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Everything posted by Negin

  1. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  2. My mom keeps nagging me that I need to make an appointment for one. It's been too long since I last had a massage. I'm a huge believer in them. I was a massage therapist many years ago. Thanks for the reminder to get one. :) I'll soon be doing Ellen Barret: Grace & Gusto. I love Ellen and this is one of my favorites.
  3. Just lots of stretching this morning. I hear you. :grouphug: One of my main reasons for exercise. I miss high impact - specifically, running - to help with this. My running days are over.
  4. Will soon be doing Ellen Barrett: Slim Sculpt.
  5. Yes, it most certainly does. :) Take care and hopefully it'll be better very soon. Will be doing yoga soon - 5-Day Fit Trouble Zone Solutions.
  6. Wow. That's a bit touchy. I would feel happy and flattered. :) I'm going more and more gray. I'm most probably going to first try Lush's Henna. Been doing a lot of reading - their reviews and other sites. It's a lot of work, but most seem happy with it and it's natural. I first learned about it on these forums a year or so ago. I can't find the thread, however. I think it was Mrs. Mungo who said that she uses it.
  7. :grouphug: Eliana, I hope and pray that life gets back to normal soon. Thanks, Stacia. :)
  8. Will be doing a Bosu Ball workout. Not sure which one yet. The DVD has 4 workouts to choose from.
  9. Sheryl, I'll try my best to answer. Laser works for many. I don't know much about it. I think, however, that it's not fully permanent, whereas electrolysis is. Also, for many skin tones, laser is not the ideal choice. Mine (Middle Eastern - light olive - or whatever one calls it), laser may lead to scarring or something. Again, I don't know much about it. I don't know much about machine types. I'm truly out of touch with all that after all these years. Can't really answer more of your questions. An electrologist in your area may be worth looking into. You could set up a consultation and she'll help. Based on your budget, a 15-30 minute treatment session, every few weeks may be helpful. I don't know without looking at it. What usually happens is that you have more treatments at first - once a week or whatever. Then over time, treatments taper off, until you never need them again. Again, the key thing to remember is to never tweeze, wax, or thread between treatments. You can bleach or use depilatory creams. They don't affect the root. The tweezing, etc. does affect the root. If anyone lives in the Portland, OR area, I know a fabulous electrologist. Other than that. it's best to research.
  10. Only have time for lots of stretching today. Those look good also.
  11. My dd created this image (not the quote, obviously ;), that's from one of our favorites - Roald Dahl). Thought to share.
  12. I am a qualified and trained esthetician (in my previous life) and have personal experience. For facial hair, electrolysis is my top recommendation. It takes a long time and patience. But it's gone FOREVER!!! Find a good qualified electrologist who uses the Blend Method (as opposed to the Tweeze Method). http://www.hairtell.com/ If you choose electrolysis, do not tweeze or wax in between treatments. Hair grows in cycles - anagen, catagen, telogen (trying to rack my memory). The success of electrolysis depends on it being treated at the right stage. It's a hit and miss thing. But: With regular treatment Not messing with it in between treatments so that the electrologist can treat it at the right stage, (you can shave/use Nair/trim w/scissors, but you should not tweeze or wax or do anything to affect the roots), Being patient (electrolysis requires patience) the hairs will eventually never grow back. I used to have a thick unibrow growing up. Had it treated. Never touched it in between treatments. Was patient. Had regular treatments. It has never, ever grown back - after more than 20 years. My upper lip hairs have pretty much all gone also.
  13. Yes, I agree 100% about Molly Weasley. :) Love her and that entire family. Some others that come to mind: The moms in For One More Day The Housekeeper and the Professor Room I'm sure there are fare better ones and more, but that's all I could think of at the moment. This week, I read: The Sunday Philosophy Club - 4 Stars - love Isabel Dalhousie and I think that I'll like this series far more than The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency series. The Flame - 3 Stars - read this in my early teens - story of one of the first American Baha'i women.
  14. Denise Austin I've heard great things about this one also. I don't have it. I'd like to have it, but I can't justify spending any more $$ on DVDs at the moment.
  15. The reason I got the Bosu Ball (a few years and I'm embarrassed to say that I barely use it and I should use it more) is to work on my balance. Balance is a concern for me as I get older. It's also great for the core, etc. Mine came with a DVD of its own. I might someday get another DVD, but since I barely use it right now, not buying a DVD yet. I go through those non-working out periods also. Like that Denise Austin DVD a lot. I like almost every one of hers. :) Hope your shoulder feels much better soon. Would Tiger Balm or some similar ointment help?
  16. Today's plan and hopefully I'll get to do both: 2 Miles of Leslie Bosu Ball Workout
  17. Although my mom is worth celebrating and I'm so blessed to still have her around, I've always felt bad for those who are not in the same situation. Personally, I really don't like any Hallmark holidays. I don't like being told when to celebrate something - religious holidays and birthdays being the exception, of course. I don't like the herd mentality that goes with this sort of stuff - all the silliness and nonsense. Reminds me of Valentine's Day in the junior high years or something.
  18. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  19. About to do: Crunch - Pick Your Spot Pilates Kristen, which DVD was it? Good for you. :)
  20. I've loved quite a bit of his stuff - around 50% of his stuff I've probably really enjoyed and the others haven't been that great at all.
  21. About to do Callanetics. This made me smile. Move over planking!
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