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Posts posted by mereminerals

  1. This worked at our house:


    As his parent, you need to let him know that he's not eye-rolling *correctly.* ;-)


    Tell him that you love him dearly, and because of your deep care for his well-being, it bothers you when he doesn't do things well. He'll have to practice eye rolling to get better at it. Have him practice rolling his eyes 50 times in front of a mirror. Every time he rolls his eyes when you haven't asked him to practice, send him to a mirror and tell him to do it 50 more times. Say this with a sweet tone and a loving expression on your face. Don't you want him to do his best at EVERYTHING he does? ;-)


    Don't comment in any other way -- after the first time, just say, "Oops, you're not doing it right! Better go practice!" and send him to practice.


    It cured my teen dd of eye rolling with only one "practice" session. The next time she started to roll her eyes, I said, "Do you need more practice?" and she caught herself. ;-)



    devious, impish, creative mom. :)


    I love this!

  2. Wow. I love these suggestions. I have an ADHD child and have really struggled to find things that work for him. Although, I can totally relate to him hanging upside down in the chair or on the couch when doing oral work. I can't wait to try some of the other suggestions.

  3. My dd has used Horizons since 1st grade and has moved very swiftly through it. I will admit there are tons of math problems per lesson, so we usually end up having her skip some if she has the concept down. Horizons does use a spiral technique, which is the best for her. I had looked at Saxon for her, but I'm not one to push her as far ahead as I know she would be in Saxon, so we dropped it and stayed with Horizons. For all purposes, Horizons seems to be a year and a half to two years above the grade they state. My daughter finished Horizons 4 and when doing Test Prep for my 7th grade ds we realized she had already covered everything that was on the test. For us, Horizons is what has worked for us in the past with her.

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