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Posts posted by ourjourneys

  1. Boys wear shorts like this all the time :) They do not seem to have difficulty in swimming. This is something that I just do not understand. Women/girls must have shorter shorts (at least mid thigh) and no sleeves in order to be able to swim??? At the ocean you see guys walking with a girl - He is dressed in a short sleeve rash guard and knee shorts, baggy at that... She is dressed in a string bikini (maybe a rash guard, but it is a skimpy one that is so tight as to reveal her curves). Am I the only one who sees this as so ironic? :001_huh:

    I do think that those were a little too modest. I feel like you could get the coverage you are looking for and still find something modern and cute. I like tank or racer back tops and then you could pair it with a bottom that has either the attached skirt or shorts. Or you could find a one piece with the attached fuller coverage skirt. Lands End would be a great place to start looking.I just feel that the ones in the link would be difficult to move or swim in, which is sort of the point of wearing swim clothes. :)
  2. Those are so cute! We bought our daughter some roxy board shorts that are real cute - knee length - at the beach this year. Then she has some rash guards that match nicely... We are very modest and try to instill that in the kids. Our son also wears a rash guard with his long swim shorts.

    This year at the pool several people have asked us where to get these swim suits :) So, you may think that it is being too modest and some may not like the 'restrictions' you are putting on your kids, but you may find that after they have time to digest your example they will actually want to follow in your footsteps :)

    Don't worry if it is too modest or not - Just wear what you are comfortable with :)

  3. I have a few problems with SOTW, but it's easy enough for me to skip over a chapter or to supplement it with an alternative viewpoint.

    What do you skip over? We are using book 2 this year (old version) and I don't have time to read it before hand... It would help if we had a heads up of chapters with question. Thanks! :)

  4. I just remembered: I was a nanny years ago to a little girl who had just been diagnosed with diabetes in 2nd grade. She had to test her sugar level and take shots 2 times a day. She hated it and asked me why would god do this to me?


    My answer was, "Maybe god knew you were strong enough on the inside to handle it and now you will be able to help others who may not be as strong." She smiled and always had confidence with that reminder. Sure enough, in school she met with other kids who were upset because of their situations and she told them the same thing :)


    I personally have experienced this idea as a child with other situations. I look back on things that I have gone through and it has just made me a much stronger person. I have been able to talk about my situations with other teens and found out that they had similar experiences and it was VERY healing.


    Parents have the option to opt-out which is appropriate IMO.

    That certainly is good to have as an option, but what is your daughter going to learn from all of her friends who just sat through that class?


    Someone else posted that they were a teacher and 20% of the girls were sexually active. In that case I am sure that there needs to be a good education class. And in that case I would be for passing out condoms. If 20% of the girls are sexually active then I am sure that there is a very small percentage of the class who has not been educated fully by their friends.


    Where are the parents? These are just children. My daughter who is just going into 5th grade still has dolls that she treasures. She is very mothering but I just can not imagine her being put into an atmosphere where this is the norm. Sad... :confused: My daughter asks a lot of questions of course and I answer them honestly, but she has no need to know how many ways to have intercourse...

  6. I guess I could if I could combine all of my books into ONE BIG BOOK of Everything :) That is really my stumbling block to downsizing... books.

    However, clothes could be simplified to 2 versatile outfits, food could be simplified to large containers :), cleaning and laundry supplies could be simplified to baking soda and vinegar, toiletries could be simplified to baking soda and vinegar.... :) Yes, I think I could do it with my big book of everything...

  7. That is WOW for all of the kids to be taught this. 5th grade knowing all of the ways... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jAy-JJPm2NGeA50Lero_jsfgAFkQD9GUU9L80


    I teach my children the proper anatomical words and answer any of their questions honestly. BUT I do not want someone else teaching them NOR do I want them to be put into a situation where they would have this much knowledge at 5th grade. :confused:

  8. My husband is from different continent, religion, culture, you name it. We have had our share of problems because of our extreme differences HOWEVER we have both grown so much as we have really had to do soul searching in our relationship. I would not trade it. I have learned so much about myself and more importantly how and why I believe and do the things I do :) if that makes any sense.

    For sure I have become a more understanding and tolerant person :)

  9. Today we are having our basement finished (on the tightest budget you can imagine) and we have workers here. I feel like they are putting in a lot of hard work and I feed them dinner. Today I couldn't think of what to fix, but I put together what turned out to be a very inexpensive little dinner.


    Angus Beef Hotdogs (natural with no nitrates, etc) $1.39 (pack of 8) x3

    bought at outlet grocery store

    Hot dog buns $1 bag x3

    bought at bread outlet

    Ice Water $free

    Charlie's Chili for hotdogs $1.00 x2

    Jalepeno and Banana Peppers (gallon jug for $4 at the outlet store) - so these cost very little


    So to feed a family of 6 plus 3 men working (and we have enough for lunch for our family tomorrow) = $10


    I guess we could use some other fruits and veggies, but needed to save a trip to the store today :)

  10. I would loved to have heard that service... It is hard to imagine if Jesus walked into ANY of our churches. What would he feel? I think a lot of hurt for what we have done to our souls....

    Our wonderful UU minister did an amazing sermon on this called "What would Jesus think (about what we've made him into)?" I've never heard so many amens! and preach its! outside an AME church. :D
  11. :iagree: Exactly my thoughts and experience. I love to shop at them but do not want to spend my time doing one.

    My experience has been no. I spent hours preparing for a multi-family garage sale last year, and it was such a flop. I'll continue to shop at them but will not conduct one of my own again. Books go on PaperbackSwap or sold online, nice clothes go to consignment, more valuable items go on Craigslist. All else is donated to friends or charities.
  12. I have to say that I understand how some would not understand this. However, when you look at our culture (sexiness will sell just about anything) it is something to think about. If we allow our children to be comfortable around the opposite sex in string bikinis, then why not in their panties and underwear? If we allow this then we are just asking for our kids to have hang ups when going through puberty. My children are not to that stage yet, but we are modest. When swimming (we do swim mixed) we wear board shorts and rash guards. Many have asked me where to get these for their families.


    Think about this: Why is it 'the style' for boys to wear baggy swim trunks down to their knees but girls need to wear the smallest tightest swim suit available?????? :bigear:

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