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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. Depends on the chiropractor.  There are some good ones and some quacks.


    We found a good one.  He was independent and a "local" boy.  He ran an ad telling the things he could help and a special 1st time visit deal.  He said he could help with allergies. 


    I admit I was skeptical but ds was having horrible time with allergies.  He was on a ton of meds and still felt bad.  Decided I would try it.  Ds and I decided to try it. 


    Ds took a couple visits but he started getting relief.  After several visits most meds stopped.  After a month or so ALL meds stopped and he felt great (and this was during his worst season of allergies).


    After my 1st visit I could put my foot down and not have shooting pain.  I had a heal spur and was in such pain I would nearly cry when I had to stand.  My dr had told me "just take Advil and walk".    I mentioned I was hurting to chiro and he said Ok  did some adjustment and I could walk.  Yes later that day I had some pain but not like before.  And after a few visits no pain. 


    Chiron personally called that night after our 1st visit to make sure we were not hurting or having any problems.  He was a very caring man and really listened (and helped us tremendously)


    We went a couple times a week for a few weeks, then went down to once a week, then once a month.  I wish we could have kept up the visits but job loss = no money.   Then chiro ended up moving. 

    • Like 1
  2. Desert Strawberry -- Good news!


    Nothing exciting.  Brother was in town.  Spent a lot of time over at mom's visiting with him.  Mama fed us all too. 

    Took a picnic and went fishing.  Just cost gas to get there.  Made ds2 happy.

    Quick trip to grocery for milk and bread and peanut butter.


    Really trying to stay home as much as possible or at least do things that don't cost.

    • Like 4
  3. :seeya:  :seeya:


    Breakfast was a cup of coffee.  Not sure if the dc ate or not. 


    Agenda school (still trying to get in the groove of things), laundry and hopefully some decluttering


    Supper will be something simple, sandwiches or hot dogs.  I am lazy today but also on a quest to eat food before goes bad.  Have a pack of open hot dogs and pack of open sandwich meat that need to be used.



  4. I was 40 or 41.  Besides the girl helping the oral surgeon making me feel like I was older dirt everything went fine. 

    I had all 4 out.  No pain & up doing stuff the next day.  Could have done stuff that afternoon but dh thought I was going to be in pain and knocked out so he was doing everything (cooking, laundry etc.) so I sat around watching TV ;)


    Dh had his out (just 2) and had quiet a bit of pain.  But his pain tolerance level is super low.


    Ds18 had all 4 of his out not to long ago.  No problems and no real pain.

  5. Low spending week here. 


    Quick trip to the grocery but otherwise mostly stayed home.  Brother came home for a visit so went to mom's to visit with him.  Mom asked me to bring tea, which I already had on hand.   I didn't even have to cook much.  Between ds recovering from wisdom teeth and having plenty of leftovers and then eating at mom's.

    • Like 1
  6. We have mostly always made ours.  When they were little bitty they had some store bought costumes passed to them but mostly we make.  A few things they have been



    Old man -- super cute -- goodwill sports coat, clip on tie, glasses with lens popped out, fedora, cane

    Fonzie -- from Happy Days -- jeans rolled up, white t-shirt, leather jacket, hair slicked back

    Davy Crockett

    Daniel Boone

    Teddy Roosevelt

    Andrew Jackson

    CSI agent -- black vest & black ball cap with CSI letters printed out and attached to both

    Duck Dynasty guys

    Edmond and Peter (Lion, Witch and Wardrobe)


    I can't really sew.  I can add a few embellishments but sewing a whole costume, No Way.




    • Like 1
  7. Hey everybody :seeya:


    We started today.  Not prepared, family had been in all weekend (house a mess), and not a full day BUT it was a start :thumbup:


    Lunch - we have always taken dc out to lunch for 1st day of school.  Ds chose tacos.  Glad he picked that place (I had a gift card for it :thumbup1: )

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks, ladies!  I should have thought about those measurements.  The mens department is sort of foreign, as is this whole rapid-growth thing.  (His twin brother sometimes squeezes into kids medium shirts that he's had for years - he's headed to an endocrinologist for a growth eval.)  Is it weird that a deep voice says "mommy?! mommy!!!"


    When ds voice got deeper he was in the living room talking to his brother.  I came running in to see what "man" was at the house.


    On the same note ds sounds a lot like his dad.  When MIL called one time she thought it was dh she was talking to.  Kept asking questions finally ds said "uh Granny you do know this is _______?". She said "No, well let me talk to your dad".

    • Like 1
  9. Quill -- Yay for new camera!!


    Spending this week:

    Small bottle of apple juice

    1/2 price fan


    Ds had his wisdom teeth out this week.  I had to go get his meds.  While at Walgreens waiting on meds, I picked up some apple juice for him to drink on way home (he was asking for some) and also a clearance fan.  I have been wanting one for the bathroom but it needed to be a certain size and I just didn't have the money.  Walgreens had one like I had been wanting for 1/2 price.  Decided I would splurge and get it.  The bathroom is so hot and it would help with the humidity.


    I did take a pork loin from the freezer and cooked 1/2 of it for supper one night to go with veggies.  Then cooked the other 1/2 using another recipe.  Sliced it really thin to use as lunch/sandwich meat. 





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  10. Both dss collect knives.  They take care of them and have a place for keeping them. 


    They started with pocket knives and now also have some bigger knives (ones that hook on the belt), a sword each and a tomahawk.  I am fine as they are older.


    The only time I have said "no" when purchasing a knife is when it is just a cheapo and they are just wanting to buy to have more. 


    I think it is cool that your ds is buying them from places he has been.  A souvenir from the places



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  11. With the a/c running all the time sounds like it needs a repair. 



    -- keep curtains closed especially when the sun is shining straight in

    -- make sure the a/c isn't blowing up behind curtains -- I use vent deflector to make sure air is blowing out to room not up

    -- put a box fan in front of the a/c vents - will carry the air cooler

    -- check around window frames, if feel air do a thin strip of caulk

    -- use oven less, do more cooking on stove top or crockpot



    -- open curtains on sunny days

    -- hang heavy blankets or quilts over windows that seem to leak air more

    -- use the defectors - pushes heat out in the room 

    -- light a few candles, give the allusion of warmth

    -- use draft stoppers on window ledges



    -- use insulated curtains

    -- use draft stoppers at doors



  12. We have Save A Lot, WalMart and an expensive local owned place.   I like and mostly shop at Save A Lot.


    They have good sales.  Check the sale paper every week (it's online and have ads in the store).  


    Fresh vegetables look good.  Every once in a while stuff will look bad but I find that at any store.


    Meat always looks good.


    Their breakfast sausage has great flavor but LOTS more fat.  I still use it but mostly where I brown it like ground beef and add to fried potatoes or sausage casserole etc.  I just make sure to let it drain really good. 


    I like almost all their brands.  Most of our canned goods are their brands too.


    If they have an excess of something fixing to go out of date they will mark it down like 1/2 price.  I have gotten 2 liter drinks, cheese, real butter, chips etc. for super low prices. 

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