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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Woke up late. Going to try to go swimming this afternoon.
  2. Essentrics: Legs, Butt, and Thigh Thinner
  3. Looks interesting. Like most people, I don't always remember my dreams, however. Looks good. :) I've never read it, but loathe the entire concept, so I'm quite certain that I never will. However, I do love Jeremy Irons's voice. :) Loved this so much. Wish I lived in Iceland, or, somewhere like that.
  4. Had a really lovely swim in the ocean yesterday - with my dad - so that it made even nicer. Gorgeous sunset, calm water. About to soon do: Denise Austin - Get Fit: Daily Dozen
  5. 4 Miles of Leslie very soon.
  6. About a year or so ago, there was a great thread here on henna. Based on what someone posted, I think it was Mrs. Mungo, I first heard about Lush Henna and I really would like to finally give it a try. I'm reading all the reviews on their site and doing as much research as I can. I'm hoping to try it out as soon as I can find a way to order it and have a friend/family member ship it down for me/bring it for me when visiting.
  7. I finished Triple - 2 Stars. Liked it a lot at first, but then it dragged on. Since then I've tried at least 4 books and they've all failed my 10% Rule. None of them appeal to me. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  8. Not sure what to do today - either yoga, a Leslie DVD, or a swim.
  9. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  10. Stacia, I really loved it at first. I guess that I had my hopes set up that I would love it as much as The Dragon Tattoo series. You're right that it seemed very realistic as far as how a teen might behave. I'm very happy that I read it :). I just wanted more towards the end.
  11. Redsquirrel, you've helped me so much in the past and have given me so many fabulous tips. I hope you can get this sorted out. I suffer from coarse, frizzy hair and it's getting worse the older I get. I'm 45. I posted about this a while back and someone recommended Pureology Shampoo and Moroccan Oil. I love them both. I wash my hair once and sometimes twice a week. That's it. No more daily shampoos which only exacerbates the frizz. I use a flat iron for special occasions. I sometimes have a Keratin treatment done at the salon and/or alternate with having my hair relaxed. I tried the Curly Girl approach several years ago. It was awful for me. Here's the post about Pureology and Moroccan Oil: Pureology is expensive compared to the grocery store shampoos and conditioners, but, it works whereas the others don't. It will also last longer because it's super thick, you don't have to use as much. I buy a new shampoo/conditioner every 4-5 months. If I use the grocery store brands, it's more often. Everyone is always asking me what I use on my hair, where I get it cut, but when I tell them, they're appalled by how much I pay. I have tried EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) and Pureology with Moroccan Oil is the only thing that works for my hair. When I can't spend as much (DH absolutely will not let our girls use Pureology until they get a job), I use Biologe by Matrix, but it will very quickly dry out your hair after the first couple of uses because of the sulfates. That's the trick, you have to buy shampoo without sulfates. I would recommend you try the Pureology in the purple bottle (Hydrate). I like the purple shampoo and the green conditioner. Some people like the green REPAIR shampoo, but I don't. It weighs down my hair too much. You might want to buy the travel sizes and experiment with what you'd like. My youngest liked the Super smooth, but I didn't. It didn't get rid of that coarse texture you're talking about. :iagree: I try to visit my hairdresser every 8-12 weeks.
  12. About to soon do 4 Miles of Leslie.
  13. Ellen Barrett: Live Power Fusion
  14. We have all these books and absolutely love them. We wish that Peter Menzel and Faith d'Alusio would hurry up and come out with more. :) Where Children Sleep is very sad and heartbreaking at times and a bit sarcastic at other times (sarcastic with the more affluent and privileged kids - the "Toddlers and Tiaras" type for example ;)).
  15. 2 Miles of Leslie. Was going to go swimming later today, but it's a public holiday and I abhor crowds.
