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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I'm just know feeling brave enough to take all the kids to the beach by myself. I'm thinking about whether I should get one of those beach tent thingies. Any other great ideas? Containment for the baby would be a bonus. Thanks. Jo
  2. I have seen a few students interviewed from Union. Wow. They were so level headed and calm. I'm sure they weren't so calm during the tornado, but they were so composed during the interviews. They seem like a close knit school. I'm so glad your dd is okay. Jo
  3. Janna, I have a drawer full of nursing bras I've rarely used (even though I've been through the nursing cycle 6 times!). I prefer a sports bra. The tank style that I can simply lift, nurse, pull down, and go on my way. The one exception is the nursing tank I got from Target last year. It was a "Lange" design. I still feel uncoordinated with the hooks and flaps, but it was stylish and I could wear it with multiple outfits. Jo
  4. "- I can't remember if it was needleroozer or battlemaiden who has the audacity to think cloned cows are OK....... ;-) " whoa nelly. Wasn't me, wasn't me. I have no idea what you're talking about. But I agree that the negative reps should come with explanation- if they must be used at all. Jo
  5. I think I'm taking the plunge and buying BJ Science 5 for my two sons (9 and 11). What so I need to get two of? The Student Activity manual? I have looked everywhere trying to see a sample, but even their own website only shows the texts. Thanks. Jo
  6. They seem really long to me. By the time the kids get to the "exercises" they are falling over and heaving sighs. They like them on the whole. I'm also wondering if you do a one whole lesson every day. It isn't a particularly large amount of work in the children's exercises book, but with the long video lesson it is taking such a large chunk of the morning. Thanks. Jo
  7. People who have them don't freak me out. I was an honorary member of the Jamaican Student Union in college. I've hung out with Stephen Marley and his road crew...long story. ;) However, I have an adverse suspicion of the uber cool youth who dreadlock for the sake of fashion. And, yes, I admit I sometimes find them nasty. But only when the dreadlocks are accompanied by a general unkept/uncleaned person underneath. I find this is the case more often than not. I have seen people who manage to make them look distinguished (what is that poet's name?), and I've seen women who just "look right" in dread locks. Only you can know if you are one of those. Sorry for the ambiguity. :rolleyes: Jo
  8. You must be a bundle of emotion. I'm so thankful your family is okay, but you must still be running on adrenaline (as I'm sure they are too). May God's blessing *continue* to be upon them! Jo
  9. I'm due with baby #7 sometime around late August or early Sept. I'm sure these dates will be revised somewhat. Jo
  10. Although I don't particularly enjoy the defrosting process, it was fairly painless. The defrosting frequency depended on where we were living (heat and humidity) and how often it was opened. We usually did it once a year in the summer when the contents were low and the defrosting would take place quickly. There have been an occassional double defrost year. I agree about less freezer burn. But I also remember hearing they are more energy effecient because the frost keeps the temp cool consistently and there is less need for recooling. I really don't have any urge to switch to the frost-free. But perhaps I don't know what I'm missing. Jo
  11. I grew up in Hawaii being hammered that the plural of mongoose is in fact mongoose. Simply mongoose. It was often a trivia question my family would ask our visitors. I remember being taught that in school as well. But after reading these posts I googled and I'm surprised to find the accepted plural forms of mongoose are mongooses or lesser used mongeese. I'm having a corrective moment. :o As for having them in the house? Not yet. Although they are harmless I still find them a little creepy- a little more rat like than squirrel like. :rolleyes: I've been on the look for centipedes, but none yet here in Kaneohe. I was just thinking today that I need to brush up on my treatment techniques for centipede and scorpion bites. Ants on the other hand....if we want to talk about the need to sweep, wipe, and scrub after EVERY meal...I have much to say about that. ;) Jo I'll keep my eyes out for the jersey plates in the ditch.
