6s and very few omega-3s. On average, people in the West have 10 to 15 times more omega-6s in our bodies than omega-3s. This is one of the reasons why all the diseases and conditions that are nourished by inflammation – including depression - are in constant progression in Western countries. The omega-6s and omega-3s in our bodies come exclusively from our diet. They thus reflect exactly what we eat and drink. To lower the omega ratio, all we need to do is reduce dietary sources of inflammation-promoting omega-6s: red meat, especially if it is produced by industrial farming techniques and if it does not carry an “omega-3” label; dairy products; eggs not marked “omega-3”; sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil, and soybean oil. Use olive oil, rapeseed oil, or a mixture of the two. We should also increase all sources of omega-3s: oily fish twice a week (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, salmon); omega-3 eggs; nuts; lambs’-ear salad; green vegetables; linseed or flaxseed oil and flax seeds. Some people (and I’m one of them) also take omega-3 supplements (roughly 1g or 0.03 oz of the EPA-DHA combination) to make sure they have a regular and constant absorption of omega-3s even when they are traveling and find it difficult to maintain a healthy daily diet. Folate may be a major factor in forming SAM-e and the neurotransmitters serotonin and norephinephrine. Research shows that people who suffer from depression almost always have low levels of folate, which causes symptoms of anxiety and in severe cases, schizophrenic behavior. Find Folate in: turkey, lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas, spinach, black beans, asparagus, collard greens, and turnip greens.
  10. NUTRITION Amino acids help the body produce neurotransmitters that affect your mood. The body uses the amino acid L-tryptophan to make serotonin and the amino acid L-tyrosine to make norephinephrine. Amino acids are found in turkey, cheese, chicken, fish, beans, almonds, avocados, bananas, and pumpkins seeds. 3-4 weekly servings of oily fish such as salmon, tuna, or mackerel can lift symptoms of depression – even in cases where drugs like Prozac don’t help. Such fish are rich in DHA, a fatty acid that is also a major component of brain tissue. When DHA levels are high, brain biochemistry works optimally, leading to greater output of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine. Mediterranean Diet helps reduce the risk of depression – these diets fight inflammation – diets that are high in omega-3 fats from chia seeds, fish oil, and flaxseed oil as well as gamma linolenic acid (GLA) from black currant seed, borage, and evening primrose oils provides anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. These good fats ease depression and offer a whole ton of other benefits Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests. Too much sugar intake can lead to chronic depression. What is more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression. They split the participants into two types of diet - those who ate a diet largely based on whole foods, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat, refined grains and high-fat dairy products. After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic diseases, they found a significant difference in future depression risk with the different diets. Those who ate the most whole foods had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who at the least whole foods. By contrast people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate very few processed foods. Reviewing beverage consumption in this country, Harvard researchers also link sugary drinks—everything from soft drinks, sweetened teas and lemonade, fruitades, energy drinks, and even vitamin waters—to inflammation. Sugar is the underlying cause of so many disorders—including depression.
  11. The Bach Flower Remedies represent a form of psychotherapy in a bottle, a noninvasive modality to address negative emotional states like: • Anxiety • Depression • Impatience A Welsh homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach recognized in the 1920s that, if herbs have healing powers, so must flowers. Over many years, he experimented with numerous flowers and trees to create a total of 38 plant-based Bach Flower Remedies. Bach Rescue Remedy is used in many emergency rooms to help alleviate trauma. Centuary is useful for boundary issues, especially for people who give too much of themselves Impatiens is good for irritability and short tempers. Oak is for those determined types who struggle on (despite setbacks) through adversity or illness. Rock water can ease tension for those who tend to be hard on themselves. Melatonin is a natural hormone that promotes sound sleep. Acts as an antioxidant - early in life, the body produces an abundant supply, but as we age, production steadily declines Helpful for more difficult insomnia Cleans the toxins and free radicals from cells Helps protect cells from DNA damage Designed to prevent toxins from entering your brain Has been shown especially effective at preventing free radical damage to cell membranes (one of the prime targets of EMFs from cell phones etc) If melatonin is taken in the evenings, tumor growth may be slowed Decreases anxiety by stimulating GABA (a brain chemical that calms you down) Supports your immune system by regenerating your thymus gland – the center of immune function In one study, breast cancer cells were dosed with the same amount of melatonin you’d find in a young, human body. Growth of these cancer cells was blocked by 75%. At the very least, this suggests that melatonin could be an important hormone in protecting against breast cancer. Melatonin has been used in high amounts – 20-40 mg – to protect against cancer. Helps thyroid gland produce T3 Protects your bones Helps body use zinc: a mineral needed to lower stress and increase appetite Slows down graying hair WHY WE NEED MELATONIN When we stay up late at night or work night shifts, we keep our body from producing melatonin. This increases the risk of hypertension, heart disease, migraines, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Studies show women night-shift workers have a 500% higher risk of breast cancer and male night shift workers have a 50% increased risk of colorectal and bone cancer. While not realizing it, many people increase this risk with inconsistent sleep/wake schedules - late night studying or partying or shift work schedules. After the age of 45, melatonin levels decrease. Melatonin is the only hormone supplement that’s safe to self-medicate. GUIDELINES • Start with 1 mg just before bedtime. Take 2 hours or less before bedtime. If this is not effective, gradually increase dosage. Melatonin dosages vary from individual to individual ~ and most do not need the highest dose. Ease into melatonin in increments. Some take up to 20 and even 40 mg. • Do not take melatonin every single night – a few nights a week • Do not take melatonin during the day. • When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed – not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, reduce the dosage. • Do not give to children • If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can take another 1-5 mg. NATURAL SOURCES Walnuts Fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, oats, and quinoa Cherries—when tart—and their juice