  16. Kathy Smith: Total Body Lift
  17. DENTAL CARE Yellow and dingy teeth are aging. Genetics can play a role. Some people just have teeth with a yellowish or off-white appearance. Brush at least twice daily – flossing is important also. When you don’t brush your teeth at bedtime, you’re practically inviting all those colors from stain-causing foods (see list below) to get cozy on your pearly whites and settle in for the next eight hours. Many dentists recommend using the Sonicare automatic toothbrush to prevent tartar or plaque buildup. You definitely cannot manually brush your teeth as well as the Sonicare can, so it is a worthwhile option to check out. Have regular professional cleanings – every 6 months to year. Foods to Limit – these cause stains And when you do have them, try to brush very soon after – Tea Coffee Red Wine Chocolate Dark-Colored Berries – blueberries, raspberries Cranberry Juice Cigarettes Dark Cola Marinara Sauce Grape Juice Beets Milk can also bond onto front teeth and cause a yellow tartar buildup. Rinsing with water for twenty seconds immediately after downing anything on the “bad†list will help. Clearly, it would be best to brush immediately after eating these foods, but if that isn't possible, rinse your mouth well with water and then chew sugarless gum. Foods to Eat More of Raw vegetables and fruits help to scrub away stains: Carrots Cucumbers Celery Apples Pears Peaches Plums Broccoli Asparagus Grapes Green Beans Mushrooms Bananas These all act like a detergent, cleaning the surfaces of your teeth as you chew. Oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, tangerines, nectarines, honeydews, cantaloupes, limes, mangoes, and tomatoes have a lot of vitamin C, which is good for gum tissue.
  18. WHITENING STRIPS Crest 2-Hour Express Whitestrips, which are made with an advanced-seal, no-slip technology that allows you to talk, drink water and go about your day are also said to be good. Dentists would like you to believe that they are the only solution for teeth whitening but that isn’t the case. Almost all teeth whiteners (“bleachesâ€) work incredibly well so you can choose by cost or just start with the easiest availability which would be those at the drugstore. All teeth whiteners use the same type of ingredients, either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, but with different strengths to lighten teeth. The higher the percentage of the active ingredient and the type of ingredient determines how fast you see improvement. Results will be seen in 1-14 days depending on the product you buy. Although there are several very good at-home whitening products, some of my favorites include Aquafresh Whitetrays Disposal Pre-Dosed Trays. None of these treatments is very effective if your teeth are grayed rather than yellowed, or if they are completely yellowed. Teeth-bleaching systems work best for partially yellow or food-stained teeth. ---- If you need to get your teeth professionally cleaned, do it at least a week before you plan to use these strips. Brush with a sensitive-teeth toothpaste twice a day for a week before you start treatment, and keep using it until you're finished with the treatments. The part of the strip that goes on your teeth is the smooth side--the side that peels off the plastic. The dry bumpy side does not have the gel. If you want to brush and floss, do so 3 hours before your treatment. DO NOT brush right before your treatment because your teeth and gums will kill! Use the White Strips for 30 minutes every other day to cut down on sensitivity, or even space them out longer if you need to. Everyday and twice a day like the instructions tell you will make you miserable. You can even do two 30-minute sessions every other day if you have time and nowhere to go. Never put the strips on while you still feel pain. Don’t have anything dark to drink for at least an hour after using it. Keep in mind that bleaching products have a short shelf-life. This is because the active ingredient is a form of peroxide and it is an exceptionally unstable ingredient. It can happen that by the time you find, buy, and start using your whitening strips the peroxide may have become inactive. If whatever method you try doesn’t provide noticeable results that could be the reason why. Other than bleaching, if the yellow or dull color of your teeth is from tartar buildup, get your teeth professionally cleaned, and have them cleaned regularly. If you can, avoid or minimize consumption of foods that can grab onto teeth and make them look darker, such as chocolate, dark-colored berries, red wine, and coffee. Milk can also bond onto front teeth and cause a yellow tartar buildup. Clearly, it would be best to brush immediately after eating these foods, but if that isn't possible, rinse your mouth well with water and then chew sugarless gum. Many dentists recommend using the Sonicare automatic toothbrush to prevent tartar or plaque buildup. You definitely cannot manually brush your teeth as well as the Sonicare can, so it is a worthwhile option to check out.
