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Everything posted by Xuzi

  1. I could do Portland, deffinitely. Salem would depend on the date.
  2. There have been many message boards that have looked interesting to me, so I registered, then got a better "feel" for it after registering and lurking for a bit, and I never went back. I'm sure that's what many of those zero-post users are.
  3. Yup, and my DH only partakes of ONE type of TeA, thankyouverymuch. He doesn't "get" those guys who like to keep a variety in their house. (or separate houses) We ebb and flow as well. Currently we're on an "ebb". 3 kids 6 and under makes TeA time hard to find. Sometimes you've just barely gotten the pot up to boiling, and then one of the littles starts to cry because they're having a nightmare, or something.
  4. OH NO!!!! So that's why my sister posted "Bless you" in response to my putting "Kerfluffle" as my Facebook status! I am so embarassed now!
  5. I took it to mean that a "tsunami wave" of "compromise" has the potential to destroy the church. Just absolutely vile. :(
  6. Oh my goodness, I have tears in my eyes now because of the "newt" tag. :lol: :lol:
  7. This is where I'm at. I didn't see much at all in the first book that I would have to edit out or modify, although I would still have to suppliment it. If I hadn't already found something to use for our religious studies next year I'd have probably purchased it already.
  8. I would be okay with a conference that was all just speakers, or speakers that came with samples of their curriculum to flip through, and then order-forms for us to fill out (don't know if that'll make it cheaper to bring in vendors or not). I'd be willing to buy on-the-spot, but I'd also be willing to just come and listen and gawk.
  9. See now, I've heard this argument before, but wouldn't that make God a deciever? "Tricking" us into thinking the world is older than it is? What would be the purpose of that? <-- rhetorical questions there.
  10. Means absolutely nothing to me what age a Christian believes the earth to be. I'm a theistic evolotionist (is that the right word??). I think the theory of evolution is a possible theory for "How God Did It". We probably will never know for sure, this side of Heaven, HOW God created the universe, our world, us, etc. and IMO, it's not necessary for our Salvation to know for sure. What we DO need to know is that He sent His Son, that He died for us, and that all of us can recieve forgiveness if we believe on His Name.
  11. I would come if the focus were on HOMESCHOOLING and not on "being a good Christian". I'm Christian, but not the "right kind" for many, so I doubt I'd get much from a *heavily* Christian-focused conference, but if the speakers were Christians who wish to encourage achedemics (like SWB) then I'd be there in a heartbeat. :)
  12. Maybe if they'd cast him as Captain Cook... I always pictured Mr. Popper as looking more like William H. Macy.
  13. Yesturday there was a link on KH's facebook page to the full-text of SWB's review of Peter Enns' book. It's not there any more.
  14. Ever since I missed the announcement that they were going to rebuild the Nauvoo Temple, I've tried *never* to miss a session. It makes me jittery if I do, especially in this instant-media age where there are sure to be "spoilers" up on Twitter or Facebook almost instantly. :lol: (and along those lines, wasn't Pres. Uctdorf's comment about people texting that he'd spoken for 10 minutes without mentioning airplanes a hoot?? :lol: ) And yes, I do believe we're just talking amongst ourselves here. Maybe if Ken Ham spoke there'd be some other non-LDS people in here. :tongue_smilie:
  15. I don't know, I missed it too, but I love the captions on those pictures! (especially the "I HAVE done good in the world today!" one. :lol:
  16. Did any of you see this? :lol: http://www.ldsfriends.com/general-conference-posters/
  17. We watch Conference on our computer, but we move aside the office chair and lug our 5-person LoveSac infront of it, so we can all lounge together in semi-comfort. My DD thought the open space under the desk would be a great hide-out, so she grabbed a paper and crayon, wrote "Raia's HideOut" on it, then stuck it to the desk using produce stickers because she couldn't find the tape. :lol: (and I felt a bit of homeschooling-mommy-pride that she spelled it correctly. :p ) Her younger brother had to get in on the act, so he draped a blanket down off the top bunk of the bunk bed he shares with his sister, and had me write a "hide out" sign for him as well, which he taped up with duct tape. I'm thinking next General Conference might see us starting the "tents pitched towards the Temple" tradition. :lol:
  18. WHY do they want to own the homschooling movement?? :confused: That's what I don't get.
  19. Me too. Although my main reason for feeling worried about it is worry over what harm might be done to SWB and PHP if this thing really explodes. What if they get enough people to follow their "war cry" and PHP has to go out of business, or slow down their pace for putting out new curriculum? I use a lot of PHP curriculum in my homeschool, and love it, and I'd hate to see such a wonderful company driven out of the market, or have to cut back significantly.
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