  12. The coffee was there first. :o I had a lovely table all to myself where I was going to sort through the 3,000 pieces of forwarded mail and change all my addresses today. I had a plan. The kids circled in on me like vultures. They had questions. Understandable. But *I* was there first [stamping foot]. :o It's a small little cottage. She (the 3yo) would have found a way to cause mischief regardless.... Grrrrrr. She is still in her room. jo
  13. All my books are packed up in storage. I guess I need a trip to the library to get The Spirited Child again. I believe reading that book helped. Jo
  14. :mad: Ruining two Math U See student texts, a writing pad, and soaking our utensil caddy (a scrapbooking caddy turned into our pencil, ruler, pen, scissor, index card, etc. holder). Same child that ruined our Latina Christina CD. Same child that we refer to as "spirited". Same child that has had me fantasize about a padded room addition to the house. Same child that I have tried every form of behavioral training known to man on. Same child that has given me most of my gray hairs. She is naughty. Naughty, naughty, naughty. We can call it "inquisitive", we can say she will one day be blessed by her "determination", but right now I'm at my wits end. She takes up SO MUCH ENERGY. And not just from me, from all her siblings too. How can one child be so much harder!!!! She is number 5. I've done this before. I know I can succeed in training up well behaived children.
  15. I wonder what I would have thought if I had seen it live? Thanks for the link. That was super. Jo
  16. I was really just hoping the Patriots would lose. I know, I know. I'm awful. It's a horrible thing to simply cheer for a team to lose. But this may be the first time I've had any strong feelings for or against any NFL team. I think the NY Giants played their hearts out. It's good to be the underdog. Jo
  17. You're not impressed are you? I lead such a sheltered life. I was hoping someone would find this cool.;) Jo
  18. :D Actually there are three babies that play Claire's baby. I only held one. The father is a Navy buddy of my dh. The "baby" isn't really a baby anymore. She is walking. They actually went through birth announcements in the paper looking for people to contact. They needed a blond haired, blue eyed baby, which is harder to find in Hawaii than you may know. This is as close as I get to meeting someone famous. Pathetic, huh? :rolleyes: Actually I currently live where they film Lost. When does next season begin filming? Jo
  19. I was just thinking how I liked Tom Petty. He was good. Not wild, not theatrical, not flashy to be sure, but he is authentic in his sound. I hate flashy stage shows. I think it hides the music (which some "artists" need). I knew the songs. I sang along. I smiled. Maybe that is the true sign that I'm getting old. I don't need to be wowed. I just want to hear the words and appreciate the music. :o Jo
  20. He definitely isn't allergic! He is just somewhat miserable in his tummy. I just started him on Culturelle powder (dissolved in juice- NOT in pill form :rolleyes:) Keflex IS potent. That is what I was wondering. If I should discontinue and ask the MD to perhaps give him something a little "gentler" on Monday. Perhaps I'll just get it in suspension form and deal with just one bad side effect and skip the emotion and drama with having to swallow a pill. Jo
  21. I fully understand that no medical information I receive on this board will take the place of the advice of a physician. :) I am simply interested in your opinions. Jo
  22. I think the thought of taking the pills at all is making my son anxious enough to become nauseous. Honestly- He. Is. Driving. Me. Crazy! This pill taking is so dramatic. Grrrr. Just swallow the darn pill already. [can you feel the compassion flowing from me?] But the diarrhea is very real, and he did throw up in a parking lot today. I can't reach the doctor until tomorrow and he has only had the Keflex in his system for two days. This was given for a weird infected cuticle that turned into an upper thigh infection. The leg is nearly normal now. I'm sure he will need to finish a course of antibiotics. What do you think about skipping the rest of today and calling to get a new medicine tomorrow? Jo
  23. It will only take a minute. I am not a patient person. I don't think I have what it takes to do "this". "This" would be the every-waking-moment-of-the-day-availability. The constant talking, asking, needing, wanting.... I have been a single-parent-in-practice for this past month or so. And by the time my dh gets home it is to kiss the fed, bathed, brushed, and pajamed children that I have battled since daybreak. Okay, it's not a constant battle. It's a cumulative effect. I am toast. Toast. Toast. Toast. Now my dh is getting ready to go to sea for a few weeks. Not really a long time, but still... It's time to buck up. Remind me how to do it, please? (This is where you remind me how I got my board name) :o Disclaimer: My dh is awesome. I love him dearly. He is a devoted, giving husband. He is an incredible Dad. He won't have these hours forever. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. Thanks for letting me get on the Hive Shrink Couch for a while. Whew. I think I feel better already. Jo
  24. My son has to take 4 pills a day for 10 days. Today was a difficult first day. He hasn't had to take pills before and the doctor and I agreed that 11yo is a good time to start. Other than, "put the pill at the back of your tongue and wash it back witht he water", what can I say? Thanks. Jo By the way- it's Keflex in capsule form, about the same as a tylenol capsule.
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