  19. It's hard. I think that it gets more difficult as we get older. Here goes. It's a lot of info and I'm sorry that it's not as organized as I would like it to be. Strawberries may help whiten teeth because they contain an enzyme called malic acid, which can be found in some whitening toothpastes. You can mash up the strawberry or just rub it on your teeth, cut in half. Leave the juice on your teeth for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. The fiber in strawberries also behaves as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from the teeth and mouth. Apples, Celery, and Carrots These fruits and veggies act like natural stain removers. They increase saliva production, which is the body's built-in cleaning agent. It may sound hard to believe, but some people swear that rubbing raw carrot sticks on your teeth will make them look brighter. These foods are high in vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis and kills odor-causing bacteria. Citrus fruit, such as oranges and pineapples, also cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which help clean the teeth and whiten your smile. Just as they naturally 'bleach' your hair, lemons will lighten and brighten your teeth. Rinse with half water, half lemon juice once or twice a week. However, do not rinse with this concoction more than two times a week and do not rinse with straight lemon juice. Overdoing it would be too acidic, which can be damaging to the teeth. All of the experts agreed that baking soda is one of the strongest -- and safest -- whitening ingredients out there because it's an acid neutralizer that gently removes stains and buildup from the enamel. If this mild abrasive agent is not already mixed into your toothpaste, you can sprinkle a bit on top of your paste each day. Brush with straight baking soda twice a month. This is similar to what your dental hygienist does. Rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times a month can also brighten your smile, thanks to its oxidizing agents. Many mouthwashes are alcohol based, but hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. Mouthwash kills existing bacteria, but hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacteria. You can gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide, but it always needs to be done in a 50/50 solution with water. Hydrogen peroxide is good for preventing infections and can also be helpful for preventing bad breath, which is often caused by bacteria. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with water (about one tablespoon each) and swish around teeth for 60 seconds. After a minute, spit it out, leaving the bubbling and whitening action of the peroxide [to] sit on teeth for another minute or two, then rinse mouth with water. I swish with peroxide full-force (no mixing with water) for about one minute. Then I dip my toothbrush into some baking soda, and scrub my teeth with it. I usually do this at night about once a week. Make sure to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to floss at bedtime and use a cheap gum massager to get under the gum flap. You want to prevent the buildup of plaque, which can discolor your teeth. Focusing on your teeth will help you prevent some staining of your teeth. Brush teeth as soon as you can after dark beverages – tea, coffee, etc.
  20. Sounds like so much fun. :) I've read that gardening is one of the best exercises for slowing down bone loss. I wish I could do it. I miss and love spring flowers. About to do Kathy Smith: Fat Burning Pilates. Swimming in the ocean later today.
  21. I have lots of teeth whitening tips and I can share those if you wish. You seem to already know your stuff - berries, etc. Anyway, let me know. As far as toothpastes go, here's what I read somewhere: Dentists say that in order for a bleaching solution to have any effect, it has to be in contact with the tooth for at least twenty minutes. So as you stroll down the drugstore aisle and see all those toothpastes, mouthwashes, gums, flosses, and mints that promise “whitening,†be a smart shopper and save your money. All these products may be pleasant to use and give you sweet-smelling breath, but they’re not penetrating deeply enough to change your color, though some do remove stains. “It’s a gimmick, and it’s more expensive,†says Dr. Martin Polin, a cosmetic dentist who practices in Boca Raton, Florida. Dr. Polin would rather have you buy toothpaste with fluoride, because as your teeth recede, exposed roots can become more susceptible to cavities. But you didn’t really think that whitening would be as easy as chewing gum anyway, did you?
  22. I read Broken Glass Park and really loved it at first, but then it fizzled out - 2 Stars. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic - couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay - nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish - waste of my money and time. Few books usually make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they're that bad.
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