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Posts posted by ourjourneys

  1. This is us. (Hi everyone! :seeya:)


    It's hard to be part of such a minority within a minority (secular homeschoolers on top of being homeschoolers).... just try to find a cover around here that doesn't require a statement of faith!


    I participated in a used curric sale the other night, as I *finally* have a few things to sell after four years of hsing. I only sold six chapter books, as no one wanted my secular materials. :confused: If I ever figure out paypal, I will probably list them here...


    Glad to see so many of us here! :D

    Your homeschool fair experience makes me smile. You should come to our town where 4 Christian denominations have their headquarters. :lol:

  2. From my experience, It seems like it goes fairly quick (a week or so) unless something goes wrong. I think the packages with those beautiful red/white/blue priority stickers get sorted first and then if there is room on the truck they will add the media mail :glare:

    But usually it is fairly quick... I did purchase a large box of books just in the last month from ebay. I asked the seller to get a tracking number and sure enough, we needed it because the package got routed wrong. The tracking was updated and at least I could see every couple of days where it was. But if there was no tracking number who knows if anyone would have felt responsible to get it here.

  3. :iagree:we have hardwood on the main level and laminate in the kids rooms (it was less expensive and durable). We only did laminate in the kids rooms because it will not scratch. But, there is absolutely no water allowed in their rooms and we only have a cat - he always uses the litter box. For the hardwood level, when something gets spilled it is so easy to clean...

    Hardwood. Hardwood. Hardwood. Even in the kitchen, maybe the bathrooms. Hardwood. Not laminate. Hardwood. Did I mention hardwood? Yes. Hardwood. :D


    I have had hardwood floors since 1987, in California and now in Texas. I will always have hardwood floors. Properly finished (i.e., several coats of polyurethane), they wear like iron, pet accidents clean up easily, and when you vacuum (cannister vac) or dustmop (microfiber mophead) them, they are CLEAN.

  4. I agree with a lot of what you say!


    Go ahead and unschool- seems like it would be a perfect fit for your family, and there are plenty of "successful" happy unschoolers out there!


    You could at least just unschool for a few months so you can take care of yourself and the baby. I think the kids will remember this special time better...

  5. I've often daydreamed about teaching math, LA, and maybe Latin classically. Then, unschool all else.


    My daydreams are often confirmed when I leave a crate full of books out to plan, and the books turn up missing for a day until one of my dc bring it to me to read aloud. I don't have the heart to tell them, "No dear, we will read this exciting book on Tuesday of week 4....now be patient." One of the reasons I HS is b/c I was completly turned off as a child by the attitude of "We don't care what you want to learn about, so sit down, be quiet and memorize this list!":001_huh:


    I balance that though with the reality that I am mom to 3 young ones...so there is great benefit to my planning some things. If I don't plan (read: MAKE myself:tongue_smilie:) to do the messy things, they are easily passed over.


    Your daydreams sound eerily familiar to me! I go through spurts of feeling confident that we can relax on most subjects. But then I get the heart sinking feeling that we must straighten up, get the schedule out and pull out only the books we need for this time. Forgetting that the kids can learn much more if they are interested in the books and they like their freedom.

    Memorizing math and history facts has been horrible to me over the last years. I did not have the ability to think through math problems until I began homeschooling and re-learned math. I could not tell you many dates in history until we began homeschooling and re-learning. We learned everything just to take a test and then it was gone.

    However, I think that if we could have really been engaged in what we were learning that we could have been dynamic in our education!

    So, I hope that I am changing that for my kids by allowing them to learn at home... :bigear:

  6. It is easier to help someone who you know has helped you ( or others) before.


    I do think people reap what they sow, although it's not always easy to see clearly when that reaping happens.


    yes, You reap what you sow. I would be interested to hear if there is any religion that does not teach this idea.

  7. I don't know that it will come to us when 'we think' we need it. I believe the good will come to us when the higher power thinks we need it. Sometimes our human selfishness gets in the way of what we need. However, I would not be opposed to money (or even school books) falling from the sky right now :)

  8. If you're talking about RS4K, the books themselves are neutral but Dr. Keller is an outspoken advocate for "intelligent design". Whether or not that bothers someone enough to avoid the program is obviously up to the individual.

    Yes, that is what I was refering to. Thank you for that info. I did not know of her agenda. It is hard to find programs that both fit our childrens learning style and the author is agreeable. I am not so particular about her agenda as long as the books are not flavored by it. Thanks again... :001_smile:

  9. We test and skip to the next level or section. We do not skip math all together. I hope that my children will be well grounded in science and math so we try to do math through out the entire year (with a week or 2 vacation here and there)...

  10. I see this has already been listed. I also was unaware of any debates about it. We use it and it is a great overview of chemistry, biology and physics. We also put other books with it and do not make this our only science study, but for now we are really enjoying it. I have not seen anything mentioned that would not make it secular. I would be interested in hearing the argument.

  11. That is so neat how you have them in frames. Mine are taped on the refrigerator along with our latin and greek words. Then I have one large world map in their bedroom by the bed so they can look at it in the evening. I think as long as they are at eye level it does not matter where they are :)

  12. You may check with a local mosque or Arabic church to see if they give lessons. Our kids attend lessons on sunday afternoons with native speaking Arabic children which helps a lot.

    My husband is from Morocco so we are learning the Moroccan dialect, but we use Rosetta Stone Arabic which is a more classical universal Arabic as well. It gets confusing sometimes, but when we are in Morocco we all resort to the local dialect easily.

    I had a private teacher who went through the curriculum (he is a retired teacher from Syria) that he designed. I learned to read and write (Well, I learned then). Now I am working on the actual language.

    Arabic is not hard once you have a knowledge of the characters and sounds. Then it is just a matter of memorization and using the language.

    I would like to find an easy to use program that my husband could use to teach the kids on a regular basis.

  13. I have this same struggle but I have found that if I do a sort of block scheduling that things are much easier. I suppose it needs less time for planning and switching subjects with the kids having to change their train of thought. We do math everyday because they do it at lunch with their dad. But I will take a day for Latin, History or Science. Sometimes we will focus on one subject for a week. This allows us to concentrate on something and get a lot accomplished. Meanwhile it frees up some ME time for mom. I do not have to plan out the entire week of all subjects daily... I have a little more time to focus on the kitchen and myself.

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