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Posts posted by mereminerals

  1. The reason for using a facial cleanser instead of a body soap is that facial cleanser are suited for the delicate skin on your face. Body soap is harsher on the skin and strips the moisture from the skin. Facial cleansers are made for specific skin types and helps your skin to retain the moisture while cleansing.


    Now, I know many people that use regular soap on their face without any issues. For me, I personally use jojoba oil to clean my face as well as to moisturize my face. Most other products wreak havoc on my face.


    But I will advise to stay away from bar soaps as bacteria is known to form on them and then all you are doing is adding that bacteria to your face when you wash with it.

  2. I only have 2 problems that I am aware of.


    The first is Lupus. I was diagnosed with it in 1998. We are pretty certain that I have had it all my life as I was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis when I was around 8. When I am in a flare, it is really bad. Thankfully, I don't have any major organs involved. Mine is mostly arthritis, which tends to be located in my hips, back, knees and neck. I actually have foraminal narrowing in my neck, which causes very severe daily headaches.


    I also have Fibromyalgia. This was just diagnosed last October. The pain with the fibro is very comparable to the pain with the lupus, so there are many times I am unsure which is causing what. My doctor did put me on Cymbalta, but I didn't like the fog I was in. So, I took myself off of it in June and have finally felt like myself after many years. I am in the process now of looking into the Mediterranean diet to see what relief I can get from going that route.


    I have decided that meds are not the answer for me. I have taken way too many over the years and it is now affecting my liver. I have opted to go the natural route.


    I forgot, I also have Raynaud's and possibly Sjorgens.

  3. My 8th grader is currently using Progeny Press Study Guides for the Lord of the Ring Trilogy to cover literature, spelling and vocabulary; English from the Roots Up; Easy Grammar; and we are beta testing a new WriteShop with my 4th grader and he is sitting in on those as well.

  4. I would recommend checking your local ps website to see what their scope and sequence is for 8th grade. That will give you an idea of what that particular district will be looking for. I know here, if a child wishes to enter high school after being homeschooled, they have to be tested to see where the school will place them.

  5. See, I would be flattered if that happened to me. But clearly, I have issues. :D


    Nah, not issues. My son was extremely embarrased and not to mention that my baby brother was an 8th grader at the school at the time. He was a little upset. LOL. That was all it took for me to be convicted, but it is not my place to judge what is appropriate for anyone other than myself.

  6. My ds 13 will be using Progeny Press this year. I haven't looked at LL so I can't comment on the differences. I have gone through and planned out several books using PP guides and am very impressed with them. We chose them because my son really wanted to choose books that interested him this year so I went on a search to find guides for what he had chosen. We happened across PP and I am very glad we have. I am now looking for some to do with my daughter instead of using BYFIAR with her.

  7. I think it is a very personal decision. I didn't have a problem showing cleavage when I was in my mid to late 20s. To be honest, it wasn't until I had a personal experience at the middle school my oldest ds was attending 6th grade that made me take a second look at the way I was dressing. I tend to look a lot younger than my age and was picking my son up from school. Some of the 8th graders thought I was his older sister and asked me out. Talk about drastically changing my wardrobe.


    My oldest ds has recently been very uncomfortable with me wearing tank tops without a top over it. While I personally don't have an issue with it, it is a concession I am willing to make if it makes him more comfortable.

  8. Here is what wehave planned thus far for my 8th grade ds.:


    History: MOH III and All American History Volume 1

    Language: English from the Roots Up; Easy Grammar Plus

    Math: Doing a basic review using TT7 and TT Algebra 1. He did an algebra program last year and we want to make sure he has everything down pat.

    Science: AIG; Apologia General Science with co-op

    Latin: Latin for Children with co-op

    Literature: Progeny Press Study Guides for The Hobbit and LOTR Trilogy; Blood on the River Study; possibly Lord of the Flies and various other titles as we go along.

    Spelling and Vocabulary: Will be taken from Literature


    I think that's it. I've been writing my plans out all afternoon so my mind is very hazy at the moment.

  9. This is our 2nd year to participate in a co-op. It is extremely structured. The classes for elementary age are parent led classes, meaning each parent usually teaches 2 classes a semester with another parent. We have an outline we have to fill out and submit to the head of TRU classes. We then have to email the outline to all the parents by 9am the Friday before class (which are on Thursdays) so that parents are able to cover whichever topics need to be covered prior to class. Our TRU classes are more for hands-on activities that might not be done at home and as a final wrap up for the lessons. We do have set curriculum that is used for the classes. This year my dd 9 is taking history and science through the co-op.


    For jr. high and high school grades, the classes are taught by someone who has a passion for the subject and are very in-depth. Each instructor emails a syllabus to the parents and a schedule of what to cover when prior to class starting. My ds 13 is taking Latin and Science at co-op. They really enjoy the classes.

  10. All I can say, is where can my kids send their thank you cards? LOL. Seriously, they are going to be excited with the ideas you guys have offered up for breakfast. The oldest especially since I have a hard time getting him breakfast made before he goes off to school (he leaves the house by 6:30).

  11. I bought it last year for the kids to use with MOH. I liked that I could deflate it and store it. The kids just liked having a globe to look at and sometimes throw at each other. LOL. Although, this year, I am going to using it to learn about different continents and countries with my dd. My idea is to have the kids toss it to each other and where the right thumb lands is the area we will dig into. We use a similar game as an icebreaker with our youth using a beach ball with numbers all over it. It's a big hit with them, so I decided to adapt it for us to use at home.

  12. I used MOH volume 1 this past year with a 7th grader and a 3rd grader. Both the kids enjoyed it. I would generally read the pretests and the quizzes out loud and let the kids answer them. We did several of the activities, but didn't do the memory cards or the timeline. This year, however, we will be doing MOH III with a co-op and we will be doing the timelines there and many of the activities there. Also, last year, we did it 4 days a week. I'm pretty sure we will be doing it 4 days a week this year as well.

  13. I also have fibromyalgia, along with lupus. My rheumatologist put me on Cymbalta in October. At first, it did wonders for the level of pain and seemed to clear my head of the fog I had been in. It also made me extremely lethargic and I was on the smallest dose possible. It had some side effects I did not like - I gained 15 pounds in a month, I became extremely sensitive to the sun, I was very distant emotionally, and I also tired all the time. I opted to wean myself off of them and I am now going on 3 weeks without them. I can honestly say that I will never go back on any anti-depressants.


    This was my 2nd round. The first time was after my hysterectomy when the doctor said I was just depressed, turns out I was in hormonal shock and had to get my hormones leveled back out. Once I did that, I weaned myself off the Zoloft they had me on then.


    My husband has seen the effects and greatly dislikes the side effects I experience. I am a much happier person and really enjoy life when I am off of them, I just happen to be in a lot more pain when I don't take them.

  14. Thank you so much for the links. I have been reading over the site and have had many of my questions answered. I am in awe from reading the testimonies on there and how much they relate to me. I am in the process of finishing school to be an esthetician and my dh and I are considering opening an organic/all natural day spa. My friend that introduced me to Reiki is wanting to rent space for energy healings if we go that route. This has really given me a lot of information to digest and go through with my dh.

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