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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. Crazy for the caseworker to act like that.  Part of learning is consequences... didn't hang the towel you like, you use the flower towel.


    At that age one of mine might have been embarrassed, (probably not, like you said it is a surfer towel),  one wouldn't care at all.  Now that they are teens they sure wouldn't care. 


    They have one friend that still freaks out if you give him a cup (or anything) with a flower or pink or something on it.  The rest of their friends don't pay a bit of attention.   

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  2. Eat leftovers.  They don't have to be eaten as the same meal, create something new from them.  


    Keep an ice cream bucket in the freezer, have a bite or 2 of veggies leftover, drain and dump in the bucket.  Can add meat too or keep a separate butter bowl for that.  I usually keep broth from roasts etc. too.  When buckets get quiet a bit in them, make soup.  May have to add a few extra ingredients but it makes a pretty cheap meal that tastes good.


    Try to recreate meals at home -- you might decide you like what you make better than what you get at the restaurant


    Don't be afraid to change a recipe to use what you have instead of running to store to buy that ingredient=


    Keep several lists -- grocery list of stuff you NEED and one of things you use a lot of so when they go on sale,  list of things you are on the look out for (furniture, certain books, craft supplies etc.).   Things you want to save for (mortgage, vacation, furniture etc. )


    Library for books & movies -- most libraries have the online one where you can borrow books on kindle etc.


    Repair clothes.  Even if they don't look good enough for out in public they could still be used for hanging out at the house or doing yard work.  Iron on patches are cheap.


    Turn the heat down (or a/c) up a degree or 2. 


    Stay home -- don't think of it as punishment, think of it as relaxing and avoiding the crazy people :thumbup1:



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  3. Tracfone -- look on the box of the phone you buy and make sure it says "double minutes for life" (or triple minutes).  That way any phone card you buy will double the minutes.


    Most cards are good for 90 days but if you run out of minutes before you can purchase more.


    If you are buying minutes online make sure to check online for coupon codes.  Sometimes there will be a code.  Buy a certain number minute card and get free minutes.


    Ds has a tracfone flip phone I got for $5.  Normally $10 but was on sale.  He has been using the cheap phones for years. 

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  4. Kate -- I am horrible with meal planning.  If I ever sit down and write out what we are going to have each day something happens or I just don't want that food that day.  Instead I have made a list of foods I have on hand then using that list I made a list of meals I could make from those foods.  Now I have a list of meals I can look at each day and decide what sounds good or what works for our schedule that day.  Not the best but has helped me with food waste and getting meals on table better.

  5. I am joining too.


    So far this year money spent has been on bills,  vehicle gas, groceries and a few toiletry items.  Most of the grocery and toiletry items I used my Christmas gift cards for.  I did put back a couple small "want" items and get ds a shirt he really wanted.  He doesn't ask for much.



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  6. I have been sitting here laughing reading these.


    Dh is the sleep talker.  One night I was laying in bed reading and he was sleeping.  All a sudden he says "the monkeys!".  I said "what monkeys".  He said "they are in the tree"   Then rolled over and started snoring.   :lol:



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  7. My mom does a great job picking out dc clothes.  She always has.  They are teens and still like what she picks out BUT she thinks about what they like and the colors they like and then buys stuff.  And tells them "if you don't like it or it doesn't fit we can return it.". :thumbup:


    Step MIL  - OMGoodness she is something else.  When ds was a toddler she bought HIM a girl outfit.  Yep and kept saying how cute it was.  I helped ds open the gift.  Saw it and closed the box.  I just said "thank you"  but didn't show dh until we were back home.  Dh mouth filter doesn't always work ;)   Got home and showed him.  He said "WTH is she thinking?".  I said "that it was a cute outfit" :001_rolleyes:  Dh said "for a GIRL".  At least it was where we could take it back no problems.

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