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Everything posted by pmeilaen

  1. You are very welcome. I own most of these books and we have enjoyed them.
  2. Nature Study: Tiergeschichten Kleine Biene Sonnenstrahl Ein botanischer Märchengarten Poetry: Ein und alles: 373 Gedichte für Kindheit und Jugend Das Jahreszeitenbuch History: Weltgeschichte (This is for older children, ten years and up.)
  3. That is encouraging to know. Thanks so much for your input.
  4. Thanks so much, Mike. How much math is the mininum requirement you need for this text? Would two years of Saxon Math be enough (Algebra 1 and 2)?
  5. Has anybody used the chemistry text General Chemistry: Atoms First by McMurry/Fay? If so, what is your opionion of this text for a one year general chemistry course? Is it doable, if you are not a science person? We would be taking a college class that uses that book.
  6. Has anybody ever used An Introduction to Chemistry? If so, how did you like it? Is it possible to obtain sample pages of the book? Kolbe Academy uses the book, but they do not have any sample pages.
  7. Do you remember what you used to complete the missing geometry? Is this the Precalculus book you used?
  8. You are skipping Algebra 1 then? Have you done a Saxon placement test? Thanks for the other suggestions. I will look into them.
  9. I see, would Jacob's Geometry be too easy? Chakerian for Geometry? Would we also have to do a Precalculus or Calculus book then?
  10. My son is finishing up Saxon Algebra 2, but would like to switch to a different textbook after this one. He liked Saxon Algebra 1, but thought that he does not understand the "why" behind what he is doing in Saxon Algebra 2. Has anybody ever switched after Saxon Algebra 2 to a different publisher/approach? We used Singapore Math for the first years (and also some Miquon Math and RightStart Math). We tried NEM, but did not like it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I know, but she was not able to do it differently, due to Italian tax laws. However, I am sure you could email her and try to work something out. There must be a different way to pay across the Atlantic.
  12. I friend of mine and former homeschooling mother from South Tyrol in Italy has put together a wonderful pdf booklet on using timelines, maps, lap books, and some other ideas for homeschooling. She is an accomplished artists and her work with her two sons has always been very impressive. Take a look at what she has to offer here. This is all in German with lots of photographs to see what wonderful hands-on materials can be created with just a few simple supplies. There is a small fee for this booklet, but it is worth the cost!
  13. I am looking for the cassette tapes that go with the old textbook French for Mastery 2: Tous ensemble from the Valettes. I looked everywhere, even asked in some local schools, but have not been able to find them. So I was wondering if anybody here would have any ideas where I could find them. Thanks!
  14. I was wondering if anybody knows the difference between the handbook and the workbook for Vocabulary for the College Bound. I have seen sample pages for the workbook, but cannot find any of the handbook. Are both necessary or recommended? Also, has anybody used the CD?
  15. I send a reply back! Thanks for your correspondence.
  16. Yes, I think for first and second grade that is correct -- although I remember learning division earlier than third grade. I also remember that we didn't do word problems until third grade (Singapore Math has them earlier). I think grade three has a lot of measurement and money, but I do think that fractions come later, especially because they are not used so much in everyday life like in the U.S. I use Singapore Math for some of my children so I am familiar with the series. How did you end up in Germany? And thanks for your kind words about my blog.
  17. Interesting. I grew up in the German school system and my mother was an elementary school teacher until just recently (she retired). From my own experience and what my mother told me I would say that in the early years there is much more emphasis on multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division than here. Fractions are not introduced until fifth grade. Grade 8 and up is much, much more advanced than American math, though. This also holds true for the children of my siblings, who all attend German schools. Maybe there are regional differences? I went to school in Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen.
  18. Skoldo (better for five years and older) Graindor is very good for the three year old, if you know French yourself. There is also a version for older children. French for Kids (we have been using this for 10 years now)
  19. Here is a list of the most common available programs. I only have a sample copy of Mittelpunkt, which doesn't look too bad. All of these programs require a teacher who knows German, though. Here is an encyclopedia for children/teens. To find a German tutor I would try to find a college nearby with a German program. Or contact the AATG.
  20. Thanks so much. I have noticed that the German and American sequence of math concepts is quite different, though. So far I have not used a lot of German math.
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