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Everything posted by Negin

  1. These are absolutely great. We just got these, having heard about it here. My dc are learning so well. Very user-friendly. I love these boards. I learn so much. :D
  2. Thank you for the reminder about Critical Thinking. I had made a note to possibly order this soon. Thanks also for this warning! ;) I'm confused as to which you're referring to when you say that you wouldn't buy them again. Do you mean that you wouldn't buy Mind Benders again OR Critical Thinking? Does Critical Thinking have far too many references to American culture? My dc are very familiar with American culture, but not with all of it. They've never lived there. Just visited almost every year. Plus, American TV, the internet, books, etc. Just wondering if I should get Critical Thinking or not ... :confused:
  3. You might like these. They cover all of LA - grammar, etc. - but also various forms of writing, book reports, etc. I like them a lot. :)
  4. http://www.newsweek.com/2010/11/09/the-truth-behind-wild-weather-and-global-warming.html
  5. We're Baha'is and we homeschool secular, other than when we do our Baha'i reading, of course. But all the rest is secular - science, etc.
  6. Brilliant post, Peela. :thumbup: I've heard great things about that "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You" book. And of course, most people here know that I also love "Food Rules". I've heard very good things about all the entire "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You" series. I haven't read them yet.
  7. I absolutely LOVE pretty much everything I've tried from Nature's Way.
  8. I love Nature's Way. Haven't tried Udo's, but have heard great things about it. :iagree: Please share more and post more often. I LOVE Holistic Nutrition. :) Do you have a blog? I can't because of travel and where we live. We have to ship all our supplements down here. Here's what I've read: Any probiotic you take should contain at least 1-5 billion colony-forming units (CFUs). Several probiotics that make the grade are: Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 PLUS is known to be the one of the strongest, most effective probiotics Try it for at least 1-2 months – then you can either take a maintenance dose of one capsule a day or switch to a good, less-potent, and less-expensive formula The biggest problem with this probiotic is that it’s rather expensive. Yet it’s well worth the price if you have severe digestion or immune problems. But if not, you can get one of the less expensive ones below. Udo's Choice Adult's Probiotic – 12-36 billion CFUs New Chapter Organics Probiotic All-Flora – 8 billion CFUs Jarrow Formulas Enhanced Probiotic System, Jarro-Dophilus EPS – 5-20 billion CFUs Puritan's Pride Probiotic Acidophilus – 3-9 billion CFUs Jarrow Formulas femdophilus – 5-10 billion CFUs Advocare Probiotic Restore – 2-4 Billion CFUs Kyo-Dophilus – 3 billion CFUs Nature’s Way Probifia Pearls Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls
  9. Both of these look very interesting. The first one I'd heard about, but I enjoyed your review. Added both to my wish list ... my never-ending wish list :D.
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying right now.
  11. I just love starting my morning with a good laugh. :lol: :D :lol: Thanks for sharing. :grouphug:
  12. I haven't read all the articles and I do not plan on reading her book. Here's the gist of her style of parenting: If you don't have time to read her article, here is the CliffsNotes summary of what Chua hasn't allowed her children to do: Attend a sleepover Have a play date :confused: Be in a school play :confused: Complain about not being in a school play Watch TV or play computer games Choose their own extracurricular activities :confused: Get any grade less than an A :banghead: Not be the top student in every subject :banghead: (except for Gym and Drama)
  13. This one looks very good, I think. What I love with amazon is getting similar book recommendations. :) This one is said to be funny. Humor is essential. :D This one and lots more when you search any of these.
  14. I'll tell what I have NOT liked ... just too general and basic. I like structure, specific suggestions, and product reviews, etc. I like very practical info. This is what I did not like: College Prep Homeschooling I would say that so far I love: TWTM (obviously :D) Cathy Duffy's 100 Product Reviews or whatever it's called These boards :D :bigear: Eager to hear what others have to say. A month or so ago, I started copying and pasting what others here (and on another board) say about the various books. Thought to share. I haven't had much time to really look at it since. The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens by by Debra Bell Apparently, this book feels like reading the best of this very board in a well-organized format. It is a rigorous approach to home education, and her four children are great examples of successful homeschool graduates. She has a Christian approach. Cafi Cohen's Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook Homeschooling: The Teen Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 13- to 18- Year-Old by Cafi Cohen Anything by Cafi Cohen is absolutely terrific! Each book has a slightly different perspective and emphasis. Each will add to your understanding of the overall process. Barb Sheldon's Senion High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La Lots of forms, how to create classes, what a Carnegie unit is, etc. She explains how she graded her three children. There are forms and examples. Some say that it's worth reading. She has a web site, homeschooloasis.com. http://www.homeschooloasis.com/high_school_helps_main.htm She has a lot of information there, too. At first, they will seem overwhelming just looking at the amount of type. But once you dig in and understand her philosophy, some say that it can be extremely freeing. They find the use of the forms very helpful. Others can't seem to make heads nor tails of it. ;) Homeschooling High School by Jeanne Gowen Dennis Countdown to College by Kim Anderson at http://www.mother-lode.blogspot.com Someone said that her absolute favorite is Home-Designed High School. Covers the whole process, is very doable, moderate, and reasonable. What Colleges Don't Tell You by Gross Someone said that she HATED this book. The book is written by an overachiever for overachiever-type parents. BUT the book has lots of helpful suggestions for how parents can help their kids make the most of the high school years. "But do have some mellow music playing in the background when you read it, and plan on having coffee with a supportive friend after you have finished it!" :lol: Another person (or maybe it was the same person ;)) wrote that she found these two books helpful in figuring out what is required for high school graduation/college entrance, AND for figuring out "what makes a unit/credit", how to "create a high school course", and how to put together transcripts: Mary Schofield's "The High School Handbook: For Junior High, Too" http://www.amazon.com/High-School-Ha...1979444&sr=8-1 Vicki Bently's "High School 101: Blueprint for Success" http://www.lulu.com/content/346549 I'm looking forward to hearing what others have to say. :)
  15. Thanks so much. This looks really good. I just wish that they had one for each of the books in the series. It's very unlikely that we'll go back to reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. We've read it twice already ... Right now, we're enjoying The Silver Chair. :)
  16. I remember looking into that program that you linked. I should look into it some more. I also wonder about the difference :confused:. Teaching writing is my least favorite subject. I cannot stand the subjectiveness of grading, critiquing, or commenting, etc. I like a program to be user-friendly, minimal instruction (since I can't stand it ;)), and effective. My ideal writing program would go all the way through 12th grade or so. Similar to a great math program.
