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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. I suppose I'm really unfashionable... because I wear socks in my crocs. ;)


    Can't help it - I hate. being. bare. feet.


    ...but I love crocs! They're pretty much the only shoes I can wear that don't hurt my feet within minutes.





    And when I do wear my sneakers I wear socks. I wear them with jeans too.


    I never have been to up to date on fashion. I tried more when I was in high school and some in college. Now comfort rules. Call me a dork.

  2. Ds is the same way. Bite, swelling and very hot to touch. Been to the dr. several times over it too. Now as soon as I notice a bite starting to swell I give him benadryal. Several doses later he is better.


    I don't like using the chemicals but don't like the other either. So he gets sprayed down everytime he goes out, especially early morning and late afternoon (middle of day he is pretty good unless mowing).


    We use OFF Active (sweat resistant) and then just the regular CUTTER.


    You may now this so please don't be offended. It took me a little while to remember this. It is a good idea to keep a spare can in the car so if you are out and run into mosquitoes. We were out with friends and stopped near the lake to let the kids explore and pick up cool rocks. Ds and I ended up in the car waiting. There wasn't alot of mosquitoes but what was there was just swarming ds.

  3. My husband doesn't know my weight. Even when I was pregnant, and at an OB appt, the nurse deliberately blocked his view of the scale.


    I won't even give him a 'range'. :D



    Same here


    When I renewed my driver's license last time they didn't ask about updating height or weight. I didn't stop them to volunteer the information either.


    :eek: Oh dear I forgot......gotta renew my license sometime in the next few days and I know they are gonna ask. They should have a slot that says "Alot and that's all you need to know"

  4. You forgot "other"!!!! I always hit the coffee pot first - to get it brewing, then browse the internet while it's chugging away. Then I get my first cup and finish browsing.



    This is what I do too.


    Bad mom warning: while I am doing my wake up/coffee/internet thing my kiddos are laying around the living room watching sports center and stuff on tv drinking juice or milk waking up. Once we are awake then we get started with the day.


    Saying that I vote for internet. Just cause I can do without coffee but use the internet for all kinds of stuff. Not just reading forums (and if I really get to needing coffee I can run to the corner store for a cup ;))

  5. I see nothing at all wrong with your dd. People need to mind their own business.


    I have always been more tomboyish. Jeans and t-shirts are what I always felt comfy in. Makeup, some when I was in highschool, none now. Loved to go 4 wheeling and do other "guy things". I was always the girl that didn't mind getting dirty and messing up her hair. Life was to fun to sit around worrying about those things.


    Can I wear a dress and put on makeup? Yes.

    Do I feel I need to do that to make me complete? No Way!!


    My dad taught me to check the fluids in my car and the air in my tires and to pump gas. He taught me to build/put together things (book case, entertainment center etc). He taught me to mow the yard and how to wash clothes. Taught me how to cook a few things (my mom and step mom taught me to cook alot more) and to balance a checkbook. Taught me to plant a garden and feed the cows. He also took me shopping for a prom dress and for sneakers and my school clothes each year.

    He told me "You are a strong young lady, you can do whatever you want in life. I am teaching you these things because I don't want you to have to depend on no one. I want you to be able to take care of yourself cause I won't always be around."


    ETA: I just went back and reread my post. I did NOT mean a girlie girl depends on someone else. I was just having a sentimental moment thinking back to my childhood and then what my dad taught me. (he passed away several years ago and this time every year I think about him). So please girlie girls don't get mad at me.

  6. All y'all Colin Firth folks, have you seen "What a Girl Wants"? The leather pants :lol:



    Sixteen Candles

    Pretty Woman

    Dirty Dancing

    Breakfast Club


    Girls Just Want to Have Fun (SJ Parker)


    Forest Gump (run Forest run)

    Cutting Edge

    Hope Floats

    Sweet Home Alabama

    Wild Hogs

    Day After Tomorrow



    I am sure there are more but my brain isn't working right now. I love to sit down with a coke and :lurk5: and watch a movie.

  7. For the ground venison, I just brown as normal and use in dishes that have extra seasonings. (tacos, chili, spaghetti, etc.) I like deer, dh sometimes and kiddos like it if they don't know what it is :lol:


    Steaks are good to put in the crockpot, add a can of cream of mushroom soup and 1/2 can water and cook until done. Have done this in the oven too. Just cover and bake the same way.

  8. I hate summer. I explain to people, who question my hatred, that if you are cold, you can put on a sweater or curl up under a blanket....in other words, COZY! You cannot get away from summer heat and humidity, unless you sit in A/C, which is also not my favorite thing.


    I hate the way I look in the summer. I look hot, and not in a good way :D.




    Ah, yes, you mean the "bra is soaking wet, hair is in a messy ponytail and still sweaty, no point in wearing makeup" kind of hot. I'm well-acquainted with that look!


    Yep know that look very well



    I don't care for the hot humid days at all. When I was in my teens and very skinny I couldn't understand why my dad would say 60 - 70 year round would be great. Oh no I wanted hot so I could lay out and swim. Now I am a lot older and a whole lot heavier I totally understand. :tongue_smilie:

  9. Ds1 started wearing at about 11.5. He and his younger brother were wrestling in the floor and younger brother yelled "oooh you ssttinnkk!!!!"


    So like a good (or crazy) mom I told ds1 to come let me check/sniff. Ds2 said "you don't want to do that" Man was he right :ack2::ack2: Ds2 laughed and said "I told you not to do that" :lol:


    I sent ds to take a shower and really scrub. Then went and found a new container of deodrant for him.

  10. let me nap on the couch yesterday while he kept an eye on the kiddos and grilled supper


    grilled enough yesterday that we have enough for another meal


    doesn't hound me about the extra weight I am carrying around


    doesn't complain about the messy house -- in fact rarely notices


    likes spending time with his children and helping with their sports


    likes to get out and do things as a family. We may not have money to much but he will help pack a cooler and we will head out for the day.


    wants me to stay home and raise our dc

  11. If you saw my house (and life) right now you would wonder why I am replying. But I found something that helps me feel better and actually get stuff done.


    Like the others said a list helps. I started making general list either at night before bed for the next day, or the next morning 1st thing.


    Some days my lists are general lists ;) --- laundry, supper, living room, errands etc.


    Other days my lists are so detaliled that if anyone saw them they would think I was crazy. :willy_nilly::blink: start coffee maker, clothes in washer, breakfast, breakfast dishes, clothes from washer to dryer, towels into washer, vacuum living room, dust living room, fold clothes from dryer, put clothes away, move towels to dyer, make tea etc.


    And if I do something that isn't on the list...oh yeah I write it down then mark it off. :D


    It just helps me keep up with what I need to do and it really does motivate me when I sit down and see all that stuff maked off.


    YOU CAN DO IT !! YES YOU CAN!! :hurray: Just don't be to hard on yourself. :grouphug:

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