  12. Vitamin B12 converts amino acids to those all-important brain transmitters, serotonin and norephinephrine. Vitamin B12 helps the body make SAM-e as well, a compound that’s involved in optimal neurotransmitter production and function. Low levels of SAM-e can lead to depression. The sublingual or time-release form is the best absorbed Doses of 500-1000 mcg are the usual recommendation Oral vitamin B12 isn't well absorbed; you may need up to 1 or 2 mg daily. Ask your doctor about B12 shots or doses you can take under the tongue. Zinc is required by the brain in order to produce GABA, a compound that eases anxiety and irritability. 25-50 mg per day DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 100 mg Use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption According to a study, women who took a daily zinc supplement in addition to a multivitamin for 10 weeks experienced significantly less anger and depression than those who took only a multivitamin. If you’re depressed AND suffer from chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, take SAM-E. This eases depression and acts as an anti-inflammatory to relieve aches. Avoid SAM-E if you have bipolar disease. Start with 1600 mg a day, then cut back. Recent thread on this here for a depressed young adult. Do a search right here. Valerian is used in Chinese medicine for insomnia. This herb promotes relaxation and curbs anxiety. Take 400 to 800 mg in divided doses throughout the day.
  13. GABA CALM – take sublingually before bedtime or a few hours before sleeping 100-500 mg daily Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking this YOU LACK GABA IF YOU: • Frequently experience back pain or muscle tension • Worry excessively • Often feel nervous, jumpy, or anxious • Sleep problems • Stress-related physical symptoms: headaches, IBS, and muscle aches • Elevated cortisol levels which can lead to belly fat • Are an emotional eater GABA is the brain’s natural calming agent. • Helps de-stress • Relaxes muscles • Suppresses cravings and helps curb emotional eating. • Anti-depressant • Helpful for day-to-day anxiety 5-HTP Helps with: • Sleep problems – quality and duration • Emotional eating and evening cravings – helps suppress appetite • Anxiety and depression as it increases serotonin levels • Melatonin production • Serotonin production Best if taken sublingually - opening the capsule and pouring the contents on your tongue. Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking it. No more than about 3 capsules a day – can safely take up to 400 mg per day – although most need less. Loses its efficacy if taken every single day – best if you take breaks – sometimes alternating days – and sometimes take a break for an entire month or so It may take 1-2 weeks to notice any effects and up to 6 weeks to notice the full benefits. Be cautious about taking this if you’re on anti-depressants L-TRYPTOPHAN may help mitigate insomnia and depression by boosting serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain May help cure night-time waking 500-1000 mg before bed
  14. BOOKS THAT I LOVE Positive Thinking Every Day by Norman Vincent Peale Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl – if I could, I would give a copy of this to almost every friend and acquaintance One book that may be of help. Never read them, but have heard very good things about them. Natural Prozac by Joe C. Robertson SUPPLEMENTS A good fish oil – such as Carlson’s - A recent large study found that rates of depression were nearly 30% lower in people who regularly take fish oil, probably because of the healthy omega -3 fatty acids it contains. Vitamin D3 – Mood swings, depression, and bipolar disorders are all linked to a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps normalize brain function. Take 2000-5000 IU daily. St. John’s Wort – 300-1000 mg To raise serotonin levels Help relieve chronic insomnia Help relieve mild depression – especially if you’re healthy and not taking other medications. Because this herb can sensitize the skin to sunlight, take it in the evening after the sun has set. At least 400 mg Magnesium daily – depression and anxiety are symptoms of a magnesium deficiency Magnesium is crucial for the synthesis of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Magnesium is usually lacking in those with depression. In fact, one study reported “rapid recovery from major depression” after treatment with magnesium, and found that magnesium helped relieve the anxiety and insomnia often associated with depression. Many women have an undiagnosed magnesium deficiency ,which can contribute to anxiety. Some say to take equal amounts of calcium and magnesium. For most people on a healthy diet, 500 mg of each supplement should be enough. If you have symptoms of magnesium deficiency (see above) – if you’re feeling edgy, have muscle cramps, suffer insomnia, crave chocolate, or notice increased urination, adjust your calcium-magnesium ratio, so that you’re taking at least as much magnesium or—ideally—twice as much magnesium as calcium. 400-1200 mg daily of Magnesium is helpful but use according to bowel tolerance. Your body knows how much magnesium you can tolerate from bowel tolerance – take as much magnesium as your bowels can tolerate If you can, add 100 mg of magnesium to your nutritional supplements, and increase it by 100 mg every few days until your stools are soft, but not uncomfortably loose. Take in divided doses and with meals to ensure optimal absorption – preferably more at night Some say to not take magnesium with calcium - I think that that is preferable. Calcium, magnesium, and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. Minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used. The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good. Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements). Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision.
