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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. Sold 3 school books  :hurray:  

    Wish I could sell the rest.  I am think I am selling them cheap enough but so far no other interests.


    Really the only spending this week was a few sale items we needed at grocery.  Oh and vehicle tags needed to renewed.  Rest of week I spent cleaning out house. We have to much junk we don't need. 

    • Like 2
  2. Oh. I fixed my washer last night. All day, I had tried to get it to run, but it wouldn't engage. I googled the heck out of it. The closest I could find was the locking switch and/or the actuator needed to be replaced. 

    I checked out the locking switch. It was caked in detergent powder. I gave it a good cleaning and bam. Fully functional washer. Hallelujah amen. 


    :hurray:  :hurray:

  3. Pasta salad


    BBQ -- I make in crock pot then put in meal portions in freezer.  Only takes a few minutes to heat in microwave


    Fried rice -- but I make a ton one day and they eat on it for a few days "baked" in microwave -- or a bunch done in crockpot


    Mac & cheese -- with or without hotdogs


    Quesadillas -- any little bit of meat with cheese on a tortilla and heated in a pan 


    Quiet a few times I just make a bunch of their favorite foods (fried rice, pasta salad, mac & cheese, beans & cornbread, baked potatoes etc. ) and let them reheat in microwave

    • Like 1
  4. Funny...my mom and I were just discussing this today. In our area, you only do one gift, which is typically given at the shower. If you've already given a shower gift, then you don't also give a wedding gift. I do live in a more rural, less financially well off state, so I'm sure this is why.

    I was typing my response when you posted. 

    And same with more rural less finances.

    • Like 1
  5. Wow I must be really dumb. I didn't there was a difference in shower and wedding gifts.  Of course I didn't even do a registry when I got married. 


    A friend gave me a shower and no one gave us a gift at the wedding.   I do remember seeing some gifts at my brother's reception but just thought it was out of town family & friends brought a gift. 


    Thank y'all for teaching me.

    • Like 1
  6. Annie -- so glad your dh is doing well  


    Tub of ice cream -- didn't need but we were really wanting ice cream

    Birthday presents for 2 nephews

    2 - $5 movies for dss. Just as cheap to buy as to rent

    Shampoo & deodorant -- much needed on these super hot days

    Milk, bread and a couple other grocery items


    It has been so HOT this week.  I have tried to stay home as much as possible.


    • Like 3
  7. hjffkj -- awesome deal on the sectional :hurray:


    Another spendy week :thumbdown:  

    More under for guys but kind they like was on clearance

    Shoes for me -- on sale 

    Father's day stuff for my stepdad -- cards, 6pk of his favorite beer and container of snack mix

    New phones - cheap corded land line & cheap cell

    Some groceries

    Milkshakes twice -- ds had oral surgery

    Special soft foods  

    Popcorn at the ball game (for me)





    • Like 2
  8. Tomato sandwiches made with tomatoes that are still warm from the sun. :)


    :thumbup:  :drool5:  Love tomato sandwiches


    You people with your fancy meals!


    My favorite go-to summer "meal" is chopped watermelon. Chop that whole thing up, stick it in the center of the table, eat it family style.


    Lunch is served.  Don't like it, don't come back; it's on the menu all week :lol:.


    :lol:   Love it

  9. Itsheresomewhere -- :hurray: new washer and dryer

    Jane -- Yay for fun


    Kubiac -- way to go learning to give haircuts


    Annie -- guys :001_rolleyes:


    Knox -- way to go on no spending


    SKL -- awesome donating the food


    Quill -- Yay on new clothes for ds


    I spent money but it was for things like

    new underwear for dh & dss.  They were in bad need of some.

    A pair of shorts for me. 

    A night out with friends for me (an old friend was in town and several old friends got together at a restaurant) 

    Birthday gift for ds friend

    Coke and popcorn at the ball game :lurk5: I love popcorn and a coke

    And a few groceries.





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  10. Gotta have ice :thumbup:


    I voted ice maker and trays.  We had an ice maker and I loved it.  The fridge is trying to go out (not ice maker).  Ice maker works great but when the fridge starts acting up the ice starts melting.  Decided to turn ice maker off and just use trays that I empty into a bucket.  That way if it does start melting it isn't a mess everywhere. 


  11. I use my 2 biggest skillets and cook at the same time.  The 1st batches seem to take long to cook but then the next batches seem to cook quickly. 
    I have a strainer sitting in a bowl and when the beef is done I dump into the strainer and start some more meat cooking. Before dumping the next batch in the strainer I take the 1st batch and dump in another bowl.  Kinda like an assembly line.


    I have a friend that boils hers.  I keep saying I am going to try her method.

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  12. I'm Asian, so that's not happening. I'd rather sweat than starve! :coolgleamA:


    But it's not an odor I'm struggling with, it is the visible sweating.


    And even that is culturally acceptable where I'm from, which is definitely not the case here in the U.S.



    Just Tryin' to Fit In


    I know there are a lot of people that don't sweat or at least they look like they just stepped out of a air conditioned fashion magazine.  I am NOT one of those people.  Sweat is always visible on me.  I walk around the ball park all sweaty. 

  13. It does feel like a trap!


    I'll never forget my brother saying "what are you doing Saturday night?" And then when I said "nothing" he said "oh good you can babysit". Lesson.learned.


    Now I say "why? What's up?"


    If I'm doing the asking I say "we'd like to have you over for dinner. Does Saturday work?


    Like you I have learned to say "why? What's up?" before answering.  I have a couple people in my life that when they call they want me or ds to do something for them. 

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