  17. Amy, thanks for the reminder re: Perplexors. I'd heard of it, but forgot to follow through. If I remember correctly, there are different types, math, etc. Is there a specific one that you prefer? :iagree:
  18. Thanks. :) That's how I've often felt also - narcissistic. But I guess you're right. It might be of benefit and interest to some. Thanks again.
  19. My dh's relative wrote this. I met her once and she's such an incredibly nice and humble person. Plus, her kids were grounded and so friendly.
  20. I have no idea. I do know that I love vitacost for their reviews. I still haven't tried chasteberry, because it's hard and a total pain to get things shipped here. Supplement Brands I like/trust (don't know if they all have Chaste Berry/Vitex): Carlson’s Nature’s Way New Chapter Organics NOW Enzymatic Therapy Solgar Source Naturals Twin Labs Anything with a short ingredient list - no soybean oil, no sugar, starches, colorings, etc. – the less things in it, the better Brands I've heard good things about, but have not yet tried: Rainbow Light Nordic Naturals Nature’s Plus Health from the Sun Jarrow Member’s Mark Pure Encapsulations Puritan’s Pride Shaklee Darwin’s Vitamin World Zone Perfect Metagenics Again, sorry, but I don't know. Doctors aren’t always savvy about drug, food, and nutrition interactions. Pharmacists frequently have access to an up-to-the-minute database that tells them which substances combine well together and which can cause problems. You need to know whether or not the nutrients you’re taking could cause complications, or could thin your blood too much, particularly if you’re scheduled for surgery. It’s vital to talk with several people in your health-care team – your pharmacist, physician, and any practitioners of complementary medicine, to look carefully at the actions and interactions of everything you’re taking. You or they can also consult the new “Physicians’ Desk Reference for Nutritional Supplements”, an excellent up-to-date reference on the actions and adverse reactions of hundreds of nutrients. http://www.pdrhealth.com/drugs/altmed/altmed-a-z.aspx I think that they're in foods naturally AND in some supplements. I'm pretty sure that I've seen them in some Vitamin C supplements. Need to read up on that more - but as always, food is far more important than supplements. The lady who gave me the thermogram has been applying it daily for years. Many do. I have no experience with the clogging of veins and fat deposits. I only apply it to the bre@sts. Haven't tried the uterine areas. I think it's fine to take with Vitex. The progesterone cream I take is a very safe and mild one. It's worth trying for a while and taking note of how you feel. I'm afraid all that I have on my list are what you probably know already. There are many great food sources of iron, and as always, this is the best way to go. Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30%. So drinking orange juice, eating strawberries, green peppers, etc. along with your iron-rich foods is a good idea. Iron-rich foods include: Eggs Fish Liver Meat Poultry Leafy green vegetables Whole grains Almonds Raisins Here are some more. Sorry to sound a bit rushed. Hopefully, others, including Peela :), can offer some advice and wisdom also. Sorry I wasn't of much help. :confused:
  21. I often like this woman's blogs on Huff Post. She just seems so nice. :) She's written this book, which, even though I'm 43, I would like to get.
  22. Looks good and have added it to my wish list. :) Finished The Forgotten Garden. It was good, very good, but not "great". It'll go on my books that I liked list, but not the books that I loved list. Will catch up on some magazines before starting another book.
  23. I think that Mind Benders is a rip-off. That whole company is a overpriced. Some of their products we liked, but not all. Thanks for this link. Have added it to my wish list. I'd love to hear what others have to say. Some Evan Moor things I really like, Others are just "busy" if you KWIM. Distracting ... This has a CD-ROM it seems. I just viewed sample pages on amazon. I'm not much of a CD-ROM person. Kind of old-fashioned in our school. But am still open to hearing what others have to say. BTW, your dc are absolutely adorable! :)
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