  15. Although I haven't read any classics in a while, I still don't read them very often. I plan on reading more after the kids are grown. These days, I can't focus on classics for too long. ;) However, many on these lists of classics that have been posted so far, are, quite frankly, thoroughly boring and uninteresting for me. I will not read any book that bores me or does not interest me after the first 10%. I don't care what it is. Life is too short to read dull stuff. I love what I read now. I don't care what others think. ;) I love most of the fiction I read. Some of the non-fiction. But again, nothing boring for me.
  16. We've loved these. I grew up being crazy about Paddington Bear. :D We're hoping to visit Monet's Garden. Can't find where our Linnea book is, but we also have this one. The entire series is just gorgeous. I wish that amazon would ship used books internationally. So frustrating. Thanks, Laura. Will look into The Shakespeare Stealer as well as Murder for her Majesty. We love Frances Hodgson Burnett.
  17. That's what my dh said also. Haven't read Blink yet, but I plan to ... This looks interesting. The Peter Walsh book looks interesting. I really need to get rid of some stuff. Although dh will likely tease me that I don't need a book to get rid of stuff. ;) Also having trouble falling asleep very soon after starting to read. If I'm reading and not about to nap or sleep, I'm usually online. It's when I read in bed ... I just crash after a few pages. I teased my dad about that for years. And now ... here it's happening to me. :lol: Loved both. Loved The Help more, but they're both different. I'm still reading The Forgotten Garden. So far, so good.
  18. Yes, he is. Always has been. I hope to have more time to post later. But both of us feel it's been because we've never been the types to allow other friends to take priority or precedence. We put each other first. Our lives are not ever so busy that we spend way too much time with other people. I have friends who have such busy homes and lives - almost like Grand Central Station - they don't even know who's in their home and who's out of it - overwhelming. They spend all their time rushing around, taking their kids to various activities, vacationing separately, having tons of friends (too many, IMHO), long phone conversations, you name it ... and then there's little energy or time for one another. That's not us. My dh and I can be quite the isolationist, reclusive types. We just prefer it that way. Friends come and friends go. But our marriage is to stay. Not making much sense at this hour in the morning. Hope to maybe add more later, as well as read what others have said.
  19. :iagree: PICTURE BOOKS: Amos and Boris Uncle Jed’s Barbershop Brave Irene The King’s Equal James Heriot’s Treasury for Children Anything by Bill Peet Curious George: Journey WW2 Book (biography ... can't remember the title, will post if anyone's interested) CHAPTER BOOKS: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Charlotte’s Web ... obviously ;) The Doll People, The Meanest Doll in the World - FAN-TAB-ULOUS series!!! :D
  20. We love read-alouds and always have at least one going on at home and during school hours. As some of you may know, we'll be traveling to the U.K, Paris, and Israel this summer. We think (and hope ;)). If you know of any sites or any suggestions for nice read-alouds that involve any of these countries, please do share. Some that we have read: The Invention of Hugo Cabret (Paris) Family Under the Bridge (Paris) Okay ... now, my brain has stopped. :lol:
  21. Caroline, thinking of you a lot and hoping and praying that all goes well. :grouphug: I can't stand this sort of stuff. :confused: You've gotten such wonderful advice. I love the Wayne Dwyer quote that MelanieM posted and what she said about standing firm with loving kindness. Good reminder. I copied and pasted her post to keep and refer to often. Will let you know about our holiday plans. Still a bit up in the air. ;) Really hope to see you, but not sure if it will work out. You are so sweet and so kind. :grouphug: I'm just so sorry that you have to go through all this. The theme park nightmare story you posted above - that sort of thing just infuriates me. :glare:
  22. I got mine, but no one else in our household (different emails) did.
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