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Posts posted by mereminerals

  1. Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I will definitely be checking into them. I have been wanting to try taking gluten out of our diet, just have been too lazy about it. I think it might help my dd who also has an auto-immune disease, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, and complains of daily headaches and neck pain.


    At this point, I am willing to try anything just to feel functional again.

  2. The fees sound reasonable to me. The co-op we are a part of charges $20/child building fee each semester. We don't have an enrollment fee, but you do have to a part of our support group to be involved in the co--op and that comes with a $20/year membership fee and a $10/year fee for liability insurance per family.


    The only classes we offer that run similar cost wise are our elementary classes and two of our middle school classes. But those are basically enrichment classes for science and history.


    The other classes offered cost a lot more, but are academic.


    I really do think that the economy has a lot to do with the numbers. We had a couple classes not make this year and I don't recall that happening before.

  3. Hylunia is not available at the grocery store, but is at spas. I saw that someone had recommended Burt's Bees and I would second that one as well. One thing though I would do is have her stop using a facial bar as they harbor bacteria and could be making her breakouts worse.


    Tea tree oil on the acne areas helps as well.


    Make sure she is using a toner to bring her skin back up to the natural ph level after she washes her face. One with colloidal silver and lavender is best in my opinion for acne. My daughter is 10 and only uses a moisturizer off and on after the toner.

  4. I will admit I am going to be the odd man out in this situation. My dd10 has seen it, but usually covers her eyes during the whipping scene. We have watched it as a family several times over the past few years and my ds17 and ds14 have watched it with our youth over Easter the past couple of years.


    Here is a video that shows just bits of the graphic nature. My daughter just watched it and gets very solemn when she sees this video.



  5. Our church is doing their VBS this week. It is free with the option of buying a t-shirt. They quit giving free t-shirts when tithing dropped way down and cuts were having to be made.


    They also offer a day camp all summer for 2nd or 3rd through 7th grade, which they charge for, but they are paying all the workers for that.


    I personally haven't come across any churches locally that charge for VBS.

  6. From your description, it sounds like it could be nursemaid's elbow. We used to see it all the time when I worked in Orthopaedics.


    Nursemaid's Elbow

    Nursemaid's elbow is a common injury that is seen most often in children between the ages of 1-3 years . Usually the child has had an incident in which the extended arm was pulled. Most commonly it occurs when a child is falling and the individual holding the hand doesn't let go.

  7. My husband used Group for 1 year and our experience was the same as your description. Our youth pastor has all of the youth Sunday School classes using Fuel (7th-12th grade). Each class has a separate volume they use. Fuel is also in the midst of adding a volume specifically for the middle school ages since the others are more geared towards high school. It is not the most ideal, but we have found ways to tweek it to make it work for our classes. It is very much about youth owning their faith and being very founded in what they believe and why.


    I really don't have any recommendations for younger grades, though.

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