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Posts posted by mereminerals

  1. If you are looking towards a tinted moisturizer, you can make your own using your current mineral foundation and adding it to a moisturizer that has SPF. Sometimes I am even known to add in some bronzer to my foundation for just a lighter coverage, but still definitely covers my rosacea.


    Now, if you really like mineral makeup, look for one that has Titanium Dioxide as one of the first couple of ingredients in the ingredient list. Ideally, mineral makeup should contain no more than 4-5 ingredients. More than that means there is less substance and more fillers, which would explain the melting off your face feeling.


    Also, if you tend to have a ruddiness to your skin, you will want to balance that out by using a foundation or color corrector that is either yellow or green. You could use a color corrector on its own and then apply a light bronzer with spf over it and you would have a very natural and light application.

  2. My dd has been using Horizons since 1st grade. We are going to be using TT to supplement Horizons this year, just to change things up a little for her and we will be going from Horizons 4 Book 2 to TT 6 and most things in there will be just a review for her. She tested to TT 7. I have several friends who have switched from Horizons after completing 4 and went to either TT 6 or TT 7.


    Horizons has an online placement test you can have your child take to see which book they should go into.


    That being said, Horizons does tend to be a minimum of a grade and a half above level.

  3. I've been lurking for a bit, but thought that I would pop in and say hi. I'm Lisa and I live in Jenks. I have seven children. My oldest will begin college this fall. I will have a 5th, 4th, 2nd and 1st grader to homeschool this fall, plus a 3 and one year old.


    I was wondering if anybody knew of any PE, music or art co-ops in the Tulsa area?


    I look forward to chatting with you all.





    The Glenpool/Bixby Rec Center offers a Homeschool PE program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.


    If you visit Reiki.org you'll see lots of articles that describe Reiki in great detail. Here's one that answers the question 'What is Reiki?' Perhaps it will help provide you with the information you're looking for. :)



    Thank you so much for this site. It really helped answer some questions. I am trying to determine if this is truly something from God or if it is something that contradicts my belief system. I do believe in the spiritual gift of healing and am looking to be able to make the discernment of this practice. I will say I felt a great relief and that a wall had been lifted off of my shoulders once it was over. They were able to address many things that I had never mentioned to them prior to the healing.

  5. I have been in contact with a woman for a while as we are in the process of wholesaling our products together. During one of our last meetings she mentioned she and a friend of hers would like to give me a Reiki energy healing session. I was very skeptical as I had never heard of this prior and did a ton of research on it before she came to my house for the energy healing. I am wondering if I can get some information from anyone who has had Reiki energy healings or actually does the healings. Both ladies prayed over me prior to the healing and explained to my daughter and son who wanted to watch that they are just vessels God uses in the healings. We are Christians and it was very calming to me that she based her abilities on God and not on herself. (She is also a Christian.) Her insight was pretty much dead on. I have a complete peace since it was done, but have a nagging doubt (which could be just me). Anyone interested in sharing their experience or resources on Reiki? I would greatly appreciate it as I am all about doing as much resource as possible. Thanks!

  6. This post so describes my daughter. She is such a perfectionist and many things come so easily for her that she expects everything to be that easy. When they don't oh my, you would think the world has come to an end. She is getting that way as math is getting more complex for her, so we are switching it up and purposely putting her in a math that is more of a review than introducing new concepts to her. I'm still working this through with her as well and am really looking at what everyone is saying on this.

  7. Math: TT Algebra 1 and possibly heading into TT Algebra 2

    Science: Apologia General Science; AIG

    Language Arts: Progeny Press and various study guides on The Hobbit, LOTR, Lord of the Flies, Heat, Blood on the River;

    Spelling and Vocabulary based on Literature

    History: MOH III supplemented with SOTW

    Geography: Hands of a Child Geography

    Foreign Language: Latin for Children

    Bible: Working through Books of the Bible

    Guitar Lessons


  8. Personally, I don't think it's a great goal, unless it's for "educational purposes" and not as a way to get the kids to do all the work around the house.


    Maybe I'll get flamed for this, but IMHO, 12 year-olds are still children and although it's certainly possible to teach them to perform all sorts of household tasks and even how to manage finances properly, I don't think it's a great idea to expect them to be "fully grown" at that age, as my personal feeling is that it's more important for them to enjoy being kids for as long as possible. They've got a lifetime of responsibility and work ahead of them; why rush things?


    I think it's wonderful to teach our kids a wide variety of skills, but I don't believe in giving kids too many chores and responsibilities until they are much older.






  9. The homeschool support group I belong to offers a co-op. With ours, the kids have to at least be 3rd grade to participate. It is one day a week, with various classes to choose from: science, history, art, drama, social skills, etc. With ours, you register in May for the classes and they use a specific curriculum. We did it last year with my younger two and they enjoyed it. This year my dd is doing Elementary Science, Elementary History, and Art. My ds is doing Latin and Middle School Science. For us, it is more about the hands-on activities that they are able to do there, as that is not my strong point.

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