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Posts posted by mereminerals

  1. We always use Valspar from Lowe's when we paint. A friend of mine gave us some advice last time we painted that works really well. She adds either vanilla extract or almond extract to the paint and stirs it in really well prior to applying it to the wall. It gets rid of the any odor that might linger, especially for those that are prone to migraines or headaches from paint odor.

  2. :grouphug::grouphug: Warm, gentle hugs here.


    I can totally relate. I was diagnosed over 13 years ago, but have had Lupus since I was a child. It is so hard for those who have never experienced anything like it to relate, even though they want to. I had my husband watch a video one time that Rob Thomas wrote for his wife, who also has an auto-immune disorder, called Her Diamonds. For some reason, this helped him to visualize my pain when I am in a flare.



    Unfortunately, my husband was bit by a tick and they think he has either Lyme disease or Ehrlichiosis (?sp), both which have symptoms very similar to what is experienced in a Lupus flare. He now knows what I have to live with and has apologized so many times for his ignorance. He has said at times he acted like he didn't care because he didn't know how to make me quit hurting and it was killing him inside to not be able to fix it for me.


    I will be praying for you.

  3. My dh spoke with the nurse at his doctor's office this afternoon. He will be doing a minimum of 4 weeks of antibiotics and will have to go in for some different blood work in 3 weeks. His doctor contacted the MD over the lab and decided they needed to broaden the tests and will repeat them at no charge.


    I really appreciate all the advice and support. To be honest, I happened to read a post in this forum a few weeks ago and that stuck in my mind. If it wasn't for that post, I'm not sure I would have pushed my husband to even see the doctor until it was much worse. I know there is a reason my mind was heightened to this information.

  4. so mereminerals - you think do American history and let then 7th grader read MOH3 to keep up with what else is going on in the world?


    Are there any American History curriculums like MOH that offer optional activities, quizes, timeline suggestions, etc.?



    Sorry, I haven't replied before now. I'm not aware of an American History program that is like MOH. I have a timetable that combines AAH vol 1 and MOH 3, if you are interested. The only thing is you don't finish AAH as MOH doesn't go as far as AAH. We are going to be doing a separate year of American History and then picking back up with MOH the following year. I also agree with looking at Notgrass middle school American History program. I will be joining that one with AAH for my daughter going into 5th next year.

  5. Thanks everyone. This is a new venture for us and I am definitely learning so much about Lyme disease. I had no idea it was any where near this serious. I will definitely be pushing this and making sure he gets the care he needs. We went tonight and bought some probiotics for him to take while he is on the antibiotics.

  6. I removed a tick from my husband's back on Saturday morning. He had been in a wooded area on Monday that is prone for ticks, but we hadn't noticed this one (it was really small). On Friday, he began having headaches and general body aches progressed until Sunday night he was running a 101 fever and had severe body chills. This is a man who NEVER complains about anything and he was grabbing at me to get closer for body heat becausee he was shivering so badly. He refused to go to the doctor on Monday, but agreed to go yesterday as he wasn't getting any better. He developed a small circular rash around the bite Monday evening, which helped with him agreeing to go to the doctor.


    They did blood work on him and noted he had most of the symptoms of lyme and put him on antibiotics for 7 days and said they would decide to do more depending on his lab results. We got the results today and the tick borne labs were all negative. They said to follow up in a couple of weeks. He is in so much pain, that 2 Lortab 7.5mg aren't touching the headaches or his joint pain. He also has extreme fatigue and a stiff neck, along with the chills and then sweating. I mentioned that I had done some research on lyme and that it is not uncommon for a negative result if the lab was taken too early. The doctor was already gone for the day and the nurse was going to check back with him tomorrow.


    Any advice on what I need to do? How far do I push this? I have never seen him in so much pain before.


    On the totally devious side, though, he is now experiencing what I experience when I go into a lupus flare.

  7. We just finished up MOH3 with an 8th & 4th grader. My 8th grader used All American History in conjunction with MOH3. It just didn't cover very far. I don't know the time period MOH4 will cover, though. I am really looking forward to it when my 4th grader will get to use it. We will be getting off track next year from the history cycle and will be using a combination of Sonlight, Notgrass and several other American History books for my soon to be 9th grader.


