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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Hoping to soon do Tracey Mallett: Pilates Super Sculpt.
  2. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  3. Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs
  4. Nothing today - except some neck and shoulder stretches. Everything feels sore. It was really bad yesterday. It's better this morning. I hope I can get back to exercise tomorrow. Take care of yourself. Ouch! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. I have quite a few Callanetics DVDs. This one's my favorite. It took a while for me to like them. Haven't done this one in a while. Today I did t - watch it on youtube if you feel like having a laugh at the workout clothes and hair. :lol: Brain health:
  6. All the Right Moves - Fusion Fundamentals - an excellent yoga-type workout. Fat Burning Breathing with Ellen Barrett - on you tube and just 6 minutes. Love Ellen. :) :grouphug: - hope it feels better. Not my favorite barre workout, but I definitely worked up a sweat. It was more intense than others I've tried and not too lengthy, The triceps and inner thigh work was great. My triceps are the worst and take forever to tone up. :glare: Abs and triceps are my biggest problem areas. Take care. Sounds like you're doing the right thing. I can relate to the patience problem. :grouphug:
  7. :lol: I wish I could be there.
  8. As part of the Bingo Reading Challenge, I had to choose a book that a friend loves. I chose A Tale for the Time Being, since I know that Stacia loves that one. I loved it also and give it 5 Stars. Really, really loved it. Thank you, Stacia. :D
  9. You too? We both have good taste. :lol: I love re-reading them also. I've only read them twice, but definitely plan on reading them again. I miss that about Britain. Love, love, love Britain. :) :grouphug:
  10. Just did Cardio Barre: Beginner - the triceps work was very tough for me. Great workout overall. Realized that You Tube has the entire workout in case anyone's interested. :)
  11. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  12. Jackie Warner: Crunch-Free X-treme Abs
  13. Denise Austin: Shrink Your Female Fat Zones - one of my all-time favorite workouts.
  14. 2 Miles of Leslie. Nice to be exercising again. I feel very out of shape and yucky.
  15. I miss spring. In fact, I miss having proper seasons. I never thought I'd say that and thought that I would love tropical weather forever. And Pam, yes, when I read The Dream, I also didn't realize that it was a memoir until later in the book. Just got The Nazi Officer's Wife for $1.99 on amazon! And am going to get the mindfulness book. :) Yes, that was such fun with Rosie sending out those postcards :D! She was so sweet to send me the DVD also :grouphug: . The postcard idea sounds like a fun one.
  16. Once again, nothing much today, other than stretching. Henna day. Can't wait to start exercising again. :D
  17. I have this problem also. If given a choice, I would much, much rather read a hard copy than on the Kindle. Love it! :lol: Yes, Maus was very good. I didn't want it to end. Thanks your sweet comments. :)
  18. I feel blessed to have been able to complete 3 books in the past week. I'm seldom able to do so. The Mill River Recluse - 3 Stars - a sweet, light, and fluffy read - the type that Sarah Addison Allen fans will probably like. Nothing incredible, just an enjoyable read. Maus - 5 Stars - I think it was Pam in CT who recommended it to me. Thank you! :D Fabulously done. That's all. The Dream - 5 Stars - Read it in one day. That should explain how great this book is. I liked this one even more than his first book - The Invisible Wall - as if that's even possible, since I love that one so much. Harry was 96 when he wrote this beautiful memoir. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  19. Nothing today - henna day - nothing in the next few days either, unless if I wake up super-early.
  20. I loved it when we read it for English Lit here in Grenada. I was 15 at the time and as you know, I don't have a US background (I was 19 when I first entered the U.S). To Kill a Mockingbird was a favorite amongst most of our class. I'm sure it helped that our English Lit teacher was American.
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