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Everything posted by Negin

  1. As part of the Bingo Reading Challenge, I read: Dog on It - a book with non-human characters - well the dog was the narrator, much like The Art of Racing in the Rain. 3 Stars Dad is Fat - a humor book - 3 Stars. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  2. Loved The Poisonwood Bible. The Alchemist was just okay - not the best and not the worst. A bit predictable for me. I've read at least one other book like that. For the price you're getting, it's worth it.
  3. Thank you all. :) I think that they do airport-like searches. Mind you, I've never been on a cruise before. Yes, our ds really wants the soda package. Both kids are teenagers. You're right and my conscience tells me not to do it. Do all cruises give free soda at meals? If so, I have no problem with not getting the packages. I wonder if Celebrity allows for that. If so, I'll be delighted. :) Yes, I think I should check with them. Thanks again, everyone.
  4. Nothing - these are fasting days and unless if I wake up super-early, working out is just not going to happen. Spring is coming :).
  5. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  6. Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs
  7. We'll be going on an Alaska cruise. We don't drink alcohol and are not sure if it's worth getting the Classic Non-Alcoholic Package - $112 US - for each person. Spending over $500 on just bottled water and the occasional soft drink is ridiculously high. Getting drinking water is apparently a real pain - you have to go all the way up to just one cafeteria and line up for cups of water. I guess they do anything they can to make more money. There will be five of us - two of us have the same initials. On another forum, someone said that they saved by sharing one package, since they had the same initials. Anyone have any experience/thoughts/wisdom to share on this? Thank you. :)
  8. That book was written by my dh's cousin. I met her once and she's super-nice - lovely family. :)
  9. :lol: When my dc were younger, they said, "maybe". Now that they're in their teens, neither want to get married or have children. To each their own. :)
  10. Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs
  11. All the Right Moves - Amazing Legs
  12. I got Ernest Hemingway. You need a manly man. A man who doesn’t mince his words. A man who knows that love that is true and real creates a respite from death. You’ll need to keep an eye out for him because he’s pretty popular with the ladies, but you understand that his wandering eye just comes from a fear of rejection. Okay, I really don't care for the fact that he has a wandering eye (not my cup of tea at all), so I'll retake it. Now, I got Jane Austen :lol: .
  13. As far as the Oscars go, I've loved two of the movies that were nominated - Captain Phillips and Philomena - but I really dislike watching the Oscars and pretty much anything like that. I read The Maze Runner - 3 Stars - dd has wanted me to read it for some time. YA book. A bit confusing at first, but then it got better. I look forward to reading more in the series. Also read The Original Beauty Bible - 4 Stars - skin care has always interested me. I used to be an esthetician. Don't really do make up, but I do try to read up on skin care and do what I can. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  14. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  15. Woke up super-late, but I'm going to rebound, regardless. Very uncharacteristic of me to be flexible about that.
  16. 2 Miles of Leslie. Yes, it most certainly can. :)
  17. Thank you for these. :) Pam, Maus looks really good. I might give Conference of the Birds a try. My dh read it and a major hurricane blew our copy away (along with lots of other books). I'll see if it's something I'd like. Dh doesn't think so. Unfortunately, I haven't really and truly loved any of the books I've read in 2014. This Bingo Challenge is not helping and I may soon give up on it. :glare: Kareni, this looks good. I loved "The Art of Racing in the Rain" - read that a few years ago. Stacia, you are truly made for the Pac NW. :)
  18. Yoga sequences from yoga journal.
  19. Pam, it's for the Bingo Reading Challenge. This is the first reading challenge I've ever participated in. It's this specific category (non-human characters) that's giving me the most trouble at the moment. :lol: I read Animal Farm in high school and really don't want to read it again. My school forced us to read Watership Down when I was 10. That was the first and last time I've ever lied about completing a book. I loathed it. The movie came out that year and I hated the song also :cursing: . I'm sure it might be a good story, but when something is forced upon you at an age when you're not likely to fully appreciate it, it doesn't exactly lead to positive feelings. Maus looks like something I might like. Thank you. My daughter might like Gregor the Overlander. That's cool. :) Thank you anyway. :) Stacia, thank you so much. The illustrations look gorgeous. Off to read the blog post soon. :) Pam, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that it's never really interested me, and I know that it should. Being Persian, most cultured people that I know have read it. :iagree: I only liked his first few books and Da Vinci Code was my all-time favorite. I have no interest in reading his more recent stuff.
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