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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I love how it shows you as being 99 years old :lol:.
  2. Rebounding Everyone's doing so well! :hurray: Reminder to me today: Spend more time standing up during the day. One study found that obese people spent about 2 1/2 hours a day in chairs. Those who were up and moving around more burned about 350 extra calories a day. Even a little bit of standing and walking makes a huge difference. Any kind of movement – even nervous pacing – could help keep weight under control. Stand up while talking on the phone, and fetch things for yourself instead of asking your spouse or kids to get them for you. Which one was this?
  3. Yoga routine. My weight is up, very, very up :eek: and I'm determined to eat less. I want to lose this weight and keep it off. Not true for me at the moment, but boy, I can relate :lol: .
  4. I read Joseph Anton: A Memoir and really liked it - 4 Stars. A brilliantly-written memoir. I've never read any of Salman Rushdie's books and now I'd very much like to. This memoir was unique in that it was written in third-person. I could barely put it down. This is the type of book that gets you thinking for a while afterwards. It was an interesting coincidence that Salman Rushdie's mother and I have the same name. I seldom see my name in print. :) A funny thing happened to him when he was traveling in Australia. After reading this, I will always think of this story when hearing the word "fatwa" :lol: :smilielol5: The police arrived and went to question the driver of the truck, who was still sitting in his cab, scratching his head. The truck looked as if nothing had happened to it. … The police were giving the driver a hard time, though. They too had worked out that the man sitting dazed and wounded on the grass was Salman Rushdie, and so they wanted to know, what was the driver’s religion? The driver was bewildered. “What’s my religion got to do with anything?†Well, was he a Muzlim? An Islammic? Was he Eye-ray-nian? Is that why he had tried to kill Mr. Rushdie? Maybe one of the Ayatoller’s fellers? Was he carrying out the whatever it was called, the fatso? The poor driver shook his confused head. He didn’t know who the guy was he had hit. He had just been driving this truck and didn’t know about any fatso. In the end the police believed him and sent him on his way.
  5. Hope your day is a lovely one. :)
  6. Nothing for me today. I have so much to do and feel a bit overwhelmed. No guilt, since I'm telling myself that tomorrow is Monday and I'll start again. :)
  7. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  8. Really, really helpful. Thank you. :)
  9. Sorry to sound a bit stupid this early in the morning, but does this mean to stretch the hip flexors before doing any ab work? I'm thinking yoga poses, etc. - anything to stretch the hip flexors. Thank you. :)
  10. Jean, is that Target a good one? My experience with Targets in cities are that some are not that good. Agreeing with you on not needing to be extravagant with lodging. :)
  11. Thank you all so much for being so helpful and patient with me. :) I'm really annoyed at the moment. I just spent about 20 minutes replying and it all got deleted. :cursing: Okay, here we go again. I thought that Ptld would be easier. Stores: Target, Costco, Walking Company, Famous Footwear, any store with reasonably-priced layers. Not looking for touristy or flashy, designer, high-end stores. Tourist-stuff:Not necessarily looking for Space/Science Museum type stuff either. We've done that before. We would like to probably see a movie and some nice food. We get to Seattle very late at night and will be thoroughly exhausted. Riding the monorail will not be an option then.We'll be in Seattle for two nights, really one full day. Thinking of two options: We'll either rent a car and stay in one of the suburbs and return the car right before the cruise, getting a cab to the cruise terminal Staying in downtown and signing up for zipcar if we need to go shopping in a suburb-ish type place.
  12. Forgot to post yesterday. I did lots and lots of housework and stretching-type stuff. About to do 4 or 5 Miles of Leslie. Thanks for the helpful explanation. And yes, I am fully with you on the surgery thing. Love this. Totally agree. Love what your husband says.
  13. Thank you all so much. Your replies are super-helpful and I'm taking notes. :) I used to live in Portland. Seattle sounds quite similar - very public transport friendly. We stayed in Bellevue a few years ago and spent a half day in Seattle. I do remember that parking was a bit of a pain. Nothing huge, just like any major city. Am I correct in assuming that downtown Seattle has good shopping - malls, etc.? I forgot to ask if there's a Target nearby. I guess I can look that up. Whenever we visit the U.S., Target seems to be our Disney World. It's the first place we head to. We just need to pick up some layers (not necessarily Target) and essentials for the cruise.
  14. Thank you all. This is really helpful. At this point I'm not very sure about Seattle's public transport. If it's very good and close to our hotel, maybe we won't even need to rent a car. We have no problem renting a car. I'm just wondering, since some cities are more friendly for public transport. If anyone has any thoughts on their public transport, would really appreciate it. Thanks again.
  15. Wishing you a wonderful day (although, given the time difference, I'm a bit late) and a fabulous year.
  16. Stacia, I read her book "Gift from the Sea" several years ago. I like her writing style. I'm quite certain that I read an excerpt from one of these books in a magazine recently.
  17. We're planning a trip and I need to book our hotel room: * fairly close to a good mall or shopping area - does not have to be in downtown (parking hassles, etc.) * it would be nice to be fairly close to the cruise ship terminals - or at least not a huge distance away. Hotwire gives the following categories and I'd like to know what to bid for: Downtown - Pike Place Seattle Tacoma Intl Airport SEA Downtown Seattle Center - Space Needle Southcenter - Tukwila Renton - Kent Auburn - Federal Way Downtown Bellevue Thanks so much. :)
  18. About to soon do 4 Miles of Leslie. Me too.
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