    That said, MOH3 is very in depth and I didn't have my 4th grader do much of the extras. I honestly don't think a 1st grader would be able to sit through some of the lessons.

  8. My ds14 will be a 9th grader this fall. He is our middle child, but the first to be homeschooled for high school. He is a very reluctant learner, but hoping that phase will pass as his brain begins to reconnect with his body over the next couple of years. He would personally love to just push through and get things done so he can graduate a year early. I know complete contradiction of the reluctant learner. LOL. But, we are not encouraging this as his end goal is West Point and I personally don't want him there a year early. We are looking at him doing dual enrollment after next year at the local community college.


    I really appreciate all the information and sage advice those that have BTDT have to offer.

  9. Are there other brands you'd recommend that aren't Bare Escentuals or Pur Minerals? I've tried samples of those and they made me itch like crazy.


    I would look at the ingredient listings. The most common ingredient causing the itching is Bismuth Oxychloride, which I recommend avoiding. There are many companies out there that do not use it in their formulations.


    Another cause of itching could be a new brush or even just using a brush to apply the minerals if your face isn't used to it. You can avoid the itching from brushes by using a synthetic brush.


    I always recommend starting applying the makeup at the forehead and coming down the face in circular motions. This tends to avoid leaving a mass of product around your nose.


    For the flaking, make sure you are applying a good moisturizer prior to applying the mineral makeup.


    Disclaimer: Mineral makeup is my passion as I have been formulating it for the past 4 years. I'm not here to sell it, but please feel free to ask me any question on mineral makeup and I will try my best to get you an answer.

  10. Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I did look up SQ3R and am going over some information I found on it. The highlighting isn't so much for him to memorize it, but it seems to help him if things are in different colors. I'm kinda the same way, though. When I went back to school, I used 4 different highlighter colors for different things and it really helped me when studying. I just hate to buy a second set of everything for my dd to use in a couple of years because big brother colored the whole book in. LOL

  11. Thank you all so much. At this point, I have not allowed him to use a calculator in his math, mostly because most of his errors are due to calculation errors.


    We are working on study skills and outlining. I think I am just going to have to bite the bullet and let him highlight in his books as that is how he tends to retain the information. I have always refrained because I wanted to be able to resell the book, but now it is more important for him to be able to use the resources best suited for him.


    Jenne - that was exactly the type of things I was hoping to get suggestions for.

  12. I just finished the STEM thread and my head is spinning. I decided I should post this on here for the BTDT experience. My ds14 is very insistent that he will go to West Point and pursue a Weapons Engineering degree. He has stated for over 4 years that his goal is to design weapons. For those of you that have a STEM degree or have children pursuing a STEM degree, what suggestions do you have to make sure I give him the best opportunity to succeed?


    He used LOF Beginning Algebra in 7th grade. This year, we had him do a review of Pre-Algebra and Algebra and will continue through the summer to make sure he has a solid foundation in Algebra before proceeding as he has been really struggling to grasp some concepts.


    Here are my science/math plans for him for high school:


    9th: Algebra II (still trying to determine best curriculum for this) and either BJU or Apologia Biology


    10th: Geometry (will most likely stick to whatever we end up using for Algebra II) and Chemistry


    11th: Trig/Pre-Calculus and Physics


    12th: Calculus and AP Physics


    Sorry, this is so long and thank you so much for taking the time to read. I really am looking forward to hearing suggestions.

  13. We gave ds17 a cell phone for his 14th birthday. It was just the phone, no texting and no internet. We paid it the first year and then he took over the payments.


    Ds14 got a cell phone when he was 11 1/2. DH had just upgraded his phone so gave the old phone to ds. At that point, we took over payment for both boys phones.


    Dd9 is counting down until she gets her phone. It will most likely be when she is 11 or 12.


    The boys were both to the age when they were constantly going places with friends or to ballgames without us, so it was within reason for them both to receive the phones when they did. Dd is very seldom any place I am not, so not really sure when she will get one.


    We all have texting on our phones now. It is much easier for the boys to check in with a text than calling as it is often feasible that I am in with a client and wouldn't be able to answer the phone. We still have internet blocked from the boys' phones.


    We also do not have a landline, so it is necessary at this point for each person to have their own phone, except dd who is never at home by herself.

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