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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. A - anchor

    B - baseball

    D - diamond

    E - eggplant, Ellis Island

    F - friends, flag

    H - helmet, helicopter

    I - igloo

    J - jeep

    K - kleenex

    L - legos, laptop

    M - mitt

    N - New York

    O - oysters, ocean

    P - popcorn, papaya, pogo stick, present

    Q - Quiznos

    R - rhubarb, roses, railroad

    S - scooter, stocking,

    T - Tennessee, tractor, Texas

    U - underwear, united states, umpire

    V - volkswagen

    W - Wii, watermelon

    X - xylophone

    Y - yacht

    Z - Zimbabwe

  2. Yes....said as I take a drink of my Mt. Dew. :lol:


    I go though spells where I will only drink water then all a sudden I switch to all Cokes (as they are all called around here). Coke, coke zero, mt.dew, diet mt. dew are my favorites. The one I cannot stand is Dr. Pepper of any kind.

  3. My 8yr old is allergic to mosquitoes, as in almost every bite welps up and gets really hot. 1 bite has been known to welp up to cover almost from his wrist to his elbow and be extremely hot. He has to go to the dr. and get an antibotic.


    So I spray him down with Off or Cutter before he goes out. I don't really like it but I also don't like having to give him Benadryl for days after.


    Also Benadryl has a spray that works good after you get bit. Helps stop the itching. Bandaid brand has a clear gel that comes in a tube and it is good for itch relief too.


    My mom just read something that said vinegar is good to put on after a bite to stop the itching. She just told me that today.


    I think I will try to up our vit. b and see if that helps.

  4. I have loved this thread :lol: :lol:


    We are the people whose outside Christmas lights stayed up for 2 years. :w00t: Yes 2 years. I mean just on the gutters, nothing major :001_rolleyes: When they started to droop down do you think dh took them down? Noooo, he to the broom and flipped the drooping part up into the gutter!!! :ohmy::blink:


    We are the people whose extra lot isn't mowed and there are tree limbs littering the lot.


    We are the people whose sidewalk cracks are full of grass. Well we use to be those people. Everyone else had clean sidewalks and ours was awful. The other day dc and I were doing yard work. We got out there and really worked on the sidewalk. Not totally clean but much better.


    Would say we are the people with all the stuff on the front porch. Oh well we are but the whole neighborhood it pretty much like that. Our porch is an extension of our living room if you ask me. We love our big porch and spend lots of time out there. Most of the houses in this neighborhood have big porches and they are used all the time.

  5. Don't do parties here either. Did one for 1st birthday's and oldest got one for his 4th (cause his brother's 1st birthday was coming and he was getting confused about party so we had a small one for ds1)


    They have vaguely mentioned parties a couple times, but it worked out those times were the same time they wanted something bigger present wise. I told them they had to chose the bigger present they wanted or a party. They chose the present.


    They also get to pick a place to go out to eat for their birthday.

  6. I am like this too.


    The "social mom time" is suppose to be an "outlet" so us mom's can socialize and recharge (and get in a little planning). I always leave these events feeling more drained and tense than when I got there. :ack2:


    I am perfectly happy here at home. My children enjoy being with others but also are happy to stay home. There has been plenty of times that we are suppose to go to an event with our hs group and I have to almost drag my kids there. (we only go cause I had signed them, up thinking they would enjoy it, and I was in charge of bringing something)


    Give me a book and I am happy. :D

    Agreeing with the others, these boards are a great thing.

  7. Appliances -- varies, sometimes I go a long time and others not so long. Mostly depends on the cleaning I am doing and the mood I am in.


    Walls -- try to wipe around the light switches often. Rest of the walls not so much. I do run the vacuum over the walls (using flat attachment) several times a year to get the dust.


    Windows -- inside -- when I notice they need it. Outside -- let's just say the rain generally washes them.:blushing: Would I like them done more...yes. Does dh want to climb the ladder and take them down...no.

    I am thinking of getting some of that stuff you use with the hose and trying that. Wish we could get some of those new windows.


    Purging -- not often enough. But I feel a spree coming on. I am so tired of the junk around here.

  8. I know what you are talking about. :angry:


    I know this could change as my sons get older but right now they are both really good about watching out for littles. I remind them before we go places not to take all the candy, eggs, etc. and to watch out for littles. At parades they will get candy and hand it to little ones standing around.


    Sorry y'all had a rough day.

  9. Right now we live in an old house that has 2 full baths. One bathroom has a claw foot tub (no shower). It is a fairly small bathroom. Tub works fine but we just are not bath people. It was great when my kiddos were small. They could "swim" before I gave them a bath. This bathroom is mainly used for toilet and brushing teeth.


    The other bathroom is extremely small. I have seen closets bigger than this bathroom, no joke. It has the tub/shower combo. I would LOVE to rip everything out and put in just a shower unit - length of the tub not the little square ones- and new pedatal sink and new toilet (old house = old stuff right now) new flooring while I am dreaming too.

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